Fraud with DL


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As a rule, swindlers ask for an advance payment of 50 to 100 percent of the value of the rights. their talent allows them to explain it as they please - that no one will do anything on debt, that they have to pay for every exam, etc. beware of these suggestions. in the best case, you will have a receipt in your hands, and it is not a fact that it will be for an existing person. and the very fact that a traffic police officer will write receipts to someone is doubtful.

The second variant of fraud is that the scammers do not ask for an advance payment, but when clarifying the details of obtaining the rights, it turns out that the MREO department requires documents from the driving school. and you are unobtrusively offered to do a driving school first, and then right. they take money from you from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles, leave you pieces of paper of dubious origin, and then they just start to ignore you. or just disappear! in fact, you did not pay for the license, but you were "thrown" to a driving school, which you do not need. and if necessary, then 99% will be left. and not only will you not see the rights, but you will also be forced to give explanations where and under what circumstances you acquired them for the disenfranchised:

Basically, traffic police officers themselves help you to return your driver's license, making mistakes when drawing up protocols on an administrative offense. if your driver's license was taken away after passing a medical examination for intoxication, then there are even more chances, because doctors make many mistakes in the act of medical examination.
therefore, before you buy a driver's license, you always have a chance to return it in a legal way and you should definitely use it. but just do not try to defend your rights in court on your own, saving on a lawyer or his professionalism, you will lose much more.

your rights can be returned only before the trial!
it is impossible to return your rights after the trial, even theoretically!
calculate how much you will have to pay to remove all the protocols, the court order from the office!
and the main thing is to remove you from the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
with this money you can buy a helicopter and just sit down and think - who! will it take?!?!
conclusion - if you are promised to return your rights, they just try to deceive you and throw you!