AI will tell you which photo will make you an online dating star


Reaction score
AI will help you make a photo that will catch on.

In the digital age, artificial intelligence is increasingly being introduced into the field of online dating, offering users new tools to increase the chances of successful communication and finding a partner. One of the latest innovations is an app that evaluates profile photos and tells you which picture will be most attractive on dating platforms.

With the increasing popularity of online dating, various companies have started using AI to improve security by identifying fraudulent accounts and fake profiles. In addition, there are services that can select partners based on face analysis, as well as applications that generate witty phrases for dating.

In this context, the question of choosing the perfect profile picture becomes particularly important, because it often becomes the determining factor before swiping to the left or right. There are a lot of tips on how to create an attractive photo on the web, but now AI has also joined in to solve this problem.
Cybernews specialists conducted an experiment with an application called, which is able to evaluate photos using AI trained on tens of thousands of images. analyzes what features make a photo successful on dating platforms, giving out a rating and comparing your picture with others.


This raises privacy concerns, as it is unclear whether uploaded photos are saved for further training of the model. The app's creators don't disclose what criteria the AI uses to evaluate images, raising concerns about biases and beauty standards.


Experience using the app has shown that a smile and clear facial visibility have a significant impact on the rating, while company photos and selfies are rated lower. The developers explain what is also important in the profile picture:
  • Images have good lighting and clear focus;
  • You smile and look at the camera;
  • The photo shows the entire body;
  • Bright background instead of dull walls;
  • The picture shows a demonstration of your hobbies and interests.


As a result, despite possible concerns, using AI to select a profile photo can be an interesting experiment, although it will not replace common sense when choosing the perfect image for online dating.