
Reaction score
"Filling" means we fill accounts/bank accounts with money people pay for fake ads on e.g. Ebay (form of fraud).

It's a german tutorial and i translate it for you into english.

This tutorial will show you the basics of ebay filling... of course you need:
▪️OFF (Opsec Fraud Firefox) (I send the file)
▪️SOCKS (VIP72 or luxsocks.ru best)
▪️Virtual Machine
▪️BD (BankDrop)
▪️Ebay Account (Either create or buy one)

For this tutorial i hope you have already setuped the requirements.

This tutorial only serves to create a basis for you to work with.
What you add in the end and make of it, you are responsible for yourself.

We are here to work and earn money, for this you have to bring initiative and willingness bring along.

Since we will be working with a Firefox Portable, I have a configured browser for you already finished.

(Of course I put my hand in the fire that this is not infected).

Ebay is a large corporation, which invests money and effort into its system and also has to take responsibility for mistakes.

Since we, as fraudsters, damage the reputation and business of Ebay, you should be aware of the fact that you should be aware that we will take countermeasures here.

▶️ In plain language: On Ebay, carelessness and mistakes are punished!

For example, within the unavoidable server statistics, such data are automatically stored which the browser of the individual user transmits (so-called server log files).

The following data is almost always collected and stored automatically (not only on eBay):
▪️Browser type/version
▪️Operating system used
▪️Referrer URL (URL of origin)
▪️Internet service provider of the user
▪️IP address of the accessing computer
▪️Websites visited (cookies)
▪️Date and time of the server request
▪️Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
▪️Access status/HTTP status code
▪️Amount of data transferred in each case

You can imagine that we don't like this for filling process, so we go here also once again explicitly the topic of security once again.

I recommend especially the Windows users of you to use a VPS.

Just type "VPS Bitcoin" into Google to find enough providers, otherwise search on some VPS vendors.

You need root access, i.e. administrator rights, to install your tools on the VPS.

The advantage of a VPS compared to using your own system (even a VM is on your own system) is obvious. Nothing can leak!

You tunnel your queries to a completely different device, which accepts your gestures and clicks and then and then processes them by itself. So there are no cookies from you, no DNS from your provider, no geodata from your mother, and no old forgotten Amazon shopping carts in the cache.

Additional bonus for the Ano-Sim users with dataflat from you, you have 1/100 of the Data consumption than if you fill directly without server!

Now some of you will make a long face and wonder how to connect to a VPS and what to look for.

This is not witchcraft, don't worry.

Your server credentials, no matter from whom, always consist of an IP address, a username and a password.

That's all you need to know and enter!

photo_2021-08-01_23-40-12 (2).jpg

Example Of VPS Credentials.

The best way to set up the server connection is in a VM on your laptop.

The general rule of basic security is about the only thing you really need to consider in this setup and that is to have the VPN running on your HOST before you go into the VM.

A simple Windows system is sufficient as VM OS. As always, Windows 7 / 10 is recommended.

You can also have a 2nd VPN running on the VM, especially if you don't trust your first Provider not 100% trust.

For VM only - Setup
If you don't want to afford a VPS despite the explicit recommendation, then you should nevertheless
at least a VM with Windows 7 and equip it additionally with these tools:

▪️MAC Changer Tmac ( https://download.technitium.com/tmac/TMACv6.0.7_Setup.zip )
▪️HWID Changer by Neos ( https://anonfiles.com/v7e5X195u1/HWID_Changer_By_Neos07_rar )
▪️CCleaner ( https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/download/standard )
▪️BleachBit ( https://www.bleachbit.org/download )

▶️ Additionally, it is very important to watch out for IPleaks, DNSLeaks, etc. with this setup.

So check them regularly, use 2 VPNs or proxychains and really pay attention depending on your browser settings to not allow geo-data and other games like Java and WebRTC allowed.

Sorry i added the download links and the Neos07 HWID changer was hard to find.


Run TMAC as Admin


Next > [I agree to above terms of agreement] Next > Next > Next > Finish


Start TMAC it will ask you to run as admin, agree and run.


The first one has the mac address of zeros, i guess that's the loopback. The second one is your real Ethernet. This one you need to change.

Click on "Random MAC Address" and then "Change Now!"


If you have this symbol (no internet) for more than 5 minutes, you misconfigured your virtual machine.

The internet icon changed after 1 minute in my vm which means it has been reconnected.


For HWID Changer you need .NET Framework 3.5.

It downloads for me and takes 10-20 depending on your computer speed and RAM you gave for VM.

If HWID Changer from NEOS does not work for you you can use without additional features this one:

Extract the ZIP file, run the tool as Admin and change it. (TOOL IS SELF EXPLAINED).


1️⃣ Click on GENERATE HWID
2️⃣ Click on CHANGE HWID

Notice : You have to reboot your VM.


Install > Decline (Google Chrome Installation) > Run CCleaner


Select all of them as well as from the 'Application' tab


I recommend you leave this unselected.


Click "Analyze" and then click "Run Cleaner".



Bleachbit ...

OK > Next > I accept.... Next > Next > Yes > Go again through it.


You can minimize and selected it for all selection in this category.


Don't delete everything on "SYSTEM".

For VPS and VM
Of course you also need a browser and socks for the server setup.

Furthermore, a CCleaner can never hurt and the paranoid among us, will also never throw old things in the trash, but always shred directly with the Bleachbit Shredder.

But the really important thing is of course the browser and the socks.

I have already prepared a browser for you and equipped it with all important settings.

So I can guarantee that this browser is perfect for filling.

But if you prefer to create your own portable browser, I can only recommend to install as few plugins as possible.
few plugins as possible, because they can read which ones you are using.

The standard plugins that everyone uses are perfectly fine.

Plugins for Firefox
▪️Adblock Plus / uBlock Origin (One of the two)
▪️HTTPS Everywhere
▪️Privacy Badger
▪️Canvas Fingerprint Blocker (Be careful with this or rather leave it out, it tends to trigger)
▪️Disconnect (A good tracking blocker, but therefore more of a trigger)

More information about fingerprinting can be found on following links:

So, since we want to solve as little as possible via plugins, we have to set our browser manually set up.

Settings of the Firefox Portable "about:config"
For the manual setting of Firefox, enter the term "about:config" into the search mask above and confirm with Enter

You will get a warning message, which you have to confirm, and then you are already in the manual menu of Mozilla Firefox.

Search in the search bar for the functions you want to change and to change them simply double click on them.
with a double click.

For VIP72 to work and WebRTC to be turned off, you change AT LEAST:
▪️media.peerconnection.enabled = false
▪️network.http.max-connections = 32
▪️network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy = 16

If you want to make sure that every WebRTC related feature is really disabled you have to change the following settings as well:
▪️media.peerconnection.turn.disable = true
▪️media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers = false
▪️media.peerconnection.video.enabled = false
▪️media.peerconnection.identity.timeout = 1

Now you can be 100% sure that WebRTC has been disabled.

By the way, WebRTC is a communication protocol based on JavaScript and can open the current IP address(es) behind a VPN.

In addition to the VIP72-configs I recommend for Ebay Filling:
▪️geo.enabled = false
▪️geo.wifi.uri = (empty)
▪️browser.search.geoip.timeout = 1
▪️dom.event.clipcoardevents.enabled = false
▪️extensions.pocket.enabled = false

For the sake of completeness, here are some interesting "about:config" settings explained:

▪️privacy.trackingprotection.enabled = true
▶️ This is Mozilla's new tracking protection.

▪️geo.enabled = false
▶️ Disables geolocation (e.g. tracking by IP).

▪️browser.safebrowsing.enabled = false
▶️ Disables Google's safe browsing and phishing protection. Security risk but increased Privacy.

▪️browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled = false
▶️ Disables Google's safe browsing and malware checking. Security risk but increased Privacy.

▪️dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled = false
▶️ Disables the feature that informs web pages when you copy or paste something and where on the web page you do it. you copy, paste, or cut something and where on the web page you do it.

▪️browser.cache.offline.enabled = false
▶️ Disables offline caching.

▪️browser.send_pings = false
▶️ The feature would be used to track the clicks of visitors to a website.

As a provider for socks here are recommended 2 sites. Vip72.org and luxsocks.ru.

Most use together with the browser, Proxifier + Vip72.

There is simply no better service currently, the price performance remains unbeaten.

One month of unlimited proxies is currently available for $40.

The principle remains the same for every provider.
You search in your proxy program for an IP, if you like also from the region of the Ebay account owner (state, city - 50km radius) and let eBay believe that you are the true account owner.

According to our experience a non-BL-IP is sufficient, but you are welcome to choose more individual socks.

If you want to use luxsocks, then it is a bit more expensive, because a sock here is paid per piece and
and costs at least 45-60 ct. And the activation fee is very high. Maybe a vendor sells it for cheap price.

But they last longer and can usually be used for several days, if not weeks, can be used without problems.

So that you have for your Ebay account in the entire
IP for your Ebay account for the entire duration.

At Vip72 you can download the client preset connected with Proxifier and with that the whole handling is extremely easy the whole handling is extremely simple.

It all runs through the VIP client, which I probably don't need to explain further here.

If it really fails, then I recommend searching for VIP72 on YouTube.

Download Proxifier : https://www.proxifier.com/changelog/win3.html


Next > [I accept the agreement] Next > Next > Next > Next > Install > Finish


Click on "Enter Registration Key ..."

? Proxifier Standard & Portable Edition Keys ?
Tested on v3.29

Standard Edition

Portable Edition


Choose a key from 'Standard Edition', for me the first one worked twice.


To add a proxy, click on the left symbol and then on "Add".


You just have to copy the proxy with port:

And then paste it on address, port is automatically filled.

Then click on check and make sure the proxy is working.

Assigning proxies
In order to select for which apps or even individual browsers, which of the previously configured
proxies are used, you have to set up rules in the Proxifier.

Tip: You can also run Pidgin and Thunderbird "Direct" on the VM and connect to them only via the VM. Then everything runs more smoothly.

This function is very versatile and can lead with some inventiveness to interesting methods.


To set up a "Proxification Rule", go with the mouse on the yellow document- sign in the upper left corner.


The "Proxification Rules" overview menu then opens.


If the manual selection of the apps etc. is too much effort for you, then you simply change the assignment of "Default" to the respective proxy server that you want to use.

To do this, always click on "Add" and a nice menu will open.


Enter IP, port to it. Select the appropriate .exe of the application and give it a name. with a name.

Feel free to play around with it!

If you can handle it, then you are one level above most fillers.

This is how you work professionally.

Now you are almost ready to go!
So this is the time to check your settings and setup.
Check-up pages are the following:

▪️ Whoer.net
➡️ 100% we want to see!

▪️ Dnsleaktest.com
▶️ Especially VM setup users, don't want to see their DNS here!

▪️ Speedtest.net
➡️ If your system crawls, you have to change the server or reduce your proxy-chain > With the VPS this is not likely to happen

▪️ VM users should check here thoroughly and maybe add an IPLeak.com - test.

Why you should check the DNS?
DNS leaks are more fatal than some people think, because your providers assign a DNS to you personally and also use this DNS server for data collection.

Since 2017, such data is stored for up to 10 weeks!

So if you don't trust Perfect Privacy's DNS leak protection (or other VPN providers) or you generally like to be safe manually, you can always set your DNS yourself, whether on the VM, host or VPS.

This is perfectly legal and can even bring speed advantages.


To do this, go to Windows and search for your network adapter under Network Connections.

In the VM this is e.g. a LAN adapter which is connected to the host.

If you now select Properties, you can see the Internet protocols in a list.




DNS Servers:

In general, pretty much anything can be sold.

Just browse a bit on eBay etc. with a price filter of 500 - 2000 € and get inspired there.
there inspire.

Which IP you choose for the account doesn't really matter as long as it's not blacklisted, you don't have a DNS you don't have a DNS leak and you use different IPs for the accounts.

Creating good advertisements is not something you just do, it takes effort. Good preparation is the be-all and end-all for professional work.

Nevertheless, it will work as well, if you just try it obtusely and prefer not to put any thought and thoughts and work beforehand, that's up to you.

Option 1 - Buy advertisements
Buying ads is usually a time-saving alternative, especially if you use several accounts at the same time, which is essential for effective fills.

Where you buy your ads is up to you. You should test the advertisements of the offerers in small number of pieces before.

There should be at least 5 high quality pictures and if an ad writer makes the effort and actually only grabs from foreign sites and writes the texts themselves, then you can work with them.

But with most of them you will be rather disappointed, seems to be too much work.

Option 2 - Create advertisements
First you look for something you want to sell.

For the articles you choose a meaningful title with proper keywords for the search Search optimization and should best create a short description itself.

This does not have to be a novel, but try to describe the condition of the goods well.

More important than the text are the pictures.
Every good ad has, as I said, at least 5 good and meaningful pictures. The higher the resolution, the better.

It is advantageous if you do not take the pictures 1:1 from other or expired auctions, because this is checked by eBay.

To avoid a general assignment, it is often sufficient to create a filter or effect in the image and to delete the EXIF data.
and delete or adjust the Exif data.

The appropriate tool is called "Exif Tag Remover" (Just google it).

Read also : EXIF Purge (Windows & MacOS))

With this the Google-Reverse-Image-Search has no chance to recognize that you did not take these pictures
that you might not have taken these pictures by yourself.

Alternatively you can take the images from foreign portals. With this you have usually less problems.

EXIF Purge is a small portable application to remove EXIF meta

If you are in a hurry you can of course also search for finished ads at ebay.de/ebay.com and grab them.
grab them.

Here you can use the advanced search and search specifically for older listings and for certain price ranges.

But you should really write your own texts or at least not take them from ebay.de.

In general the risk is higher that they trigger the AFS(AntiFraudSystem) or that Ebay will soon come up with a clever way to prevent exactly such jokes.

But sometimes it must go fast, sometimes you just want to get something out.


Dealing with Ebay without triggering the AFS ?
1️⃣ For each ad or account you unpack an extra browser, which you use only for this for this special account and delete it afterwards.

You name the browser either after the advertisement keyword or after the account name and value of goods. The main thing is that you keep the overview.

2️⃣ You look in the VIP72 client or luxsocks.ru the corresponding country IP, including country DNS, which is of course not blacklisted.

You take for each Ebay account in addition to the separate browser also a separate IP!

⚠️ And you never log in with the VPN in Ebay!

A tip to VIP72:

It is best to choose a sock that is online longer than 30 min and shorter than 4h.

3️⃣ (not necessary for HQ accounts).

The next step would be to test the account for "abuse", i.e. if it has already been used by someone.

The easiest way to do this is to try to buy something.

An Amazon voucher for one $/€ or a free E-book is sufficient.

➡️ Either a confirmation or an error message will appear.

Alternatively look in your mailbox (if you have mail access), if there are many messages about resetting the password, no normal eBay user resets his password 3 times a week.

➡️ If this test is positive you and the account are ready to advertise.

4️⃣ Now you can sell.

Overview of the sales form:

▪️Duration: 5 -7 days is best. 1 day auctions are recognized faster by the AFS.

▪️Buy-it-now price: not more than 10% to 15% of original price less!

So if it was sold for 2000€, sell it for 1700€, otherwise it will be noticeable.

▪️Suggested price: Accepts suggested prices from buyers
Payment methods: See description

To do this, just refer to bank transfer in the sale description.

▪️Refund Options: Quietly offers refunds, why not.
▪️Shipping: DHL with free shipping
▪️Processing time: 1 business day, can also set once 2 if you want to stall for time.

Incorrect payment method
You can alternatively enter "bank transfer" as payment method in the sales form and must now ensure that the data transmitted by eBay sends a supposed error code.

On the page: http://www.iban-rechner.net you can calculate IBANs for this.

Here simply enter a BLZ of the bank, with which you fill would like e.g. N26 - 10011001

Account number is then simply 10x 9999999999.

From this the calculator creates a valid IBAN like this - DE841001100199999999

Now you fill in the form with some fantasy codes and error messages, e.g:

Account holder: (0x514-0x9b3) IBAN incorrect -pAxCMJerror-IBAN-BIC-error

Name of the bank: (0x2098-0x2867) Please contact the seller IBAN: DE84 1001 1001 9999 9999 99


After auction end and successful sale.

The golden rule is
and therefore we also want to avoid communication via eBay's internal messaging platform at all costs.

There are several other options here besides the one just mentioned and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

We can assume that this will change in the future and the victims will not always remain so naive, so it is important to have alternatives.

Here some ideas and methods:
1️⃣ Call the winner of the auction
Then it depends on whether the Acc-owner is male or female.

If male you can also call yourself and say something along the lines of:
"please write my wife to her email is the following...".

If female you need a caller and the game goes the other way around.

2️⃣ Establish Whatsapp Contact
Tell him that you would like to write with him via Whatsapp, because there you can react much faster to the messages, if you are at work or something like that ...

For this you simply download an emulator.

Important: Also send the emulator via Proxifier!

For this you have to create your own rule in the Proxifier-Rules-Menu.


Simply search out the .exe of the emulator, as described above, and then assign it as an application to a proxy.

The best way is to check in the emulator via a browser and whoer.net, if everything has has worked.

Alternative via Anon-Sim is of course also possible without problems. Just use every week or so a new one.

However, when using a cell phone with anon-sim you definitely have to be careful, for For example, you should definitely not use the phone from home.

In my opinion, an emulator is actually safer, because you can exclude this problem and the anonymization possibilities with Proxifier are greater.

3️⃣ Bank Data As Image
Send bank data as JPG/PNG - Tell victim it's a cell phone screenshot or similar, since you just would not get to your laptop.

But this is a bad option, because it actually still runs through the internal system, nevertheless better than plain text.

4️⃣ About Invoice Function
After the end of the auction use the "Send Invoice" function.

There you can send the Bankdrop data without it apparently being checked by eBay directly.

This is also a rather bad option, because it still runs through the internal system.

5️⃣ Email Traffic Outside The Portal
To do this, you need to view the buyer's email, and to do this, follow these steps:

You go under "Sold items" on the top right to "Edit" to change your settings.

This way you can always communicate with the buyers outside Ebay and send them the bank details.
to them.

After The Transfer To Your Bankdrop
You may rejoice, the hardest part is done and you have reaped the fruits of your labor.

But so that the BD does not go down immediately and all buyers complain directly, remember this:

▪️Acquire and add shipment numbers
▪️Respond to email inquiries and be apologetic and friendly.
▪️DHL is simply unreliable.
▪️Because of Corona the local post office is open only in the morning and you work in the morning
Be creative and put yourself in the shoes of a real seller with delivery problems!
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