E-Gift Amazon Carding Method


Reaction score
Immediately to the point: in order to drive an Amazon Gift with great success, you will need:
1) Amazon log (with an attached card), and transaction history, preferably fresh
2) Antidetect browser (I've been hitting my whole life either from ff or from my phone, but I recommend to everyone Cypher Antidetect)
3) Proxy for zip holder

Tip 1 - selection of proxies
This is one of the most important points that affects the success of driving in.
Proxies should be matched exactly to the zip holder, the spread should be minimal. The dns must necessarily match the country of the sox, the proxy must not be in any black metal. The ideal solution would be a zero-risk ovpn config. Choose socks that live at least an hour.

Tip 2 - we enter the Amazon correctly
You may think this is nonsense, but yes, the Amazon has such a tough af that you need to enter the site correctly, and this is not nonsense.
I recommend everyone to go to the Amazon account EXCLUSIVELY using the ref links from YouTube. Where can I get them? It is enough to write on YouTube or Instagram something like * Top Staff Amazon 2021 USA *, in such videos sellers usually advertise their goods, and in the description they leave links for it, and they are what we need. You should only log into your account after you have made sure that the mail linked to the Amazon is valid, and you have configured filters on it (letters from the Amazon should go to the basket).

Tip 3 - the correct warm-up of the account
3.1) After you have entered the account, you should not immediately surf the product that you want to drive in, this is a mistake. On the main page, the Amazon shows what products were viewed last time, and you need to look initially products from this particular category, smoothly moving on to Gift
3.2) Just browse the products for at least 15 minutes, like them, write comments on reviews about the product, add them to basket, use Amazon filters, and in general interact with all Amazon filters. I also recommend that you go to Amazon Music and listen to your favorite artists in it (yes, it has a beneficial effect on antifraud)
3.3) After surfing for 15 minutes, add something cheap to your cart (it could be a kitchen knife, gloves, an apron, and it should be illiquid product, do not add cheap electronics)
3.4) After you have added a cheap product to the cart, you should leave the site for literally 3 minutes (at this time, you can search the log for the card numbers kx, since if at some point you messed up the Amazon may ask for them)
3.5) After after a few minutes, go to the amaz, and SMOOTHLY go to the Gift. You should not immediately write to the search for amazon egift, it is better to write gift for grandma or something similar. The bottom line is that the Amazon itself must advertise the eGift to you under the product that you are looking at. If this happened (usually quite quickly), then click on the eGift ad.
3.6) You don't need to add it to your shopping cart right away. Surf the eGift department to other brands, and only then warm up the Amazon eGift. We need an Amazon Gift precisely because it is the least fraudulent of all the others. After surfing the gif category, go to the Amazon eGift, customize the picture on it (here, focus on it, do it a little longer). If you are just a completely newbie and are unsure of yourself and are afraid to kill the checkmate, choose a gift value of $ 50. If you already have some experience, and you are sure of yourself, and you know that you haven’t screwed up anywhere, then choose the denomination of $ 100. Next, we indicate the mail kx, add the product to the cart.
3.7) After the desired item is in the cart, leave the site again for a couple of minutes. Then go in, watch all kinds of jerking off (not at all for long) and only then go to beat Gift. The basket must contain something cheap besides Gift. We press Checkout and then you will either be asked for the card number kx (it means you messed up, let the log lie down for 6 hours and go to another one. DO NOT THROW OUT THE LOG), or not. In the second case, we pay and wait for the gift.

Tip 4 - common myths
You should not throw an order into the archive, this has a bad effect on af (why would an ordinary cardholder hide your order???)
If Gift has come to you, then you should not beat another with your foot right now. Give this gift to a stingy one, and be sure to wait until it activates it (a letter about its activation will be sent to the mail), and then you can repeat all the points above with a clear conscience, only in less time and beat the second Gift.

My observations
Usually gifts come within 10 minutes, if not, then within half an hour, but if after so much time he did not come, then the chance of his coming is scanty.
Holders do not fire orders, if they have not entered the Amazon from a mobile phone, they fire your body movements if you have not set up filters in the mail.
When warming up, for example, at the request of koocking knif, you should look through all the pages until the very last one, and yes, this is a long time, but af will like it.
The most important thing is to believe in yourself. Without this, it will not work, and this is not nonsense. Believe in yourself and get what you want.