Dumps - tutorial is just to start you off with instore carding, most basics and a few tips


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This tutorial is just to start you off with instore carding, most basics and a few tips. Before i start, i’d like to analyze carding terms we will use throughout this tutorial.

Dumps are tracks 1 & 2 or only track2, no adress, no name, no nothing. Just 2 lines of numbers/signs. Here’s an example of what you will get when you buy a dump from a vendor: %B426429XXX5504545^DOANE/DARREN^1107101000000000000000000000000000008690110 00;426429XXX5504545=11071010000086901100 Everything before the “;” is track1, so: T1: %B426429XXX5504545^DOANE/DARREN^1107101000000000000000000000000000008690110 00 T2: 426429XXX5504545=11071010000086901100

Plastic refers to the fake cards that many plastic vendors make to match your dump, meaning they will emboss your dump’s numbers as well as the desired name you want onto a blank (not-embossed card). You’d be surprised at the quality of plastics, most cashiers can’t differentiate a fake from a real one (unless you have really low quality plastic or the cashier is deep into this).

101/201 DUMPS
What is the difference between 101 and 201 dumps? Well it’s very simple: 101 is swipe only and 201 is with chip. Now you’re going to ask: But how am I going to pass a 201 chipped card without knowing the pin? Well there are places for that, especially POS machines that swipe 201’s (meaning they dont insert them). You will have to find spots on your own..
Alright, now that we’ve learned the different terms we will use throughout the guide, here starts the interesting stuff. There are a lot of ways to do instore carding but basically it comes out to this:
- Hitting it random
- Insider carding
Hitting it random: This means you have GOOD quality bank plastic that should include these minimum: good holo, UV marks, tipping, matching numbers. Where i’m located sig stripes don’t matter because people are a bit late on this. You will be going into any store and hitting it. Insider Carding: This is the safest way to go. You will need a connection working inside a store who will let you pass cards. So matching plastic is not a must here and usually you can get away with alot and not look suspicious at all. I suggest you do this to get your funds up to buy machinery for random hitting (or affording strikers).

POS Types and why you should read this.
There are many POS systems and alot of them are different one from eachother. You will need to know the ones that are easy to swipe and the ones that are slightly harder. Some POS systems will ask to enter the 4 last digits of the card number, so matching numbers is a must for these. Even with an insider, he must enter the matching numbers or else payment won’t go through (you can write them on a piece of paper and let him enter those digits dough). Other POS’ will ask to enter the cvv2 (3 security digits on the back or 4 for Amex) before even swipping the card. Keep in mind that dumps bought on the internet don’t contain the cvv because it is encrypted in Track2 and very hard to decrypt (different algorithm for every bank). So if you want cvv2 matching, you will need to skim the dumps and check yourself and note them. Usually big stores have this, for example: The Brick, Future Shop, Best Buy etc… There also are POS systems that won’t let you insert 201 (chipped) cards. These POS’s are good to keep in your book because sometimes, the bins or country you want will be out of 101s and youll get stuck with 201s and you can hit them with these POS’s. So they swipe the chipped card, no inserting nor pin required. A good example is Wal-Mart or Blockbuster, only the ones who have a black pad as a POS with a screen for signature capturing (they have an insert slot but they don’t use it).

How to get dumps?
Getting dumps isn’t really *that* hard. There are 3 ways to get dumps: 1. Hacking: Pretty simple, you hack POS systems for dumps with either malware or logging system. This is for advanced hackers because you will have to code the malware and test it on a POS you will buy yourself. 2. Skimming: There is online and offline skimming. You can use pagers and mini-readers too. It would be wiser to invest a bit more and get d+p with an offline. 3. Buying: Many vendors sell dumps online, but over here, we are verified. Contact us to get fresh dumps

Bin Selection:
Many people have fuzzy perceptions about BINs. Bins are the first 6 digits of any dump. It represents the financial institution it is from as well as the location of this specific branch and the type of card the dump is. Usually, people have binlists they personally craft (you should too) to find the best ones. Special bins and hard to find bins are sought after because they usually have special characteristics like these: – They die slower, so when a base is almost dead, these are still approved. – They are not region-locked. – They have high limits – etc… There are 2 ways of buying dumps using bins: 1. Selective Bins: Meaning you will ask dump sellers for specific bins that you are after and buy them. One major flaw I have discovered (where I live) is that when I buy 10 pieces of the same BIN and use 3-4, the rest of them all become HOLD-CALL. I don’t really know when that seems to happen, but maybe it’s because they disable that bin in your area or something. 2. Random Bins: Usually not recommended because vendors give you the shittiest bins. But when you’re buying big ammounts, it’s good to mix it up, you find new bins that are good for you.

What to do with dumps? Equipment needed?
After you have your dumps, you can encode them on bank quality plastics to use them. You will use an MSR encoder (reader/writer) to encode the tracks 1 & 2 (3 is never used on a cc) on the card. Don’t ask me how to use it, when you will open the box you will know how to use it. I’m serious, retarded people can figure it out. Ok, about MSRs too: THEY ARE ALL THE SAME, EVEN THE CHINESE ONES. If they work and you didn’t get scammed, then any model is good. I myself have owned 206, 905 and the 605 and I use the 605 all the time despite how popular the old 206 is. Other equipment that is good investment are these: Embosser + Tipper Set: This is a worthwhile investment because non-embossed blank plastics cost 10-15$ in bulk and embossed are up to 40$ a piece if individually bought. They are very easy to operate, don’t worry. Don’t need to be a genius to use them. Card Printer + Holos: This is for usually for people who have a big operation or want to sell blanks/embossed plastics. I have never owned one because it’s too much machinery and it’s very expensive (2.5 grans upwards if you want a decent one). Going with blanks is better for me. Pagers (mini123 etc…): These are good because if you know anyone who works in a fancy restaurant where they pass your card in the back, you can give him a pager that records up to 2000 dumps (like youll ever get that in a day) and swipe it there before swipping it on the POS and even noting down the cvv2 in the back for better hits. How to properly hit a store Hitting stores is pretty easy, but it’s a pain in the ass if you have just started or you’re nervous or shy because you will have to act like you are the cardholder. Don’t dress up like a thug or a kid, wear classic clothing, no matter how gay you think it is (if you already wear classic, then sorry I offended you). *Always know what you are getting before entering, make out a scenario and plan it wisely. Another important part is finding the stupidest or newest cashier. Some cashiers will look at your card and verify it and some even call the manager to come check it. Some jewellery shops even call the toll free bank’s number on the back of the card to verify it’s legitimacy. So find the youngest/ugliest/calmest girl or the most fucked-up/black/stoner guy because they usually are too naive or don’t give a fuck. F*CK IT GOT DECLINED/HOLD-CALL Don’t worry, plenty of people have it happen randomly to them. Decline: it means something is wrong with the card, but not exactly stolen, so they don’t know what’s wrong with it but it’s declined. Just tell them you’ll call the bank and walk away. No one will chase you lol. HOLD-CALL: Now this is where it gets shakier, this means the cashier has to hold the card and call the bank. What we usually do is tell them we’ll call the bank later because we’re in a rush but keep the card. This means something is definitely wrong with your card.
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Carding 4 Carders

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Am here for us to make money and put food on our families tableLet’s fuck poverty off the system guys.

Keep Working on your Good deeds.

I got hot Gucci bins.

Inbox me if you are only ready.
I would like to say that writing 201 dumps on to a chip is quite unrealistic with the current technology that is available.

But I want to discuss an alternative route, i would like to give you a hint on how to use 201 dumps everywhere.

Even in such places where POS terminal requires a chip and a subsequent PIN to be used. The next question you need to ask yourself is how can this be achieved?

Let take this step by step.

Step 1: First thing we should have is a card with a chip and magnetic stripe. Once this is within our possession,then we have to look for a 12 Volt AC adapter.

After this little alteration the chip should not be working any more and this is exactly what we need, and that is the secret.

When the clerk tries to insert the card with the chip he/she gets a nice error (additionally you can give him a reason that you washed your wallet with the card and chip is not working), and now most interesting part.

Once the terminal detects that chip is not functioning it switches back to magnetic stripe mode and allows you to swipe the card, all you have to do give a sweet persuade to the cashier to do it.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Hello, you have written a lot of information that I have been looking for for a long time but could not reach immediately, thank you first for this.
Now I want to benefit from your experiences about a subject I am curious about.
I have america dumps but some sites say america dumps will not work out of state
Will any store have a problem when I clone these dumps to any card?
Note: I made the chip of the card unreadable with the knife.
I would like to express my gratitude for your answers.


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There are dump bins with a regionlock, i.e. they can only be cashed in the host country of the cardholder.
The owner can also set a block for withdrawing funds in another country by contacting the bank that issued and services the card, but this is rare.

When buying dumps, you can check with the seller for good bins, the tracks of which can be successfully recorded on a blank card and used in any country.
Be extremely careful when buying dumps + pins or ready-made cloned cards. At the moment, there are no trusted sellers on the market. Seeing such an offer, you will come across scammers.

Verified sellers should appear on the forum soon, but so far they are working on our fraternal friendly private forum and they cannot be found in the public domain.
There is a lot of demand for valid dumps + pin. A queue is lined up for data from a fresh database for several months and they are sold at a higher price than regular dumps. On forum so much trusted vendors who sell track1 + track2, you can buy it, record and make purchases in real stores, in pos-terminals that do not require entering a pin code, or record to use a contactless payment system, such as NSF. It is very convenient and practical and does not require any special skills and abilities. Payment is automatic. You can buy large amounts on the card as long as there is a balance on it before the card is blocked. Some people manage to get up to $ 100k from one piece.

I advise you to buy such types of cards as gold, platinum and corporate, because they usually have a larger balance than standard and classic ones, as well as there is no limit for withdrawing funds from an ATM.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
There are dump bins with a regionlock, i.e. they can only be cashed in the host country of the cardholder.
The owner can also set a block for withdrawing funds in another country by contacting the bank that issued and services the card, but this is rare.

When buying dumps, you can check with the seller for good bins, the tracks of which can be successfully recorded on a blank card and used in any country.
Be extremely careful when buying dumps + pins or ready-made cloned cards. At the moment, there are no trusted sellers on the market. Seeing such an offer, you will come across scammers.

Verified sellers should appear on the forum soon, but so far they are working on our fraternal friendly private forum and they cannot be found in the public domain.
There is a lot of demand for valid dumps + pin. A queue is lined up for data from a fresh database for several months and they are sold at a higher price than regular dumps. On forum so much trusted vendors who sell track1 + track2, you can buy it, record and make purchases in real stores, in pos-terminals that do not require entering a pin code, or record to use a contactless payment system, such as NSF. It is very convenient and practical and does not require any special skills and abilities. Payment is automatic. You can buy large amounts on the card as long as there is a balance on it before the card is blocked. Some people manage to get up to $ 100k from one piece.

I advise you to buy such types of cards as gold, platinum and corporate, because they usually have a larger balance than standard and classic ones, as well as there is no limit for withdrawing funds from an ATM.
Thank you for answer.
I cloned us dumps but can I try this in any store thousands of miles away from them?
Note: No pin code I burned the chip of my card with a 9v battery.
Is out-of-state use a problem ?


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As I wrote above, there are region-locked bins, but they work within their own country.
I am not aware of bin that you have recorded.
You can check this information in the shops offering the sale of this data.
If you want to use beans in another country, do not buy such dumps.
If you burned the chip, but you still have the pin number, you can write the pin to a blank card, it will also work.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
As I wrote above, there are region-locked bins, but they work within their own country.
I am not aware of bin that you have recorded.
You can check this information in the shops offering the sale of this data.
If you want to use beans in another country, do not buy such dumps.
If you burned the chip, but you still have the pin number, you can write the pin to a blank card, it will also work.
if you allow me i want to ask a few private questions from private message ?


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Thanks for the info everyone. I have learned a few new tricks while reading the above responses. My main concern, however, is how can i use these at atm? I have the all white blank cards. Can I just write to the card and stick iit nto atm? I am hearing the atm reads the card for the etched numbers on the front of the card. if so this wouldnt work in my favor. Also is there anyone that may know any known 'DONTS' for atm play? Things i should know not to do but may not know? I appreciate everyone help in advance. I will have plenty more questions


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The ATM does not read embossed numbers on white plastic. The ATM accesses the magnetic stripe. Pre-record dumps (track1+track2+pin code) onto a magnetic stripe.


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Thanks. Is there any other code beside 101 that works at ATM. would 201 work with PIN? I see some forums say yes and others say no
The ATM does not read embossed numbers on white plastic. The ATM accesses the magnetic stripe. Pre-record dumps (track1+track2+pin code) onto a magnetic stripe.


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Been in store carding for years lately my success been horrible any methods to help me get pass these declines …. I changed stores and bins still no success lately