Detailed guide to carding PayPal in 2024


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Hello carders. After a good flight of my article on stillers, I decided to write another one, namely about the correct processing of logs on PayPal.


1. The gist

We will hack PayPal accounts to properly work them out . You can get accounts for testing as you want . You can take a stiller from your traffic or buy it yourself . It is extremely important not to buy the akki themselves, because no one will sell good material for testing . To do this, you can buy PayPal logs for$1-4

2. Preparing the system for operation

PP differs from other testing accounts by its anti-fraud (security system)feature . You will not be able to conduct any transactions, or in many cases you will not even be able to log in to the PP itself because it will ask for a code from your phone, or you will simply ruin your material . So you can't do without configuring the system . What is a system setup ? We will replace your PC / VM (dedic) with the owner's PC . This is all done so that the system does not suspect us and you can log in to the account.

We will need all the owner's information that you can find in the log (zip code, IP address, city of residence, etc.) . To do this, we will need an anti-detection browser (linken sphere). Yes, it is paid, but I will tell you how you can do everything without it

As already mentioned above, I use regular Chrome for work. I don't work with dedikov, I don't work with virtualki, Sphere and other joys. Just Chrome, regular Chrome . (if you want to use a sphere, then I'll describe its configuration from below)

And so to configure chrome, we will need the following extensions:

- EditThisCookie - embed cookies in the browser.

- WebRTC

- User-agent – replaces our browser with the owner's browser if necessary.

And of course, a VPN (for perfect operation, you need a 911 proxy)

Previously, work was only through Windscribe, but recently it has become lacking - either there is no country I need, or there is, but the IP address is in black boxes to the point of impossibility. Therefore, I can advise you to use the same IP Vanish. IP Vanish is convenient because it has a fairly large number of servers for any country.

After installing all the extensions and connecting to the VPN, we go to check our IP for

We should have something like this picture


The important thing is that the mammoth's IP address must match your IP address by a few digits (this is why I talked about a proxy), but for the first time, a VPN may be enough . In addition to the IP address, we need to change

1 - Time zone in UTC format
2 - System language
3 - Screen resolution


And so, we imported cookies, set up the system for the owner, and go to work

3. PayPal Security System

Sometimes it seemed to me when working with pp that I was working with some kind of intelligence because it sees if it is not the owner and does not let me in

First, it fully tracks your behavior. It captures everything and tries to understand your use of PayPal, i.e. the time when you use it most often. What you buy (product type, transaction type). Average receipt. Average frequency.

Preferred payment method. Geolocation. Browser. Therefore, at the very beginning, the PayPal, like a small untrained puppy, does not understand anything and does not follow commands. Then there is the gradual process of training the "puppy", i.e. the PayPal, as it tries to understand how much you can trust and how best to please you. By the way, the data of the analysis of "your behavior" is updated every 1-2 days, so it happens that today you are both in the tail and in the mane, and tomorrow you can not buy even for 1 dollar anything. You have used up the trust limit, the PayPal is in shock, looks carefully and tries to understand what is wrong with you. Over time, she gets more and more comfortable with her opinion of you and begins to trust you more and more. (As long as you don't try to squeeze everything out of it at once and don't behave strangely). Therefore, a sharp departure from the usual use of accom - i.e. a change in time, GEO, transaction type, frequency, an increase in the average check by more than two times, immediately brings trouble to acc in the form of a "return to merchant" or, at worst, a limit.

Secondly, there is work with big data. In other words, the PayPal builds "the most popular patterns of users using the PayPal". Tobish takes data for the last 1-2 weeks among millions of users. It looks at how customers most often behave - where, what, how they buy, and how they pay. What is the average receipt, time, etc. and in which patterns the most fraud occurs (this is almost the most important indicator) and compares it with your behavior. If you find yourself in the pattern with the greatest risks, the PayPal loses its favor to you (While segmentation by time-amount-product type-payment method, etc. allows you to segment you well from the general crowd). And with your stubbornness, it applies sanctions at all. You know, like a police officer who first sees you, a strangely dressed young man, staring at a jewelry display for a long time at 02: 00, and even with a hammer in your hands (After all, in his experience, everyone who behaves like this is going to commit a crime). And then you break the window in front of the policeman and try to steal them. Accordingly, raking off the police (catching the limit). What should I do?

It is also quite important when working with PayPal to write login details with your hands . When working with pp, forget about copy and past (the security system sees all this)

At the moment, it is impossible to work out Europe because there is a completely different security system . Therefore, we only work in: USA, Canada and Brazil . There is the anti-fraud that I described and it is almost impossible to work it out . Why almost ? Because there are only a few craftsmen who take on the development of Europe because it is very difficult

4. Login to PayPal

We need a password for the user account (if it is not available, then we will reset it, but this will reduce the chances of success)

Just like with other logs, you can work with a Page simply through a VPN, but there are some exceptions for countries that you want to work with clearly under the owner's ZIP code (index). Countries such as the United States and the UK are included in this exception, because the account can skip you, the PayPal can even allow you to make a transaction, but immediately after payment, the PayPal can make restrictions, considering this transaction to be fraudulent

To begin with, it is advisable to log in not by direct connection, but through Google. Accordingly, we enter paypal in the search line in Google


I don't know how important this is in principle, but I log in using the domain of the country where I have a log in. In this case, it's Germany, and I'm interested in the link www.paypal/com/de/home

important!!! We do not copy the username and password, but enter it manually, because antifraud can burn through the "CLIPBOARD". PayPal's antifraud is pretty tough, so train yourself to type everything manually. Next, we go through the standard logging procedure, and see what we have on the account.

After entering the profile, I always click the * gear*button. here we can see the owner's name, billing address, and email address where notifications are sent.


In the notifications tab, we can see if text messages are sent to the owner , just in case we are not burned immediately after payment. If the phone number is marked in blue, then alerts are being received. I always pick up my phone and leave only my email.


And so, we have a properly configured system, login to PayPal and everything you need to work .

5. Which accounts are suitable for testing

The most important thing is not the amount of money on the account, as many people think, but what is tied to this PayPal. In terms of cross-country ability, this picture is obtained:

- A PayPal with a balance, no matter what is tied, gives the best results.

- A PayPal with a linked bank and card also works well.

- PayPal with a linked card-gives worse results

- A PayPal with a linked bank account gives the worst results.


For example, in the screenshot, we can see a bank account link (the one on top) and 3 credit cards. And there are also transactions. In this case, you can also search for data from your bank account in the logs to get an idea of what we will work with and how much money the owner has.

6. The development process itself

We can merge the balance using the following types:

Your merchant . This is very difficult to do because in addition to this, we will need a drop pp (rocked novoreg). I used to create a merchant through the service but after some time it stopped giving

Gifts (gift codes) to do this, we need a verified shop that will not ask for drawing documents and make refunds . Previously, mmmoga and instant gaming were in demand (can ask for documents)

Companion. We order a product in the name of a drop with a transfer to ourselves and then sell it . Well, or directly to the buyer with wwh-club, because they will pay for everything themselves and you will not need to fuck your brains out with drops

6.1 Paypal and Gifts

When my account has purchases from stores, I try to move in this direction, see what the owner bought and where - you can discover a new shop. This also applies to purchases of digital goods (gifts, games) - if I see that purchases were made from my account in such services as instant-gaming, mmoga, then you can easily get some kind of gift instantly. The problem with these shopping centers is that they require strict verification. Calling on Skype with your passport or sending a selfie in the background of a PayPal is generally a chore and not worth it for a couple of gifts .

But, for general understanding, I will give an example based on the site


Go to the site and select the product we need. These can be gifts or games. Click the Buy button

To make a payment, we are asked to log in. We can see if your account information is included in your passwords. You can log in via your Facebook or Google account. Then select the paypal payment option.


If our IP address didn't seem strange to antifraud, then we will see this picture. Namely, a suggestion about choosing a payment option. Click the "Continue" button.


And immediately we get a gift in the form of a code. Some stores send gifts to your email address, and some don't send them immediately. If it takes some time to receive a gift (for example, I had something with mmoga that I had to wait until morning), then we go to the post office and set filtering for our request so that we can safely pick up your gift in the morning

6.2 Choosing a shop to work in

When choosing a shop, you need to pay attention to whether the shop offers a different bill/spike, whether there is delivery to other countries, and whether there are options for fast delivery.

There are a large number of all sorts of China-shops with suitable types of delivery. One of the advantages is minimal fraud. Of the minuses - you have to wait for your product for 2-3 weeks (but it gets there), the main thing is to send it.

Then there are shops with clothes, there is also a fraud is not so high. You can carry all sorts of branded items, watches, bags from there.

And the shops with equipment are already getting harder. There fraud is the highest. However, anything is possible

You can try to make purchases in those shops that the owner already has, just by adding the delivery address that we need. This can be a discount, drop, skup, sometimes shops give well in RU, so you can send at least to yourself directly (still rent yourself a drop . A miser pays twice)

When registering an account in the store, do it to your created email address. I usually take the login as the owner and just open a new mailbox, so as not to get confused. Emails such as,

Then follow the standard. Billing address we take from the data of paypal-a, shipping, respectively, the one where we send it. Then click pay with paypal


If by the result we have such a picture, then we are not affected and everything is in order

Shops for different bill/shipp in the United States are few, but they are there. In the case of the United States, you can pick up with Fedex delivery, because such delivery can be rerouted to where we need it

IMPORTANT!!! Paypal accounts in Europe can be "worked out" in the US, but the US to Europe is not

It is best to create your own personal list of shops that give. Give it a day and just make a list using Google and try to break through them. Every giver of the shop sooner or later covers the shop, and the more it was pulled out, the faster it will close. So, if you've found a giver, then don't pull out of it 24/7 - don't bite off the elbow-deep hand that feeds you)

6.3 Product line

There are two types of products : Liquid and Illiquid . Liquid differs in that misers pay more for it and it is more appreciated . For pridstovleniya to liquids include MacBooks, iPhones, TVs and other expensive equipment . Illiquid items include the usual things like mirrors for cameras, sofas and also wheels for cars (the best illiquid for me because the price sometimes reaches $ 1300). Well you get it

First, we go to Ibey from the off site of the country whose log is, then, after logging in to the account, we go to the settings section


Going to the settings section, we first need to understand whether the PayPal is tied. Go to the item called "Paypal account" and see if it is listed in the line " Buying on eBay: Your eBay account is linked to this PayPal account for purchases: [email protected]", email PayPals. If yes, the PayPal is attached. If there is nothing there and it doesn't say "Link your Paypal account" (Ibey unlinks the PayPal if no purchases or sales were made from it for a certain time), then we try to link the PayPal that we have. Click "link" and just log in to it (which may not work the first time)

So, we go to choose a product. In practice, I can say that it is best to first view the product, add it to the cart, and only after 5-6 hours try to buy it. Next, we either change the delivery address from the very beginning, or already in the payment window (Chekout), but it is better to change the main address as soon as we log in to the account

Beginners always have a question about which sellers to try - who sells this product, how much feedback is optimal, and so on.

In such cases, it is usually recommended to try sellers with feedback from 350 to 3500, but there are exceptions - a seller with 50k feedback can safely send a pack, and with 150-can send you to hell. That's why experience is important, and that's why no one shares their sellers - they were obtained by trial and error

Once again, what you should pay attention to:

1 - Delivery time
2 - Payment methods
3 - Feedbacks


When choosing an item, we always look at the delivery time, payment method, and, most importantly, shipping to our country, because we will beat on the skupa, or on the drop.

We lower the page below and see the inscription "Shipping and Payments"


We made sure that the seller sends it to our country, so we buy it either through "buy now" or "add to cart", but, as mentioned above, it is better to use the cart with the lega

Next, go to the checkout page. It looks like this


If the "Confirm and pay" button is lit in blue , everything is fine, we try to buy, but be sure to check whether we have changed the delivery address before purchasing. There are already two options for the development of events - the first is that everything goes well and we have such a situation


If it didn't work for us, then we try to log in to the PayPal. In the PayPal does not go and the midrange appears? You need to search for a product that is cheaper by 50/100 dollars or euros, or use the midrange bypass method, which will be discussed below

After making a purchase, we go to My Ebay>Purchase History


At the desired order, click on the drop-down list on the right side and select Hide order

But! After the parcel is sent and given a track, the order may get out of hyde!

7. Bypass the security system / Security Check

As you already know, when buying with a PayPal, we can get out the midrange (Security Check)


7.1 The first method

First of all, we need a shop with Paypal's merch, so that it doesn't have an expensive position.

Paypal's merch is a yellow "Express Checkout" or "Check out with Paypal"button


For the login, you can use the well-known sephora, and donates are also suitable (but they have become more common to cheat). Do not take expensive positions - up to$ 10 fraud is lower, so we choose something cheap. We only need them for the username. NEVER copy your username and password. Enter everything

personally. Once again, forget about copy/paste when working with a PayPal

So, when you log in to a merchant account, we can see 2 possible scenarios

The first one - everything is fine, the login has passed, we have a window with payment, where you can choose how to pay, from the ba or from the card. In this case, just open it on the next tab and voila, we're in your account. But do not immediately run and buy iPhones. In most cases, you will catch a repeated midrange or even a Suspicious Activity altogether

First, you should go through the shops and try to buy up to $ 100. At the same time, do everything as slowly as possible, without hurrying. If the first purchase was successful, let the PayPal rest for 20 minutes and try another shop, for other amounts. Do not forget to delete messages from the owner's email when working with logs, or if you don't have access to the mail, spam it properly

Shops, as well as sellers on Ebay, no one will tell you. But it is obvious that the first 5 pages in Google for the query "Shop paypal" are exactly with a hard anti-fraud. Therefore, seek, it is learned in practice. It happens that the PayPal itself passes, but the shop does not give, and shows "return to the merch". In this case, we look at what trances the owner of the PayPal had and try to * * * * * in that direction

The second option is that we still catch the midrange when logging. In this case, we try to log in through merch a couple more times, if the midrange still comes out , we treat it with a lie-down. It is checked, but more than once, that such PayPals allow you to safely go in just a couple of days.

The repeated MF looks like this


If it asks you to confirm the card, then our PayPal has reached the limit. There is nothing else we can do with it. In this case, the limit is removed by supporting documents and changing the password

7.2 Second method

Click on the link --

Then log in via the upper-right corner


(again, with hands without mines and pastes)

And after login in a new tab, open and we're on your account