Cyber Av3ngers hackers Claim to have hacked the Dorad Power Plant in Israel

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Hackers claim to have decommissioned several phases.

The hacker group Cyber Av3ngers, which previously claimed responsibility for attacks on an oil refinery and power supply systems in Israel, announced a new hack. This time, the hackers targeted the Dorad power plant in Ashkelon, which is one of the largest private power plants in the country. The power plant is powered by natural gas and has a capacity of 860 megawatts.

As proof of their penetration into the power plant's network, hackers published screenshots of documents, drawings and other technical documentation related to the plant's operation in their Telegram channel. Hackers also claim that they managed to gain access to the power plant's control and monitoring systems and that they can cause serious damage to its operation.

The power plant's website is currently inaccessible to visitors. Representatives of Dorad Energy, which owns the power plant, have not yet commented on the situation. It is not known whether there has been any impact on electricity production and supply.

The attack on the Dorad power plant occurred against the backdrop of an escalating conflict between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Thousands of rockets have been fired at Israeli cities over the past two days, causing casualties and destruction. Israel responds with massive airstrikes on Gaza targets.

The Cyber Av3ngers group is one of several hacker groups that have linked themselves to Iran and its allies. These groups regularly conduct cyber attacks on Israeli targets, attempting to damage critical infrastructure and undermine the country's security. Israeli intelligence agencies are actively fighting this threat and conduct their own cyber operations against potential opponents.