Cryptoscams. How to scam millions of dollars every day?


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Hello. Create a scam startup for millions that will be bought? Yes, it's easy! You don't even need offline meetings. Expensive, but possible.

I want to remind you that this channel is not dedicated to earning schemes, and I only show a case, a case, an example of how it happens, what they earn now, what they live off. So don't take it as a way to make money, but only as something interesting.
Let's start with the platform on which the scam occurs in an endless stream.


Pinsale launchpad is a platform where you can start presale your token for a commission of 1 bnb for project placement and receive 5% of fees.

Example for understanding

A project is created with its own token, which is essentially white, and marketing is organized for it, for example, advertising on tg channels. It depends on your budgets how much you want to share your project.

Channel Marketing heap

Youtube, Twitter, Telegram, Target through various resources, Articles, Reddit, Discord, conducting AMA sessions with YouTube bloggers, Twitter or Telegram channels. Or contact a marketing agency that specializes in promoting crypto projects. In general, there is a lot of information about how to promote the token.

This is for a general understanding of what is generally possible, and so we go further.

A conditional project has been created, it has been promoted, it has an audience, and they need to issue their own token and conduct a presale somewhere. Either on white lists or open sale.

Whitelists are when a project contributes a person's wallet to the whitelist for some tasks and they will be able to buy a token on the pinxale. It may not necessarily be a pinxale, but since we are talking about it now,so it is.

An open sale is when a token can be purchased by anyone on a presale organized on a pinxale.

FairLaunch-this is when you set a maximum fee of 300 bnb, but if more people gathered and 300 were collected quickly, they can fill in more than the maximum limit.

They won't be able to fill in more than the maximum amount during the PRESALE
When placing sales of your token you choose either a PRESALE or a FAIRLAUNCH

Why not hold a presale on your site, why use a pinxale? Because for hamsters, a pinxale is a trust, even if 95% of projects roll to 0, they see that the projects have dies hanging on the pinxale.KYC AUDIT will take place, this adds to the trust. And on the pinksale, a lot of its own traffic is live, and if the project gets into the top sales, it will get a lot of free traffic and a lot of money.

Let's move on.


Link to this project's presale

Never fly into projects on the pinksale 95% of them are scams!!!!

What do we see here
  1. Project Description
  2. Video about the project
  3. Social networks
  4. That they have passed KYC means they have confirmed their identity from the company that conducts KYC (drop found who fucked up svetanul)
  5. The maximum they want to raise is 21.000 BNB for a moment this is 5 586 000$ Collected so far 11.400 3 032 400$
  6. Zadonatili in the project 2007 people at the moment
  7. Will there be a scam? You can be sure of that.
And now the key thing is, how will the scam end up??

It's easy. What is a presale?
This is the sale of part of the tokens from the total issue to collect liquidity, and the total mass of tokens is held by the team)))

But the question arises, how will they get out the liquidity if it is blocked by default on the pinxale and they can't just pull it out.

Yes, but they can distribute the team's tokens to different wallets (this is done to distract the eyes from the team) And tell the people who notice it that it's a marketing expense and a development expense. And merge tokens from these cats. gradually, the chart will roll down to 0. They can immediately merge the token from the team's kosh, but this will cause such a resonance that the owners made a ragpool. And when drained, the team comes out clean.

And in this way, they siphoned off the money from the liquidity and remained "clean" and less argession from people in their direction.

In fact, everything, now we summarize and show the chip that very few people use there.

For successful implementation
  1. Need an idea
  2. Marketing IS CORRECT
  3. Fucking technical component
  4. Fucking graphic component
And now about the chip that allows you to collect many times more money.

A conditional game token project, but with its own NFT collection.

And here is a successful token presale. At first, they don't roll out the token, but two days later they announce in their community that MINT NFT is now available, give a page for mint to the audience, and they are hot after the presale.

And the mint page has a built-in drainer and now they think that pollock is NFT, but in fact they are completely without their USDT or BUSD, for example.

The drainer works in such a way that a person connects the wallet on the mint page when they click connect NFT. An NFT costs, say, 200 BUSD, and it has a metamask or trustwallet requesting access to BUSD, which is a common function. And here he allegedly buys for 200 BUSD, and on kosh he has 5000 BUSD. Well, actually dreiner spizdit them all. And this rodent won't notice.
That's how we live thank you all, you can go to pinksale and view projects analyze and look at their charts)) how they rolled out their tokens.

Well, as you understand, launching your own crypto project is not a question at all these days.

In addition to pinksale, there are similar DXsale for example. You can ask questions in the topic.