Creating a drop project


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Hello! Now I'll show you how to search for drops, and maybe inspire you to become a drop driver.

I want to remind you that this channel is not dedicated to earning schemes, and I only show a case, a case, an example of how it happens, what they earn now, what they live off. So don't take it as a way to make money, but only as something interesting.

And so, any drop project starts with a legend. It should be understood that the work will take place with the number (not one or two drops), so everything you do, first of all, rests on time. In other words, you should minimize your actions (communication with drops, calls, downtime on bays), otherwise you will devote too much time to unnecessary things — this is the development of any project.

For a legend, you should take an actual topic, preferably related to society (where there are no special divisions into social"layers") and from part one that can be constantly developed, so you should not invent a bicycle and break your head too much over something unique. Everything is already there and has been working for a long time at Real Madrid.

Important! any legend should not be provocative or intrusive. You have to believe in what you're doing. If you've come up with a story, the first thing to ask is, " Do I believe in it myself?" If in doubt — don't start the project. It won't do any good traveling.

We will look at the legend of "Student Exchange". There are a lot of websites and universities that provide student exchange services. Find a similar site is not difficult — we make a request in Google "student exchange program 2016". We search, visit, read, and study.

Our goal: to get a contract employee. If you look at it, you can often find the "Job Opportunities" section on student websites, which sometimes offers a job as a "Community Representative" or someone else.

A person who represents his native land, somehow contributes to students (housing, leisure, etc.) - these are our potential "employees". Next, we create our own student website with an assumed name (example: student exchange program: You don't need to pay too much attention to the details of the site (all this is extra time!). The main thing is to create the appearance that everything is working, functioning and looks beautiful.

The basis is visibility and information that future employees are most likely to pay attention to. A similar site takes 1-2 days to complete. It is important to have a logo in good quality, draw a seal and have the director's signature-all this is necessary for the contract (contract).
The site was stuck!

Now we hang it on abuzoostoychivy hosting under drop projects. On services, it costs $ 70 with a domain. You will also need a phone number and fax number. The number, I think, is not a problem. We take a fax by cc with or from somewhere else-we also add it to the site. Signed contracts and other pieces of paper will be sent to the fax. Choose the address of your office by googlemaps (find an office building or similar).


Next, we prepare docks (contracts and other pieces of paper). Let's take the example of US. You can read what docks are required in the United States for hiring in wikipedia.

Everything is publicly available, including contracts, etc. Or you can chat with expats in the United States.

Yes, the work of such a plan is PartTime, so you should schedule your salary and hours based on this. To work in the United States, you need:
  • PartTime Job Agreement
  • Application Form(drop data, where you worked, etc.)
  • Form W-9 (Credit history, taxes)
The drop must also include a copy of your ID or license(don't forget to put your company's logo everywhere, except for W-9). In the contract, you should make an addition to Duties, regarding expenses and transfers. Just do not write directly about your
intentions. Just specify the detail related to expenses.

The docks are ready!

Next, we prepare emails for the application forms.
For questionnaires, please contact the job response service. We prepare emails in three stages:
  1. To collect questionnaires from jobotclick. 3-4 suggestions for the work of the Community Representative. You can see how emails are written on the same jobsites. So nothing superfluous. (it is advisable to make several email options for different responses).
  2. The second letter is an Introduction Letter, where we already describe all the tasks (we don't burn the site, just the name SEP).

    In the letter, we write who we are and what. What we do, who we need and what responsibilities will be included. The email should be expanded as much as possible.

    Examples can also be found in the public domain, for hire. The focus should be on real-world tasks. Admit: «Responsibilities include: Support and the development of educational institutions. Preparation and the retention of host families" , etc. — we do not write any transfers or anything like that.

    Regarding transfers, for guidance — «SEP already begun the distribution of financial and teaching aids for our students and the financing of our foreign partners». And tratatata. That's what makes us dance. Here you can use your own brains.

    All this is done in order for the employee to focus on real tasks, not to fill his head with fictions, but also to be aware of operations. How to write it is already a matter of practice and experience. In the letter, we indicate that if all the details are clear and understandable, then the next letter will contain the contract.
  3. Agreement letter. The contract and all the pieces of paper are uploaded to the server in the pdf. No attached files. In the Letter, specify the part of the contract, tasks and responsibilities, including expenses (phone, transport-paid by the company). The email should be expanded in the same way. And of course, everything should be in a formal form and at ease.
Your emails are ready!

Next, we make a dispatch based on the responses of the first email.
After we receive the application forms, we don't need to reply and send a second email to everyone in a row. It is worth thoroughly checking all the questionnaires. People usually ask questions or write comments.

Remember: your employees are the ones who don't ask anything at all.
If someone asks something already at the first stage, send it to the furnace (do not forget, we work with the quantity, and this is time!). If the second email asks questions not related to the topic (but when, and what, etc.) — send them to the furnace. We leave only those who are ready and willing to work, and do not ask questions — we have all the questions and answers in our letters and contract.

All signed docks should be faxed to you by our employees. It is rare, but it happens that an employee asks for a signed contract (by the director) — for
this we need a signature, and printing is desirable, and Photoshop.

Once you have an employee ready with a signed contract, etc., we start working.

The first thing you need to do is give him a task to check (like a probationary period). In our case, it is a presentation of your region, city, or village, with a minimum of 30 pages. Let's say we give you a week. We write to the business campaign that a pack with training material is being prepared for it and everything in this spirit. In short, the appearance is made so that the drop is immersed in the working atmosphere. And under this bench, we are already preparing bays and turning on Hasidic whistle dances from Mordechai Ben-David! How to get all the details from your employee is probably not worth talking about — it can be the same PDF, but ideally make a simple admin panel like Workplace, with several sections: tasks, reports, details, such as Chapa breaks in Pakistan. In them, the drop itself will confirm all the details, see the tranzes and take the details of the drop under the VU. And sometimes without further ado, he will do everything himself. In general, it is convenient for everyone. "Working atmosphere" provides several advantages — it is also the reliability of the drop(in practice, no one throws – even more likely the drops do not have a reason), as well as no unnecessary questions, calls from the drop.

That's all! If you set up a similar scheme, then it takes two weeks to develop to a drop that is ready to accept and send money. With the right approach, you can make about 50-100 drops with a minimum of questionnaires.