Create your own working method (Carding week with greenghost)


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This is the ninth article on this campaign.

I came to carding world barely a year ago and I have generated alot of my own carding method. Its not hard to figure out a carding method. You just have to think about any new website, go there and make a purchase with your real card and see the process you took. If billing is not equal to shipping. Check date of launch of the website, if its under a year, trust me you would make alot of cash. Don't be scared of id verification, you can easily buy id and use it to bypass it. The super hot trend of gofundme carding was innovated by @Jollier. I was still an average carder back then and I was able to take over $32k back then. And later they patched it and I went there and study there source code and found out that everything is still thew same except the've blacklisted allmost all anonymizing tools ip address as I speak to you only lux socks and luminati socks can card gofundme. Another thing you have to check is their privacy policy. You would see how long they take to approve reviews, also go to and check for sites with bad reviews, those are hot cakes for carding. I would be sincere with you when you find out a working method enjoy it before posting here, many carders are good at destorying working method. For bin there is no way to know a magic bin, the only universal bin I know is 419002. You just have to try random bins to know the correct working bin for a method.