Courier drops

Carding 4 Carders

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The investigation department of the OMVD of Russia for the Zubovo-Polyansky district has completed the investigation of a criminal case against an 18-year-old resident of the Rostov region, accused of committing crimes under Article 159 of the Criminal Code "Fraud".

In July of this year, two residents of Zubovo-Polyansky district received a call from an unknown person who introduced himself as an employee of the prosecutor's office. The stranger explained that the granddaughters of elderly women were the culprits of accidents. To resolve the issue of non-criminal liability, as well as to reimburse the cost of treatment, it was necessary to transfer money that is at home, as well as a package with necessary things and hygiene items. The victims, following the instructions of the attackers, prepared cash in the amount of 250 and 200 thousand rubles, respectively, which they gave to a young man who came to their home.

After the unknown man left, the applicants contacted their relatives, who informed them that everything was fine with them.

During the ongoing events, employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with operatives of the OMVD of Russia in the Zubovo-Polyansky district, identified the person involved in the theft of funds. The police found out that after receiving the money, the attacker transferred some of it through an ATM located in the village of Zubova Polyana. At the same time, he left himself 3 percent of each amount as a reward. After committing the crime, the accused left Mordovia.

Orientation with the signs of the attacker was directed to neighboring subjects. As a result, the defendant was arrested red-handed in Ryazan at the time of committing a similar crime. According to him, he found an announcement about the possibility of additional earnings on the Internet. By agreement with the curator, he received instructions on his mobile phone about the need to travel by rail to a certain subject, upon arrival at which he received a specific address where the victims lived, from whom he was supposed to collect money.

A preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was taken against the detainee. At the moment, the criminal case has been sent to the court.


Scammers started looking for accomplices on the websites of courier delivery services. .

Several couriers working in Russian services said that they recently received a message from an unknown "manager". The man offered couriers " safe work on the territory of Russia - to receive cash and send it to the card. According to the manager, before meeting with the client, the courier will receive a "Legend" - instructions on how and from whom to introduce yourself, so that the person understands that you can be trusted with money.

In a conversation with couriers, the manager did not hide the fact that cash that needs to be taken from people is obtained through fraud. For work, the manager offered couriers 7% of the amount and promised to increase the percentage for "verified employees".

For employment, you do not need to pay a cash deposit, as it is provided for the mortgagors, just passport photos and a mug in Telegram with the document in your hands.

Carding 4 Carders

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In Yakutia, police detained an accomplice of swindlers who traveled almost 500 km to steal 1.2 million rubles.

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a resident of the village of Chulman contacted the Chulman police department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Neryungri district about deception of an 84-year-old relative. The man explained that unknown persons stole 1.2 million rubles from his aunt.

The police found out that the pensioner was told by phone that her nephew allegedly caused the accident. Under the pretext of helping a loved one avoid criminal liability, the swindlers convinced an elderly woman to collect all her savings and give them to the courier who arrived at her place.

As a result of operational search activities, criminal investigation officers of the territorial police department identified the messenger and detained him in the city of Aldan, which is located more than 238 kilometers from the victim’s place of residence. He turned out to be an 18-year-old local resident.

A student from one of the educational institutions admitted to his crime and said that he found an offer for such criminal work on the Internet. On the instructions of the employer, he drove his car to the village of Chulman, where he took cash from the defrauded pensioner, after which he headed to his hometown. Upon returning home, he transferred the stolen money to his employer, for which he received 30 thousand rubles.

Investigators of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Neryungri district have opened a criminal case on the fact of fraud. The detained participant in the “Your relative got into an accident” deception scheme was given a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place and proper behavior. The investigation is ongoing.

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As a result of operational activities, criminal investigation officers of the Russian Department of Internal Affairs in the Novogireevo district detained four men aged 17 to 19 years living in Moscow, who may be involved in two episodes of remote fraud committed against female residents of the capital.

So, a 50-year-old woman living in Novo-Peredelkino received a message on her phone from an unknown number, but with a photo of the head of a physical education and sports public association she knew. The text indicated that a certain person would call her back to help in the difficult situation that had arisen. After some time, this man contacted her and said that attackers had gained access to her bank account, and therefore it was necessary to withdraw all savings and transfer them to a secure account.

Then the deceived Muscovite received a call from an alleged employee of a financial institution and a law enforcement officer. The scammers convinced her to follow all the instructions, as a result of which the victim went to the bank, cashed out over 6.6 million rubles and gave her savings to a young man on an electric scooter. At the same time, for persuasiveness, the messenger named the code word assigned to the woman by the swindlers.

A similar story happened to an 85-year-old victim living in the Novogireevo area. She received a call from an unknown person. The interlocutor told the pensioner that someone was trying to withdraw money from her bank account. Acting on the instructions of the swindler, the grandmother independently cashed out all the money she had in the amount of 730 thousand rubles, which she gave to a stranger near the house on Federative Avenue to protect her savings from theft.

It was previously established that all the detained citizens acted as criminal couriers and, having taken the money, transferred it to the accounts indicated to them. For both facts of deception, criminal cases were initiated under Parts 3 and 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The defendants were charged and a preventive measure in the form of house arrest was chosen. The investigation is ongoing.

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An elderly resident of Cherepovets contacted the police. The applicant, born in 1946, said that a bank security officer allegedly called her landline phone and reported suspicious transactions with funds in her bank account. The caller convinced the woman that she should withdraw all the money and transfer the cash to the courier, ostensibly for their further crediting to another, secure account. The pensioner believed, followed the instructions and handed the bag with 3 million rubles to a stranger who came to her place of residence.

As a result of carrying out a complex of operational search measures, employees of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Cherepovets found out that the cash stolen by deception was transferred "in a chain" to another participant in the criminal scheme. Operatives identified him and detained the suspect in Moscow. It turned out to be a 25-year-old resident of Novosibirsk. As the police found out, the attacker, while in the capital, in turn, transferred money to an unidentified person, for which he received a reward of 45 thousand rubles.

The Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Cherepovets opened a criminal case on the fact of fraud on a particularly large scale under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the defendant may be involved in the commission of a similar crime in Murmansk, where a criminal case has also been opened under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the damage amounted to 2 million 200 thousand rubles.

In relation to the man, the Cherepovets City Court chose a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody. The suspect is being held in a pre-trial detention center in Cherepovets.



An 85-year-old local resident turned to the Novoilinsky police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Novokuznetsk. The applicant reported that unknown persons had fraudulently stolen 560,000 rubles from her.

The police found out that a stranger called the victim on her home phone. He introduced himself as a law enforcement officer and said that the granddaughter of Novokuznetsk became the culprit of a road accident in which a person was injured, and will be brought to criminal responsibility in the form of imprisonment. The pensioner really has a granddaughter living in St. Petersburg, and the elderly woman, worried, began to beg the stranger to help a relative. The man said that criminal prosecution can be avoided if you compensate the victim in an accident for the cost of treatment, as well as moral damage. The cost was estimated at 300,000 rubles.

The pensioner collected the required amount and soon gave the cash to the courier who arrived at her home. However, a few minutes later, an unknown person called back, added that spending on treatment had increased, and demanded a new tranche of money from the pensioner. The elderly woman agreed and handed the bills back to the courier.

When some time later she was again asked to "compensate" for expenses and the townswoman said that she had run out of all her savings, the unknown person interrupted communication. Only after that, the pensioner called her granddaughter and found out that everything was fine with her and she had not committed any accident. Novokuznetsk resident realized that she was deceived, and turned to the police.

As a result of a complex of operational search measures, employees of the department for the disclosure of qualified frauds and crimes in the field of information and telecommunications technologies ESD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Novokuznetsk identified and detained a fraudulent courier.

It turned out to be a 20-year-old resident of Vladivostok, temporarily residing in Myskakh. The detainee admitted his guilt and said that he received an offer of illegal earnings in one of the Internet messengers. The young man transferred the received funds to the account numbers indicated by the fraudster, leaving himself 6 000 rubles as a reward.

Currently, an investigator of the Novoilinsky police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Novokuznetsk has opened a criminal case against the suspect on the grounds of a crime under Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code "Fraud". According to the sanctions of the article, the maximum penalty is 6 years of imprisonment. During the investigation, the defendant was taken into custody.

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Minsk investigators have completed the investigation of the case against another courier of telephone scammers.

Not so long ago, residents of the capital were "excited" by calls from supposedly relatives in trouble, asking for help. Unknown people called, as a rule, elderly citizens, said that their loved one could become a person involved in a criminal case and offered to compensate for the damage to the victims. Being in a stressful situation, Minsk residents transferred quite large sums without even bothering to call their relative and clarify the circumstances.

Investigators, in cooperation with police officers, carried out a large-scale preventive work to curb the criminal activities of so-called telephone scammers. Currently, the number of such crimes is practically reduced to zero.

It is worth noting that there were also those who, wanting to earn quick and easy money, helped scammers to enrich themselves on the credulity of citizens and agreed to take "pay-offs"from pensioners for a fee.

Since the beginning of 2022, more than 180 couriers belonging to such criminal groups have been detained. However, instead of earning money, employees received criminal liability.

The Investigation Department of the Minsk City Police Department has completed the investigation of a criminal case against another member of an organized group that earns money on the credulity of Minsk residents.

In April 2022, a 30-year-old man was looking for a job online. He was interested in the job of a courier, because for a high salary it was only necessary to collect cash and transfer it to their "colleagues" or top up bank accounts. The defendant agreed.

Having received from employers the coordinates of the first victim, the defendant went to the address where he was met by a 72-year-old resident of the capital. The excited woman gave him 2 thousand US dollars, because before the courier arrived, the victim's daughter allegedly called and said that she was the culprit of the accident and urgently needed money for the victim's treatment.

The defendant exchanged the money taken from the pensioner in an exchange office for Belarusian rubles and used the terminal to transfer it to an account whose details were provided by the "employer". The person involved left 200 US dollars as a reward for the completed order.

The man's career did not last long – only two days, after which he was detained by police officers. During this time, the accused took more than 100 thousand rubles from 8 pensioners living in Minsk and the Minsk region.

It is worth noting that when meeting with the victims, the man, on the instructions of the curator, presented himself with fictitious data, was wearing a mask to hide his appearance, and also changed clothes. He threw away all personal belongings of the elderly, leaving only cash.

When studying the characteristic material, it was established that the man had previously been convicted of committing fraud on a large scale and did not officially work.

The actions of the courier of telephone fraudsters are qualified under Part 4 of Article 209 (fraud committed by an organized group on a particularly large scale). Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. A preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was applied to him.

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In the Moscow region, officers of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Balashikha" with the support of Rosgvardiya detained two residents of the Leninsky City District aged 25 and 29 years, suspected of committing fraud.

It is established that the mobile phone of an 84-year-old local resident received a call from an unknown person who introduced himself as a security officer of the Central Bank. The man told the pensioner that scammers are trying to steal money from his accounts. To prevent illegal actions, the caller recommended that you cash out your savings and transfer them through a messenger to a financial institution in order to secure your savings. The victim fulfilled the requirements and gave 2 million rubles to an unknown young man who arrived to him.

A few days later, the elderly citizen was allegedly contacted by a law enforcement officer, who explained that it was necessary to withdraw all remaining savings and similarly deposit them into a secure account. The grandfather, believing the swindler's words, handed over more than 2.5 million rubles to the new courier.

According to these facts, the investigator of the territorial division of the police initiated a criminal case under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

As a result of operational search measures, the police established the route of movement of the malefactors to whom the applicant transferred cash, and detained them at their places of residence. According to the detainees, they found work in one of the messengers. It was their job to collect the money at the addresses that the employer called, and transfer it to the specified bank accounts, keeping a percentage of the amount.

Currently, the defendants are in custody. Law enforcement officers carry out further measures aimed at identifying the accomplices of the crime, as well as the involvement of detainees in similar episodes of criminal activity.

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In Khabarovsk, the police completed a preliminary investigation of a criminal case on charges of 26-year-old resident of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in fraud against a pensioner.

The investigation found that a 77-year-old resident of the Industrial District of the regional center was called by unknown people who introduced themselves as law enforcement officers and specialists of a large bank. The interlocutors convinced the elderly man that some people were trying to steal his savings. The grandfather was convinced that to save the savings, you need to withdraw all the money and transfer it in cash to a messenger who will open a new bank account for the pensioner. The misled citizen followed all the instructions of the scammers. He closed his savings account, cashed out 2 million rubles and went to a grocery store on Krasnorechenskaya Street, where he handed them to an unknown girl.

Later, a citizen who received money from an elderly citizen was detained by the Criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Khabarovsk.

During the trial, it turned out that the detainee had previously been brought to criminal responsibility for similar illegal acts. For seven facts of providing courier services to fraudsters, she was given a suspended sentence by a court decision.

Later, after moving to the regional center, the defendant again contacted the scammers via messenger. However, this time she asked for earnings that are not related to the commission of crimes. The interlocutors allegedly met her halfway, promising that now she will not be a courier who participates in deceiving pensioners, but a manager of a crypto exchange. The girl had to meet with clients of the imaginary financial platform or go to their residential addresses and collect cash, which then had to be transferred to the specified banking details, receiving a monetary reward for this. Unknown persons assured the accused that their activities are absolutely legal – they allegedly use the transferred money to buy cryptocurrency, which they then trade in the interests of investors.

As it turned out, scammers deceived both the malefactor and the pensioner. The first client of the new manager was the victim. On the same day, the accused transferred 2 million rubles to her employers, receiving about 50 thousand rubles for her services.

At present, the materials of the criminal case initiated under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation have been sent to the court for consideration on the merits. Until the verdict is announced, the defendant will be under a recognizance not to leave and proper behavior.

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In the Republic of Mordovia, the investigative department of the MMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Kovylkinsky" has completed the investigation of a criminal case on charges of a 30-year-old resident of Roslavl, Smolensk region, of embezzling a total of 1.3 million rubles from four elderly women deceived by telephone scammers under the scheme "Your relative got into an accident".

Police investigators found that while in his native region, the defendant found an ad on the Internet about the possibility of additional earnings as a courier and agreed to a dubious job. At the direction of the scammers employers, he first went to the Penza region, where he took cash from a local resident, which he transferred to the employer's account via an ATM, leaving himself 5% of the amount as a reward by agreement.

After that, the man realized that he had become an accomplice to fraud and tried to refuse further similar actions offered to him. However, the curator threatened that in this case he would pass on information about him to the police. Fearing responsibility, the accused continued to follow the instructions of the malefactors, who in July of this year sent him to the Kovylkinsky district of Mordovia to the places of residence of two more pensioners born in 1932 and 1949, and then to a resident of the capital of the Tula region. The criminal messenger also transferred all the money stolen from the victims to the account specified by the employer, keeping 5% of each amount.

The person involved was identified and detained in Tula by employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Mordovia after committing another crime. At the moment, the criminal case initiated against him under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has been sent to the Court of the Republic for consideration on the merits. A resident of the Smolensk region will go to the dock from the pre-trial detention center, where he was taken into custody for the duration of the investigation.

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In Vladivostok, the police detained a courier of scammers who arrived for criminal earnings from Moscow.

A 72-year-old local resident turned to the duty station of the police department No. 4 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, for help, who reported that 530 thousand rubles were fraudulently stolen from him.

The police found out that an unknown person called the victim, introduced himself as a bank employee and said that someone was trying to take over all the applicant's savings. The caller assured the man that the problem could be solved by withdrawing all funds from the accounts and transferring them to a trusted person of the financial institution for safekeeping. The pensioner cashed out all his savings and gave them to the courier who arrived.

Later, a 47-year-old citizen made a similar statement. Deceived by the same scheme, the woman gave the scammers almost 2 million rubles.

As a result of a complex of operational search measures, the criminal investigation department of the Far Eastern capital identified and detained the attacker who took money from the victims. It turned out to be a 27-year-old resident of Moscow. It turned out that the detainee specifically overcame 9 thousand kilometers for the sake of criminal earnings.

Criminal cases have been initiated on the grounds of crimes under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In relation to the defendant, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of remand in custody. His involvement in similar crimes is being checked.


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Based on the evidence presented by the state prosecutor, the Rejevskaya City Court issued a verdict in a criminal case against a local resident, born in 1992.The man was found guilty under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud, organized group, causing significant damage).

During the judicial review of the criminal case, it was established that the accused was part of an organized group, whose members specialized in embezzlement of funds of senior citizens by informing them of deliberately false information about road accidents caused by relatives and acquaintances of the latter. They offered to transfer money to the victims in order to avoid bringing their relatives to criminal responsibility.

The accused, acting as a "courier", had to arrive at the place of residence of the victims in the shortest possible time, collect the money, and then deposit it into the settlement accounts controlled by the organized group, while retaining part of the money in the form of remuneration for his illegal activities.

Members of the criminal group committed embezzlement of funds of 4 senior citizens for a total amount of more than 1 million rubles.

The Rezhev City Court sentenced the guilty person to 6 years and 2 months in a general regime penal colony. In addition, the court recovered from the convicted person in favor of the victims the amount of damage caused.


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An investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Kemerovo has completed the investigation of a criminal case initiated against three local residents - 19, 20 and 21 years old. They were charged with committing crimes under Article 159 (hch. 2 and 3) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud".

In January of this year, six elderly citizens aged from 81 to 93 years old applied to the Kemerovo police. They reported that they were deceived by scammers. The total amount of damage caused was about 2 million rubles.

The police found out that all the crimes were committed under the "Relative in need" scheme. Unknown people called the victims and reported that their relatives were responsible for road accidents. To resolve the issue of not bringing those close to criminal responsibility, the interlocutors demanded large amounts of money. Misled pensioners handed over cash to the incoming courier, the amount of which ranged from 100,000 rubles to 900,000 rubles. Only after a while did Kemerovo residents call back their loved ones and realize that they were deceived.

As a result of carrying out a complex of operational search measures, the criminal investigation department officers identified and detained three suspects. They became defendants in a criminal case. A preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was chosen for one of the accused, and a recognizance not to leave the country was chosen for two of them. In order to compensate for the damage, the investigator seized the accounts of the defendants.

The investigation established that the 20-year-old defendant found a way to make criminal money on the Internet, and then, having committed the first crime alone, involved two acquaintances in illegal activities.

At present, the investigation has collected a sufficient evidence base. The criminal case was sent for consideration to the Central District Court of Kemerovo. Sanctions of the article of the charge provide for a penalty of up to 6 years in prison.


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Employees of the patrol and post service of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Kaluga in hot pursuit detained a 26-year-old resident of the Bryansk region, suspected of committing fraudulent actions against senior citizens.

As one of the victims explained, earlier she received a call from a stranger who introduced himself as a law enforcement officer. The caller said that some third parties are trying to steal the savings of the Kaluga woman and send them out of the state. At the same time, as the interlocutor emphasized, these actions are illegal, and therefore the pensioner may be brought to criminal responsibility. Concerned Kaluzhanka, without interrupting the conversation, continued communication.

During the conversation, the caller asked about the amount of money that the woman had at home. Having learned that she has more than 500 thousand rubles, the man explained that these savings must be declared in order to confirm their rightful ownership. To carry out this operation, the Kaluzhanka woman should have prepared money, a receipt, and handed it over to the courier. The woman believed, and when a stranger came to her apartment, she gave him her savings. However, after that, she rethought the conversation and realized that she was being deceived. Having managed to snatch the savings from the courier, the woman called the police and reported the incident.

This information was passed on to the nearest officer of the patrol and post service of the police, who immediately arrived at the specified address and detained the suspect.

As the detainee explained, in the criminal scheme he was assigned the role of a courier. He found out about this type of part-time work on the Internet after receiving a message from a stranger who told him about the opportunity to improve his financial situation. Receiving addresses of citizens, the courier came and took money from them, which he then transferred via ATM to third-party banking details, leaving himself a small percentage as a reward.

In the course of further actions, the police officers established the possible involvement of the man in committing similar fraudulent actions against four more pensioners. The total amount of damage caused to Kaluga residents amounted to more than 1.8 million rubles.

According to these facts, the investigative departments of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kaluga initiated criminal cases on the grounds of crimes under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud".

In relation to the defendant, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of remand in custody. The investigation continues.


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In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the court verdict was heard by an 18-year-old native of the Irkutsk region, who at the age of 17 came to study at one of the technical schools in Kansk and helped telephone scammers steal a total of 750 thousand rubles from three local pensioners. The young man was charged with the incriminated acts by city police investigators.

It is established that the person involved played the role of a courier in the criminal scheme "Your relative got into trouble" and acted on the instructions of scammers who hired him through an ad in the messenger about working as a messenger. He came to the addresses indicated to him and took savings from already defrauded citizens, and then transferred cash to the accounts of employers, leaving himself 8% of the stolen amounts.

The accomplice of swindlers was detained by police officers in May of the current year when went to the next victim of the accomplices to receive from it 300 thousand rubles. For the duration of the investigation, he was given a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody.

Having considered the materials of criminal cases initiated under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the court appointed the defendant 2.5 years of imprisonment with serving the sentence in a general regime penal colony.


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Operatives of the criminal investigation Department of the Police Department No. 8 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Voronezh detained a 73-year-old resident of the regional center, suspected of remote fraud.

It was previously established that the pensioner played the role of a courier, coming to defrauded citizens and taking money from them. At the end of November of this year, telephone scammers called an 85-year-old local resident on a landline phone and, introducing themselves as bank employees, reported that unknown people, acting by proxy, on her behalf are trying to issue a bank account, transfer all funds from her existing accounts to a fictitious one, and thus steal them. To save your savings, you need to withdraw all your savings from your accounts as soon as possible and transfer them to a "safe" account. A worried elderly woman believed in the legend of scammers and, without consulting any of her relatives, hurried to follow the instructions of the scammers. The attackers were constantly in touch. They made sure that the pensioner did everything they needed, and even under the guise of bank employees supported her and reassured her, promising that everything would be fine and the money would remain safe.

The pensioner took a taxi that was called to her by malefactors, went to the bank where she had an account, withdrew money and went to another commercial organization to transfer 200 thousand rubles to the account, the details of which were dictated by fraudsters. In case the bank employees asked her who and for what purpose she was transferring funds, the scammers convinced her to say that it was a gift to her grandson for the wedding. After doing exactly as she was told, the elderly woman went home. Soon she received a phone call again, and the scammers who called explained to her that she had incorrectly indicated the recipient's last name, and therefore the money should be withdrawn again, brought home and waited for the collector to collect the cash and perform all operations himself, so as not to make mistakes. At this point, the victim remembers that she has another account in another bank, which is 180 thousand rubles. Then the scammers offer her to first secure this money now, and deal with the incorrect transfer a little later. The pensioner again takes a taxi to a commercial organization and withdraws 180 thousand rubles. After that, she goes home with the money and waits for the collector, who, using the code word "light bulb", will have to take the cash from her and transfer it to a temporary "safe" account.

On the same day, in the evening, a woman who served as a courier in a fraudulent scheme called the victim's apartment under the guise of a cash collector. The attacker gave the password and took the pensioner's money, assuring her that she would do everything as it should be, and left.

In the morning of the next day, the deceived woman was called again and told that 200 thousand rubles, which she mistakenly sent to the wrong account, must be urgently withdrawn and sent home, waiting for the collector. When the pensioner was withdrawing money, an employee of the organization explained to her that most likely they were trying to deceive her. When the victim finished the banking operation, she reported the incident to the police, explaining that soon a woman of her "age" will come to her to collect the money. And so it happened, only this time the malefactor was detained by operational officers of OP No. 8 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Voronezh at the time of transferring funds.

The detainee refused to give evidence, using Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The investigative authorities initiated criminal proceedings against the suspect on the grounds of crimes provided for in part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud". The defendant was detained in accordance with Article 91 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, and the issue of choosing a preventive measure for her is being resolved. The police conduct a complex of operational search activities aimed at identifying all persons involved in illegal actions, as well as establishing additional episodes of criminal activity of the detainee.


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In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a court sentenced a 48-year-old resident of the city of Zelenogorsk, who helped telephone fraudsters steal from seven elderly women aged 69 to 87 years in the total amount of more than 1.3 million rubles. The defendant was charged with committing crimes under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by investigators of the OMVD of Russia in the town of Zelenogorsk.

During the investigation, it was established that in the summer of this year, a man born in 1975 on the Internet responded to the announcement of scammers operating under the fraudulent scheme "Your relative was in an accident", about working as a courier. At the direction of malefactors, he came to the residential addresses of pensioners who had already been deceived by phone and took their savings from them. He transferred the stolen cash to employers, keeping a reward for himself.

The person involved was detained by police officers in the city of Krasnoyarsk near the entrance of a residential building where one of the victims lived. Money transfer receipts and personal belongings of senior citizens were seized from him, which they handed over to relatives allegedly injured in road accidents.

Having studied the materials of the criminal case, the court found Zelenogorets guilty of the incriminated crimes and sentenced him to 7 years and 6 months of imprisonment to be served in a general regime penal colony. He will also have to compensate for the damage caused.


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A scam courier detained by Krasnoyarsk police visited the same pensioner five times

In early December, employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory received operational information that a previously convicted resident of the regional center, born in 1982, was assisting telephone scammers in stealing savings from elderly citizens. As a result of the measures taken, detectives detained the messenger of the scammers at the entrance of one of the residential buildings in Krasnoyarsk, where he came to collect money from another 86-year-old woman deceived by his accomplices.

During the investigation, it turned out that the man came to this grandmother for the fifth time. According to the victim, who before the operatives’ visit had no idea that she had become a victim of fraudsters, she gave the detained courier a total of just over 1 million rubles.

The police established that the pensioner received a call from a swindler who introduced himself as a law enforcement officer. He reported transactions of funds to another country that were allegedly carried out from her account, and threatened criminal liability. Under the pretext of conducting bank declarations and examining all the cash, the attacker several times convinced the elderly woman to give her money, promising to return everything later.

As a result of further work, police officers learned that the scammer’s messenger was involved in a similar deception of four more citizens, from whom he took a total of about 1.5 million rubles. Moreover, none of them also contacted the internal affairs bodies. Law enforcement officials identified all the victims and took statements from them.

Now the police are establishing the identities of the employers of the detained man, who has already become a defendant in several criminal cases initiated under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The defendant was taken into custody during their investigation.

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The court sentenced courier Sergei Lavrov, who helped telephone scammers, to 1 year and 4 months in a penal colony, reports the United Press Service of the Courts of the Krasnodar Territory.

The court found that in April of this year, the attackers called the landline phone of a resident of Ust-Labinsk and reported that the subscriber’s daughter had committed an accident, as a result of which the girl was injured.

“To provide assistance, it was necessary to transfer 150 thousand rubles.

Lavrov came to the victim and took her money. He kept 15 thousand rubles for himself, and transferred the rest to his accomplices,” the press service said.

Another victim of the scammers almost became an elderly resident of the Bryukhovetsky district, who was going to give the scammers 100 thousand rubles, for which the defendant came, but at the last moment the woman’s relatives came to the aid of the woman, and Lavrov was detained.

The court found Lavrov guilty of committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 159, as well as Part 3 of Article 30, Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud and attempted murder). The courier was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 1 year and 4 months in a penal colony. The verdict did not enter into legal force.


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To 7 years of imprisonment and payment of the caused damage the courier of swindlers in Krasnoyarsk Territory is sentenced

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a resident of Zelenogorsk, born in 2001, who participated in the fraudulent scheme "Your relative got into an accident", was sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony and payment of damages to victims in the amount of 1 million 767 thousand rubles.

From the materials of the criminal case, it follows that in early June last year, seven elderly women aged 81 to 93 years applied to the Zelenogorsk city police. The applicants, misled by remote scammers, gave various amounts of money to the courier who came to them, along with their personal belongings. Moreover, one of the pensioners handed the messenger savings that she had been saving for a long time to make a monument to her deceased son.

During the operational search activities, the police identified the fraudsters ' assistant who took the savings and detained him near an ATM in one of the shopping centers located in Zelenogorsk. The attacker was seized personal belongings of senior citizens, receipts for the transfer of funds, as well as 415 thousand rubles, which he did not have time to transfer to unidentified accomplices.

As law enforcement officers found out, the young man found an ad about working as a courier for phone scammers in one of the messengers. At the direction of unknown accomplices, he took cash from deceived citizens and transferred it to the organizers, leaving himself a small percentage of the amount as a monetary reward. For all the time of criminal activity, he managed to get 30 thousand rubles, which he spent on personal needs.

The court, having considered the materials of the criminal case initiated under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, found the defendant guilty and imposed a sentence of imprisonment and payment of damages to the victims. The Krasnoyarsk Regional Court did not satisfy the appeal filed by the defendant and upheld the verdict.

• Video:


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The investigation department of the OMVD of Russia "Tonshaevsky" investigated a criminal case initiated on the grounds of a crime under part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud", on three facts of illegal acts committed against pensioners in the Nizhny Novgorod and Ivanovo regions.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that in the period from July 7 to July 10, 2023, the person involved in the criminal case and his accomplices stole money in the amount of 350,000, 100,000 and 110,000 rubles from two elderly residents of the Tonshayevo settlement and a pensioner from the Ivanovo region. Fraudsters operated using the scheme "Your relative was involved in an accident". Under the pretext of releasing a loved one from criminal liability or referring to the need for urgent medical care, they asked to transfer a large amount of money to the courier. The victims, because of their gullibility, did not double-check the information received from their relatives and gave it to the young man who arrived.

As a result of operational search activities and investigative actions, employees of the OMVD of Russia "Tonshaevsky" identified one of the suspects in committing illegal acts against the victims - a 24-year-old resident of the former Soviet Republic, who served as a courier. The young man was detained in cooperation with employees of the OMVD of Russia in the city of Shakhunya, when he tried to transfer the stolen money to his accomplices.

By the court's decision, the person involved in the criminal case for committing crimes against pensioners was sentenced to 1 year and 8 months imprisonment. Relatives of the young man fully compensated for the material damage caused to the victims.

• Video: https://мвд.рф/news/item/49451823/


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The senior investigator of the SU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Altai Republic has completed the investigation of a criminal case on charges of a 37-year-old resident of Novosibirsk, who helped remote fraudsters steal more than 5.2 million rubles from a 63-year-old resident of the Maiminsky district.

It is established that scammers, posing as employees of the bank's security service and law enforcement agencies, informed the pensioner by phone that some malefactors were trying to issue a loan in her name and subsequently take possession of these funds. Under the pretext of canceling the received applications for financial obligations, fraudsters convinced an elderly woman to apply to the bank on her own, borrow 3.5 million rubles at interest and transfer the borrowed funds to a "safe account". After that, the interlocutors persuaded the victim to transfer about 1.7 million personal savings to the same place under the pretext of ensuring their safety.

As employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Altai Republic later found out, the pensioner transferred money to the bank card number that was in use by a 37-year-old resident of Novosibirsk. The man took this payment tool in his native region from a cache, the coordinates of which were sent to him by scammers who deceived a 63-year-old resident of the Altai Republic.

Having received a card issued in the name of another person, the accused cashed out the stolen finances and transferred them through ATMs to the accounts that the phone scammers indicated to him, leaving himself a small percentage of the total amount as a reward. Later, the person involved threw away the credit card. He was detained by Altai police in Novosibirsk in the fall of last year, after which he was taken into custody.

At present, the materials of the criminal case initiated against the assistant scammers under part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, together with the indictment approved by the prosecutor, have been sent to the court for consideration on the merits.