Check fraud is gaining momentum in the US, but the state is reluctant to recover losses


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American media are increasingly paying attention to cases of stolen checks. In particular, the New York channel ABC 7 drew attention to the fact that the number of such cases in the city has doubled in comparison with 2022.

As an example, journalists cited the story of a resident of the Queens area Anthony Perlongo (Anthony Perlongo), who since November last year checked his mailbox, waiting for the receipt of money owed to him from the federal government. We are talking about a one-time disability benefit in the amount of 25.7 thousand dollars.

"I ended up calling Social Security, and they said I'd already cashed that check, even though I didn't even have time to get it," Perlongo said wistfully.

Apparently, the fraudster was able to steal and cash the check by forging the signatures of an American. Because of this, Perlongo filed a fraud lawsuit and provided samples of his signature three times. In March 2023, the Ministry of Finance admitted that the signature was forged and the money should be returned. However, the bureaucratic machine turned out to be so slow that the American received his allowance only in September and only after the intervention of journalists.