Carding forums


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Carding is the activity of stealing data of payment cards of citizens and gaining access to the funds of these citizens. It is worth immediately making a reservation that this is an illegal activity, which is regulated by the criminal code of the Russian Federation.

It is very difficult to say the exact number of people involved in carding on the territory of the Russian Federation, since these people, for obvious reasons, keep their identities secret. These scammers can work both in a group and independently.

What about carding forums?

If you start looking for information about thematic forums about carding, you can easily find it and even go to such resources.

If you read the discussions on the forums, then you will see various proposals of some people to others to carry out various illegal operations or other illegal actions. For example, you can find advertisements for the sale of goods that fell into the hands of the seller through fraud.

Moreover, often on sites where stolen things are sold, the buyer can see transparent information about the product and he will be assured that the product is good.

Many people are interested in the goods offered by carders, as they ask for a lower cost than for the same goods, but in regular stores. Everything is logical here, because carders received goods illegally and did not pay money for them. Why not make a discount, for example, on an expensive tablet.

As a result, the buyer goes to the carding forum and asks for information about the transfer of funds to purchase goods. As a result, the buyer will be given the details of where to transfer the money, he will transfer them and he will be informed that in a few days he will receive the goods. In fact, the buyer will lose money and no one will send the goods to him.


The most interesting thing is that on the carding forum the account of this person will simply be blocked. Even if there is no blocking, you should not give in to emotions and write nasty things, because after a while the negative comment of the victim will be corrected for positive. Supposedly the goods have been received, and the buyer praises this carding forum.

The sad thing is that the victim and the law enforcement agencies are unlikely to have a desire. The goods the person wanted to buy, which was obtained illegally. What if the victim himself has problems. And it will also be very difficult to prove the guilt of the carder.

Over time, the realization will come that the entire resource of the carding forum is one continuous fraudulent portal and all employees of this resource are scammers.


On such sites, you can also see proposals for cooperation with the investment of personal funds. These schemes are also designed for gullible people. After all, as you understand, in our world there is no easy money, and if it does, it is very rare. As a result, by starting to cooperate with carders, you will simply get problems with the law. You need to understand that even if an illegal scheme looks reliable, there is no guarantee that you will not be caught. The law enforcement system is developing and as the fraudulent schemes improve, the law enforcement system is also improving in order to catch criminals. In addition, often, if you are offered a job at the carding forum, then know that there is a high probability that you will simply be extreme and will have to answer for your actions according to the law.

You need to understand that carding forums are just sites for attracting gullible people looking for a simple income. As a result, these people are simply set up. Experienced carders often work alone and they will not write something on forums or other resources once again. Their task is to maintain maximum anonymity.


The most important advice here is one. You should never visit carding forums at all, as this is fraught with negative consequences for you. Every day, a lot of people come to these resources in search of easy money. If all this did not bring profit to carders, then there would be no carding forums. This is logical.

In addition, when visiting such resources, you can also infect your computer with some Trojan software. Be careful and bypass these sites.