Carding – Bank card fraud


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How not to lose your money using a bank card.

Now bank cards are no less common than cash. And wherever there is money, there is a chance to lose it. According to Zecurion, a cybersecurity company, more than a billion rubles were stolen from Russian bank cards in 2017. The world leader in banking statistics, The Nilson Report, reported that in 2015, $6.97 out of every $100 spent from bank cards was stolen. And this figure will increase at least until 2020. We hope that you did not become victims of scammers, and thanks to this article, you will not become them in the future. Card fraud can catch up with anyone, and you need to know the enemy by sight.

A type of fraud that aims to steal money from a bank card is called card fraud, or carding. Carding is, first of all, the implementation of banking operations on the card that are not initiated by the user of this card.
You don't have to steal a physical bank card to leave you without any money in your account
To understand that you have become a victim of fraud is quite simple: someone performs operations with a bank card without your knowledge, while your card is safely lying in your wallet at home. If your card is linked to a phone number, you will receive a text message about debiting funds. If the phone number is not linked and the card balance causes you doubts and confusion, check the history of card transactions on your bank's website or at its physical office.

There are two classic types of carding: phishing and skimming. We will tell you where you may encounter them, and how to protect your money after all.


Phishing is a type of online fraud that aims to obtain card details directly from the cardholder.
Phishing can appear in the form of online mailing on behalf of banks, social networks, and well-known stores
Such "letters of happiness" contain a link that is supposedly very important to follow. For example, to receive an unexpected prize, a gift, or even a government subsidy. After clicking on this link, you will, of course, be required to enter your bank card details. Bank details, CVV, PIN-code — all this can become the target of scammers. After receiving such information, it will not be difficult to steal money from your card. Clone sites are often used for phishing. This can be a clone site of your bank, the start page of a social network, or an online store. Calls allegedly from the tax service or from a bank, messages from hacked pages of friends in social networks — everything can be used. Even fake text messages from mothers or children in trouble, phishing scammers do not disdain.

Unfortunately, no security rule can guarantee 100% security of your money. Here everything is just like with classic money-scammers can find an approach even for the most cautious and prudent. But there are some tips that will help you minimize the risk of financial losses from phishing:
  • Do not advertise or transmit your bank card details, take photos of the card, or upload this photo to the network unless absolutely necessary. Individual design of a card with a photo of a cat is good, but it's better not to show off ostentatiously. A photo of the front side of the card is sometimes enough for someone other than you to perform actions with it. The photo can get into the network, but how it will be used by Internet users is an open question.
  • Do not visit questionable sites, do not click on links that you are not absolutely sure about. Check the address bar of familiar sites — the minimum difference in spelling can give a clone site. Use your bank card online only on trusted, well-known sites that use two-factor authentication-they ask you not only to enter your card details for payment, but also to confirm the payment via SMS. Of course, any site can be hacked, but with large structures it is more difficult.
It is almost impossible to run into fraudsters by paying for purchases in a well-known online store or through a real bank website
  • If you received an SMS/message on a social network or an email from your loved ones asking for help — do not give in to emotions. Call your loved ones and find out if they wrote to you. Scammers can use your social connections to increase your emotional engagement. It's much easier to get hold of your confidential information and throw you off balance.


Skimming is the installation of equipment on an ATM that allows you to read and write down bank card data in order to make a copy of it later. For skimming, you can use reading equipment that is embedded in an ATM or payment terminal, a micro-video camera, or malicious software for the ATM. You can become a victim of skimming either by withdrawing money from an ATM, or by paying with a card in a supermarket or restaurant.

It is easier not to get hooked if you do not forget about these rules:
  • Find "your" ATM. Yes, it is better to withdraw money from the same ATM. Study its appearance — any changes may indicate that phishing equipment has been installed, and keep an eye out for them.
It is best to choose the one that is located inside the bank's branch as your permanent ATM.
  • If you still need to withdraw money in an unusual place, be careful. Avoid street ATMs and ATMs in dark places — these are the easiest places to install skimming equipment and go unnoticed. Pay attention to the appearance of the ATM: you should be alerted by a bulging or wobbly keyboard, overlays on the card reader, and other details that look foreign. If you get the impression that the part is “not from here”, do not be afraid to pull it or try to detach it (only without vandalism). Skimming equipment is attached rather weakly compared to the original configuration of the ATM. Traces of glue, chips, advertising stickers — all this should also alert you.
  • Do not forget to cover the keyboard with your hand every time you enter the PIN code: this should protect you from cameras and extra eyes of onlookers.

Skimming equipment is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the original one
  • Link your phone number to the bank card and set up quick notifications about card transactions. If something goes wrong, you can react quickly. The main thing is not to lose your phone.
  • If possible, use a card with an electronic chip. Forging such cards is much more difficult.
  • Set a limit for withdrawing / transferring money. If you want to withdraw more, you can complete the transaction via bank confirmation. But if your card is forged, you won't be able to steal everything.

You're caught...​

If you are still unlucky enough to fall victim to a card fraud, please call your bank immediately. If the transactions were not made by you, most likely it will be possible to prove it and get your money back. Most often, the bank that issued the card, the bank that secures your online transaction, or the bank at whose ATM you performed actions are responsible for fraud. Be especially careful when using your bank card abroad. There is a whole list of countries where fraud is particularly common. As a rule, after using the card in such countries, the bank offers to reissue it. You can check this information with your bank.

(c) Vasily Chernukha