**Bt Telephone Diver Tut**

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Inititally u will neeed

Account Number

Number to divert to

1. You Will ring Bt Faults Department and sate
there is a fault with you telephone line
(at this stage there will ask to confirm your name
and adress, and sometimes dob, and also the telephone
number. You will also be able to ring on behalf of
the account holder so therefore you can act like a
the husband if its a womens account)

2. You will sate that you telephone line is dead
and you have tried changing the headsets twice and the
problem still persist and you will sate that you have
also taken the two screws out from the sockets and followed
the procedure online but it still does not work.

3. Then ask for an engineer to be sent out, after there have booked
an engineer there will read a disclaimer stating that you will get charged
if there is no fault ,agree to it.

4.State that this problem with the telephoneline has caused you
alot of inconvinience and that you are going to get a Important call
and that you need your landline to be transferred to your mobile
at this point there will ask for the number to divert it to

5.To initiate the Divert there will ask for the account number(if you have this account
number your divert will be succesful) but if not follow step 6 (sometimes
there will not askk for this depends on the advisor) if you do not have this
state that you not at home and you are using a telephone box.

6.There will state that cant do it but persuade them to divert the phone and ring
you back in an hour as you will be at home. Then there should say ok.

Always be persistent in the important call and blame them for the fault this will lead
them to believe you are geniune

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