
Reaction score
Hello again. We have one of the most important articles in my series about arbitration coming up.

Today we will talk about attracting traffic:
  • What is online advertising today?
  • What types of traffic are there?
  • Which ones are most effective?
  • How do free methods of attracting customers work?
  • How do paid methods work?
  • Motivated traffic. (Forbidden fruit is always sweet).
These are the main topics that we will touch upon. I think everyone is ready and we can start.

Let's get started.

What is online advertising today?
As I said in previous articles, the entire business is moving from offline to online by leaps and bounds. Even today, it is quite difficult to find any enterprise/production/service/store that does not have its own website or page in social networks.

Almost all businesses have moved to the Internet. And where there is a business, there is also advertising. Accordingly, the advertising business also confidently settles in the network. All the advertising that was in real life (posters, whiteboards, ads, flyers) was transferred to the Internet.

Various businesses are ready to fight to the death for the attention of their customers. These clients are called Target Traffic in a professional environment. That is why it is profitable to learn how to attract such traffic. But here's how to attract him, and that's what I want to talk to you about.

What are the types of traffic?
Let us immediately understand that the Internet most often works with two types of traffic:
  • free traffic
  • paid traffic
We'll talk about them first. But later I will tell you about the third type of traffic, which is not widely known, but which brings a very good profit.

Free traffic.
It can be obtained absolutely anywhere. Well, or almost everywhere. It can be social networks, various sites, forums, boxes, instant messengers, etc. the main Thing is that your target audience is there. But how do you attract free traffic from these Internet sites?

The most common and time - tested method is spam. Mass distribution of advertising messages to users so that they can see your offer.

The main task of spam is to make a so-called "touch with the client" so that they pay attention to your ad. And then there is already a screening of the target audience from the non-target one.

To date, it is not difficult to deal with spam, and almost all the work is done for you by the program. Your task is only to set it up correctly.

]Also, it is worth noting that THERE is practically no completely FREE TRAFFIC today. In any case, you will have to spend at least 100-200 rubles on "consumables". By consumables, I mean various accounts, proxies, subscriptions to spam services, etc.

But one way or another, this traffic is FREE, because we do not invest a single ruble in the advertising itself. Free traffic can sometimes bring you a very good profit, but do not forget that this work will take much longer than working with paid traffic. Now let's talk about it.

Paid traffic.
If we have a certain amount of money in our pocket, we can already BUY traffic and direct it to our advertising offers. But how can we attract the attention of our target audience? What kind of traffic can we buy?

Absolutely any place where our potential client can turn their attention. These are various advertising banners, search advertising (context), targeting in social networks, advertising posts on promoted sites in social networks, advertising in messengers, blogs, etc. There are quite a lot of options here.

But do not forget that this traffic is PAID, and it is not cheap. That is why many people do not go to arbitration, because here you first need to buy traffic, and it is far from a fact that you can buy high-quality traffic with an accurate hit to your target audience.

Most likely, you will simply drain all your start-up capital, if you are a beginner and have never done this before. Alas, but this is how practice shows.

Today, there is a huge amount of information on free and paid traffic on the Internet. I don't see much point in delving into these topics.

Let me tell you about the third type of traffic, which requires almost no investment, and as a result can surpass even PAID traffic. Yes, I'm talking about...

Motivated traffic.
What is it? I think the name itself already makes it clear what is special about this type of traffic.

Motivated traffic is people who perform a targeted action for some kind of reward. That is, they pursue their own MOTIVE by clicking on our affiliate link and performing a targeted action.

It is worth noting that you can motivate people to perform a targeted action on your affiliate link not only with money. There are other ways to motivate yourself. And here in the free ways of motivation, we are in any case in the black. Because they didn't invest a single ruble, but they received payment for the action.

Also, we can always be sure what the motive is. We will get GUARANTEED conversion traffic. For example, for the invested $ 10, we can strictly calculate how many conversions/leads we will receive for this amount. But if we invested these $ 10 in advertising in any public, then the result would already depend on the creative and getting to the target audience.

But I wouldn't want you to have a "too smooth" picture of working in this direction. Believe me, there are a lot of pitfalls here. Many affiliate programs simply prohibit motivated traffic, and if this is detected, your account will simply be blocked, without any payments.

Personally, over a year and a half of working in this field, I have developed a certain algorithm for working in each direction, and adhering to my strategy, my accounts live for a very long time and bring very good income.

Wrong approach.
Many people, having heard out of the corner of their ear about motivated traffic, immediately run to task completion sites (boxes), and sculpt their ads there in the hope of cheating and making money.

But this is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to do. Such motivation and such traffic are very quickly revealed by affiliate program managers, and the cunning person's account is safely sent to the ban.

The right approach.
I want you to understand that if you work CORRECTLY, then even with the help of boxes, you can make great money on motivated traffic. The minimum amount you can start with is $ 10 And these investments, in turn, you can increase to the amount of the average monthly salary of $ 500 per month.

As for me, this is just a great option for those who are looking for a part-time job on the Internet, or even want to leave their job for hire. Now you have an area of activity that can bring you a decent and stable monthly income. Provided that you do everything according to the rules.

This activity is called gray traffic arbitrage
And this is exactly what I want to talk about in more detail in the next article. I will tell you why "gray", what are the pros and cons, how much and how you can earn, reveal the pitfalls of this activity and give you a lot more benefits.


Reaction score


Today we will analyze the most important areas of money in traffic arbitration that are worth paying attention to.

I will say right away that I do not set myself the task of being an encyclopedia on traffic arbitrage for you. For this purpose, there is Wikipedia, information sites on the subject, etc. I want to give out only a concentrate of my personal experience in a concise and accessible form for the majority.

Today we have a very important topic !

What should I use for traffic when I come to arbitrage for money? What areas are relevant in the market today and what should you pay attention to?
I won't tell you what areas of arbitration there are in General. I will only tell you about the most profitable niches where I personally worked and got results.

1. Gambling (online casino).
I will start, perhaps, with this direction. For 2 years of my work, it is the traffic to online casinos that has always consistently brought me profit. And what is most important - a significant share of my earnings has always been held by this particular direction of arbitration.

The essence of the work is to attract gamblers to various casino sites where people lose money (or win, which also happens). I do not work for a percentage of the loss, but get a fixed profit for 1 person brought by me. As a rule, it jumps from $ 15 per lead.

As you can see, even if 2 people perform a targeted action on my link in a day, my monthly earnings already exceed $ 2000 per month. Even in the worst-case scenario.

But since I also work with motivated traffic (gray arbitrage), I consistently collect about $ 2000 a month only at the casino. Once more, once less. But the middle is always the same.

2. Sports betting.
Next up is sports betting. It is also one of the most popular and most PROFITABLE niches in traffic arbitrage. I have been working on my bid projects for several years, and I already have a clear picture of how this area has worked, is working and will continue to work.

My job consists of running several projects in telegram with sports forecasts. People place bets based on my predictions USING MY AFFILIATE LINK. And here, just like in the casino, I get a payout for each new person brought to this or that bookmaker's office.

Payments here also fluctuate, depending on the offers with which to work. But the average price is also around two thousand per person. Casinos and betting are two gambling niches, which is why a lot of money is being spent here.

3. Infobusiness (online learning)
We live in a time of information. And the one who has high-quality and useful information starts making money on it, which is quite reasonable. People are willing to pay money for valuable knowledge. And arbitrageurs are ready to bring those who will pay to those who will teach. I hope I explained it clearly.

The task of an information business arbitrageur is to bring targeted clients to various educational projects. There are two types of payouts here:
  1. Payment for registering for a free course.
  2. Percentage of sales of any course or training.
In the first case, payments are low (usually up to 100 rubles), but traffic is also cheaper. In the second case, there is no average price. It all depends on the price of the course and the percentage that the affiliate program is willing to pay. But there is also demand, and therefore money, in this niche.

4. Finance (products of banks and financial organizations).
The banking system has always been and will always be in a civilized society. And each Bank has its own products. We are talking about banking services, such as:
  • credit cards
  • debit cards
  • installment cards
  • microloans( if not banks, then the scope is the same)
Banks need people to do all this. And if you know how to bring these people, then you will be paid. Personally, I work with debit cards. Each person receives an average payment of 1,000 rubles. But here I am fully using motivated traffic, so the price per lead is minimal for me.

There will be a separate article about this, so we will not go into details yet. Let's note for ourselves that there are also good payments in the banking sector. Provided that we know how to work properly there.

5. Оnline Dating.
I'm not afraid to say that the entire modern society is based on the relationship of opposite sexes. But as people increasingly spend more time online than in real life, relationships have also moved online.

Numerous dating sites, popular apps, intimate chats and much more. There is a lot of this on the Internet. And why? Yes, because there is a demand for it. And where there is a demand, there will be a supply and an opportunity to make money on it.

The arbitrageur attracts a target audience to apps or dating sites, and they get paid for each person. The payouts aren't big, but the traffic isn't that expensive either. Because it is quite easy to identify and direct the target audience. After all, the opposite sex is interesting to the majority, and there is already a matter of technology and marketing chips.

On average, dating sites and affiliate programs pay from $ 1 per person. It is possible and necessary to work, because there was and will be demand.

That's all. Of course, I didn't mention a lot of niches, such as goods, nutra, weight loss, adult themes, etc. But I did not set myself this task. I just talked about what I personally tried and where there is good money.


Reaction score
Alternative arbitration
If you have been pouring traffic from Facebook for a long time and gradually began to realize that your work is actually no different from working on a machine at a factory. The same routines from day to day. The farming of accounts and the passage of moderation began to take up to 90 percent of the working time, and the team found with great difficulty is immediately adopted by agile competitors and killed in a couple of days? Tired of putting up with it?
So it's time to change from the needle of the eternal search for ligaments to a stable profitable topic)

When you start working with CPA offers, it seems that there are countless of them. But after working for a while, you come to understand that you can't earn much on flashlights-stun guns, dildos-toothbrushes and similar miracle products, and profitable offers from the world of gut and gambling, although they regularly change packaging and name, in fact remain the same as and a few years ago. And the Facebook moderators have already completely lost faith in the fact that "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"
It is more and more difficult to invent ambiguous creatives that do not cause suspicion among moderators, steal them faster with an abundance of various spy services, the cloaca is fired more and more often, but most affiliates “prick, but continue to eat cactus”. And someone goes the other way.

Alternative method
The method has been working for a long time, there are a lot of people in it, there are both large players with millions of turnovers, and small ones who are just starting their way of making money on the open spaces of the network. But there is enough room for everyone. Probably everyone has come across this method, but not everyone thought how profitable and simple it is. So, these are pseudo news sites or as they are called in the bourgeois "trashy arbitrage sites", which in translation into our great and mighty - arbitrage shitsites)
The flight of imagination here is not limited to bananas, cucumbers, garlic and soda, and some themes live for years. Bilan and Yakubovich have been “dying” for 5 years, if not more, and people are still being led to such news. Teaser networks buy traffic for such pseudo news from Google and Facebook for 10-30 kopecks and sell to affiliates for a few rubles per click, and ctr on such sites exceeds 100%.
Let's look at a couple of implementation examples. We drive in Google "Bilan died" and on the first page of the issue we see such a site -

We look and analyze carefully.
And take, for example, a site from the bourgeois - . We also carefully look and analyze.
As you can see, the approaches are slightly different, we have more "tragic news" in the trend, they have "10 facts about ..." but the essence is about the same.
Implementation, theory: how it works and why.

"Our approach"
The main news is surrounded by the same fake shocking news, a link to the full news and, of course, abundantly flavored with advertising teasers, and no matter where the user clicks, it will open in a new browser window and the old one will also remain open. This approach is very effective in raising the MDGs above 100 percent. If the user is not immediately interested in anything from the advertising around the news, he will go to another shocking news and see a new advertisement, and there he will see a new advertisement, and so on, and when he closes the last window, he will return to the previous one and possibly switch to some news again or to the ad.

"Bourges approach"
Here monetization is often implemented at the expense of adsense, therefore, everything is implemented without tin and the following scheme is used to keep the user:
The "10 facts" in question are shown one per page and below the content of the "read more" "next" and "previous" buttons. Well, when you click on these buttons, all advertising is naturally updated, as a result, a person is simply doomed to click on it)
How effective this approach is, we look at the statistics of alexa
As you can see, on average 3.4 views per visitor, which is quite good. And most of the traffic on this site is bought from Taboola, where traffic is more expensive than from Facebook, but it still remains profitable.
The basis on which both of these methods are based is clickbait, which in classical arbitrage has a very thin line and can very quickly drain your entire budget without giving a penny of profit. And here clickbait is our friend. The more incredible the news, the higher the MDR and the cheaper the traffic, and also, unlike classic methods, news here can bring a lot of traffic for free thanks to viral coverage.
Well, when advertising on Facebook, unlike direct advertising of offers, well-written news does not cause negative comments in the comments, but causes discussion. People begin to argue whether this is true or not, someone writes that they suspected this for a long time, someone answers that he is a moron, someone shares with friends and all this gives us additional traffic. And we are not trying to sell anything to people from the outset, and they easily and without any special suspicion switch from a cozy Facebook to an external site.

Implementation, technical part.

In the bourgeois, many of these sites are made on WordPress. On this site

You can see what theme is installed on the site and then find it to download or buy.
Sometimes, the site shows immediately where you can buy the template that is used, and sometimes only the name, as is the case with the site that I gave for the example But by googling by the name, any template is easy to find. In addition, the site also shows which plugins are installed.
Why should you also choose WordPress? The fact that it is easy to customize, quickly change the design and arrangement of advertising blocks and various widgets to increase conversion is understandable, but this is not the main advantage. When an ordinary person, not an affiliate marketer, makes a website, he will most likely make it on the most widespread platform - WordPress. But the one who is going to pour it on member-creams is unlikely to use it, therefore, WordPress gives a significant plus when passing moderation.

And now to the cons of WordPress, because nothing is perfect. If you use wordpress on a simple hosting for two bucks, then as long as you have 100 visitors a day on the site, it will work fine, but as the normal traffic goes, it will just go down. You need to use a WordPress-optimized hosting.
The first option is Hosting A2 , the turbo tariff costs about 10 bucks is fine.
When this will not be enough, option 2 - wpengine or your servers and an admin on a salary who will monitor them. Both options are already significantly more expensive. For me, it's easier to take 5-10 sites on A2 each on a separate hosting tariff, which will cost 50-100 bucks, than to maintain your own servers. Hemorrhoids are much smaller and several times cheaper.

If you are bad with both money and imagination, the content can simply be shared from similar sites, without even changing it. We just take articles from such sites five years ago and transfer them to ours. People have probably already forgotten this news, and everything new is well forgotten old) But this method has a drawback - an abuse may arrive and there will be no such viral coverage.
Option with minimal investment - rewrite. It costs a penny, but will save you from complaints from content copyright holders.
Well, the best option, of course, is to write it yourself, if you are good with imagination and you are fluent in the language in which you are going to make the site. Well, or order writing articles on specialized resources.

In the bourgeois, most of these sites are monetized by adsense or native ad blocks from taboola , outbrain or revcontent. In our country, such sites are held mainly by teaser networks themselves, and it is monetized accordingly by selling teaser traffic.
Adsense option is not bad, but it requires a lot of attention to content and a huge turnover in order to wait for payments and get a normal profit.
Draining to native or teaser grids is a great option for lazy people, but they won't take us to giants like outbrain at the initial stage, then this method of monetization should undoubtedly be added at least as an additional one. The easiest way is to connect to revcontent. Or to our teaser networks Mediavenus for burzh and Medtizer.

Well, what are we going to do - the same that we did before! Pouring on your gut, dating, gambling and whatever your heart desires, but from your own gasket site with fascinating fake news.

A reasonable question - why do we need all this?

1 Huge field for creativity. You can hook any audience and at the same time, the user will see such a creative for the first time, and not a monotonous advertisement that he has seen thousands of times
2 Moderation. Moderation will cease to be a nightmare for you, having filled your hand, you will easily go through moderation on Facebook or AdWords without thinking about whether the evil moderator will suspect that something is amiss.
3 EVERYTHING is possible. On your site, if you do not use adsense, you can advertise absolutely everything without fear and use as tough creatives as your life principles allow you.
4 Cloaca. You don't need to cloak the site. Everyone who clicked on advertising and opened the site just like that, and robots will see the same content. But advertising blocks - it's very easy to cloak and this will not arouse suspicion either among moderators or among checking bots, since advertising is dynamic anyway. To create a script that shows moderators blocks of adsense or white teasers, and to users advertising for adult dating and casinos, depending on your skills, it will take 5 minutes or it will cost $ 5 for freelancing.
5. Viral reach instead of negative. You will forget that you need to work with negativity, and instead you will receive a fairly large amount of traffic for free, even after you turn off ads.
6. Additional monetization. You pay for advertising, and the affiliate program, in addition to leads, collects for itself a retargeting base for free and gains push subscribers. Now this is in the past and all the extra buns will go to you
7. A very important point in our time is protection from spy services. Have you made a high-quality pre-landing that doubles the envelope, and after 2 days all competitors are pouring on it? Is a good creative being stolen in less than an hour? Are private offers quickly becoming public? If you leak through your pseudo-news site, spy services will be powerless.

Monetization tools:
A very useful service that I advise everyone to try RealBig .
The first thing we need it for is the monetization of push subscriptions. If you collect push notifications in a certain PP, this affiliate program will send its own push notifications, you will not be able to monetize the collected base in another PP. That is, you essentially do not own your subscriber base.
By collecting the base in RealBig, you can give access to other affiliate networks based on the auction. An affiliate program that currently offers more money for sending and will send a push to your subscriber. This tool often doubles your push push revenue.
Second, a WordPress plugin from Realbig is virtually all you need to monetize. The plugin can display ads anywhere on the page. Set up different ads for different geo / devices / browsers / time, etc.
It has a teaser maker that allows you to upload your teasers and display them on your sites. And also connect YAN, Google and teaser networks blocks, conduct a / b testing between different monetization methods and collect all statistics in one place.
New times require new solutions. No matter how we tightened the screws, you can always find a way out. But it is up to everyone to think in a formulaic way and look for a way out within the existing system, or to be creative and change the systems itself.