An unprecedented barrage of DDoS attacks hit the French government


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What caused the incident and how local specialists managed to restore access.

Cyberattacks of "unprecedented intensity" have been recorded in a number of French government organizations, the Prime Minister's office said on March 11. The attacks began on the evening of March 10 and, although their exact nature is not specified, it is assumed that we are talking about DDoS attacks.

The French government noted that well-known technical methods were used to carry out the attacks, but their intensity was unprecedented. DDoS attacks do not allow attackers to steal information, but they can block access to network resources by overloading servers with bogus requests.

Such incidents are sometimes associated with state-sponsored groups, but the simplicity of their implementation allows any attacker to carry out such an attack, even with limited hardware resources.

The French government did not voice its guesses about the origin of these attacks, so it is not known for certain who had a digital hand in them.

However, hacktivists from the group Anonymous Sudan quickly claimed responsibility, saying in their Telegram channel that they had carried out a massive cyber attack that would cause great damage in various government sectors, including very important websites and their subdomains.

Anonymous Sudan is a well-known hacktivist organization that has carried out numerous DDoS attacks on websites in countries such as Sweden, Denmark, and Israel in the past year, largely due to their anti-Muslim stance on certain issues.

DDoS attacks involve using a computer or network of computers to send a huge number of requests to the target system, which limits its ability to respond to legitimate users.

It is reported that several government services were targeted, but it is unclear whether the attacks were limited to publicly accessible sites of the French government.

A statement from the French government also indicated that specialists quickly took measures to mitigate the consequences, so that the impact on most services was significantly reduced, and then completely restored access to them.