A resident of the Kama region will spend 6 years in a penal colony for stealing more than 1.5 million rubles from 6 pensioners for scammers


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In the city of Solikamsk, Perm Krai, the court verdict was heard by a 22-year-old native of Krasnovishersky district, who was charged by investigators of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Solikamsk City District with participating in six frauds and two attempted embezzlement of funds by deception.

It is established that he provided courier services to telephone scammers who deceived senior citizens, acting under the scheme "Your relative got into an accident". At first, the attackers, calling pensioners, pretended to be their relatives or friends and reported that they were responsible for serious accidents. Further, either "investigators" who offered not to bring relatives to justice for money, or "doctors" who lured savings for the treatment of victims, joined the conversation. For cash to their victims, fraudsters sent a person involved in a criminal case hired via the Internet.

In turn, the young man, taking the victims money, transferred it through ATMs to criminal employers, leaving himself a small percentage of the amounts as a reward. Acting on the instructions of telephone intruders, he stole more than 1.5 million rubles from six elderly residents of Solikamsk and was ready to go to two more potential victims of scammers, but they were vigilant and did not believe in the deception.

Despite the fact that the courier observed strict secrecy measures and traveled around the city exclusively by taxi, the police found him and detained him.

Having considered the materials of criminal cases, the court imposed a six-year prison sentence on the messenger of fraudsters to be served in a general regime penal colony.

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