A criminal group that used a phishing site to extort money from people was exposed


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Now it is established about the losses caused to citizens in the amount of almost 119 thousand UAH. Investigators informed the defendants about the suspicion. They face up to 8 years in prison.

The illegal activity was stopped by employees of the Department of Countering Cybercrime in the Odessa region of the NPU Cyber Police Department together with employees of the investigative Department of the Odessa region Police with the power support of the special purpose police battalion of the GUNP in the Odessa region under the procedural guidance of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office.

A resident of another region, temporarily residing in Odessa, who was previously convicted of property crimes, organized the fraudulent scheme. Together with their cohabitant and a mutual acquaintance, they created a website-a double of one of the popular online services for selling goods.

In the future, posing as buyers, the attackers searched for and convinced citizens of their intention to purchase goods from them and immediately offered to follow the link to a pre-created fraudulent resource for registering free delivery of goods.

Trusting citizens, wanting to sell goods, agreed to these conditions and switched to a phishing web resource, visually similar to the real one, where they entered their personal data and bank card details (number, CVV code, card validity period). Thus, the attackers obtained the data they needed and performed unauthorized interference in Internet banking and conducted transactions from the victims ' bank accounts.

The police have now identified four citizens who were deceived by malefactors for almost 119 thousand UAH.

During the authorized searches at the place of residence of the offenders, law enforcement officers seized mobile phones, computer equipment, SIM cards, bank cards, and other material evidence of illegal activities.

All three defendants were informed by investigators of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine of taking possession of someone else's property by deception, that is, fraud committed repeatedly, by prior agreement by a group of persons, under martial law, through illegal operations using electronic computing equipment. This crime is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.

In relation to the organizer, the issue of choosing a preventive measure in court is now being resolved. Two other participants of the fraudulent scheme have already been given a preventive measure in the form of house arrest.

Law enforcement officers identify other persons who may be involved in criminal activities, as well as citizens who may have suffered from illegal actions.

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