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Good day to all, gentlemen scammers. Why not cover the painful topic of CC cashing out in most of its publications today.. At the very least, I will try to tell you about the most popular and well-known ones.

And no, I'm not talking about real carding, where one uncle gives another a pack of soulless plastic, with which he goes to the loot store, from where he drags hundreds of thousands of units of monetary currency, and safely saws "cash" with the participants of the operation. We are not interested in this for a number of reasons, which we can discuss later if you wish.

By the word "CASH OUT", I mean the shortest way to extract CC (credit card) data from the purchased data into funds that have successfully settled on your wallets.


1. Banal purchases in online stores.​

As strange as it may sound, but this is quite a universal way to cash out, which remains to this day the most flexible and convenient for starting beginners in the world of carding.

Due to the huge dominance of fresh online stores, a variety of choices, a person who understands what he is doing can quickly increase investments in material through online purchases, thereby relieving himself of worries about shopping, and additionally receiving a profit from the sale of branded items. It is this method that will be the most popular among most darknet dealers for a long time to come.


2. Online auctions.​

Drive in ebay? No. Far from it.

Ebay as a platform is more suitable for one-way driving (you are the buyer, the seller is the seller.).

But let's say that there are auctions that can not boast of such a large-scale popularity as ebay, which means that the working conditions may differ slightly (we are primarily interested in the absence of a payment hold, or at least not for such a period as PayPal/Ebay), in this case we will be able to successfully perform as a salesperson, and implement: a) selling a non-existent product to yourself. b) the sale of digital goods driven from the SS, with the withdrawal of funds before the start of the charge. c) purchase of goods (just like in the first method.

Auctions are included in a separate category, as they have very versatile features. Ola, Katawiki, etc. will be an example of this.


3. Affiliate programs.​

A very bold and attractive scheme that has the roots of arbitration.

To work, we first need a non - "expired" adult affiliate program for any project that pays either for clicks and clicks on ref links, or is based on affiliate sales.

After we have received the main object for cash-out, we start looking for a traffic exchange, which can be an inconspicuous desk that you will find on the Internet (they usually don't talk about them). As a rule, the material in such projects goes well. After you can successfully top up your balance from John's wallet, all you have to do is set up an advertising campaign (you can't do without English right now, you can't learn it yet), and send traffic to our site.

If the income depends directly on sales, then diluting the karzhenny traffic we go to our object, and gradually pour money from the ss, but I do not advise you to get carried away, since the moderators are not completely idiots, and will be able to link two charges with your black hands.

As a result, it remains only to withdraw already clean funds after the hold to a "white" wallet, bank account, etc.

The topic of sending traffic through the exchange is quite extensive, and has a huge number of pitfalls that you should know about in advance (if you are interested, I will tell you the details of such work in a separate article)

And we are moving on with you to the strawberry.


4. Transfers in WebCam chats.​

It's no secret that 18+ resources always have impressive funds, and we, as the" Robin Hood " of the digital world, simply cannot pass by such a tasty morsel.

And speaking about the piece, I now mean exactly Webcam Chats, in which girls with reduced social responsibility are ready to demonstrate their charms for a modest reward, in the form of communication in private chats.

You probably understand my logic (only a stupid person will not understand), that our tasks include going to a fake account under the guise of a user, paying with John's credit card, and being such. But! I want to warn you right away about certain nuances.

Based on my own experience, I can say right away that just a left fake account is not suitable for working at all for a number of reasons: first, it is suspicious activity, because of which the account will probably be blocked without waiting for the payment day, and secondly, these are the very "payment days", that is, the time when the account is blocked. account balance is frozen.

So, we need a real-life actress who is ready to spin around in front of the camera, for the sake of appearance. But in practice, finding a girl and organizing everything is far from easy, so one day I came up with one universal idea about working with a studio.

There was no need to organize a long search, it was not difficult to get to the owner of one of these studios, with whom we easily found a common language, during the dialogue with whom we made a small agreement on monetary divisions, platforms with which we will work, and work scenarios.

Why is this so, you may ask?

Think about it, if the average webcam model studio has 5-6 girls in active work, will it be suspicious if every two days someone carefully fills in a blackened cache, in the amount of$100-150? I don't think so. This means that even if a charge arrives for one of the payments, the platform administration will not uncover its punitive axe (although this may happen periodically, so be prepared for all sorts of outcomes, because without trial and error).

5. Transfers on Sim cards.​

A very convenient theme for those who are just learning the world of cashing out. Why?

To work, you will need left-hand SIM cards, as well as a foreign merchant for adding funds to international numbers (from different countries).

Of course, this is not a service that you will get in the top search results, and to search for such a resource, you will need to invest either a lot of time or a n-th amount of money for which knowledgeable people will share with you (but as a rule, no one sells money for money - mark my words).


I have several previously active sites in mind that could be used as a visual example, but unfortunately I couldn't find them among the mountains of digital archives, so for an example, we will look at https://www.ding.com

I think everyone has already guessed about the simple algorithm of work:

you came in-selected a tariff-entered an ss-added funds to your balance-transferred funds from the sim card to the left qiwi, etc., the chain depends on your imagination..

It should be understood that the froud system on such resources is at a fairly high level, and the amount of deposits should not exceed$10-40.

The content (cc) in some offices must correspond to the country of replenishment , so usa-usa is the best option for you. There are a lot of guys on domestic forums who are ready to provide you with a rental of such rooms.

Is it possible to upload sim cards with usa/eu content to <url>? Yes! The main thing is to find a decent resource.

6. Freelance services.​

One of the undervalued gold mines in the field of cash, because it will be easier for you to find something of your own, untouched by anyone..

First, we will need to find the object of earnings, whether it is, for example, a paid image hosting service:


A little background...

When designing one of the projects owned by me, I encountered a shortage of high-quality images in the necessary subject matter, and the search began to lead me to paid image hosting sites, where it is offered for $ to buy packages of paid images that are definitely not found in the public, in an excellent extension, etc... I think you understand where and how I got the background photos I need..)

I can't say that these resources are completely breakable, but it wasn't a big problem to pick up the material and drive it in, and that's half the battle.

There is no need to be afraid of a charge here, since we can do our dirty deeds in a matter of minutes..

This topic is not individual in this direction, you can take on anything: books, domains, hosting services (here you should know the approach), scripts, design projects, and much more that is not the main target for carder attacks.

Let's say you have decided on the subject of your work, achieved some results, and you can start working.

We go to the freelance site (any site will do), register a profile, and offer to arrange hosting, buy any images from the list of your victims for a significant discount. (The options also depend on your imagination, and the more original, the better it will be for you). There are enough freelancers on the site who are ready to buy something cheaper from you for further use.

7. Rental housing (AirBnB)​

One of the ever-living topics in carding is rental housing. And looking ahead, I want to say that you should not limit your view exclusively to the well-known service)

The bottom line is that there will always be people who do not want to rent out their housing, while receiving shekels, and people who are ready to move in for a certain percentage (cheaper).

The second option is less suitable for beginners, because it contains more pitfalls that can ruin all earnings at the very beginning (risks, meetings, etc., which we can also attribute to transfers in hotels), so we will stop at cooperation with owners of square meters for rent.


Using the example of AirBnB, you can understand that there are no special difficulties when filling in, except for the selection of material. Here we are faced with the selection of "bins", that is, the type of material that is suitable for a particular service., and the less "overdue" the service is, the less demanding it will be for the material.

If everything is clear with airbnb: we are looking for those who want to take part in the dark side of the Internet and start working, then how can we implement other services that are not in demand on the territory of the Russian Federation?

- Only by finding an interested party in the rental of housing (as in the case of hotels), but in such work you are fully responsible for the client until the moment of his eviction (if everything is done in a human way), as well as other resulting risks..


8. Sale of CC​

Oddly enough, this type of business is one of the most profitable in carding, because there is no work without material.. And if you have access to large databases.. then the golden mountains are almost at your doorstep. Why is this so?

The field of carding is actively developing, which means that newcomers come to the business who need to buy material somewhere, and due to the peculiarities of the policies of many private stores, newcomers are either not allowed in there, or they are reluctant to let in, which means they need to look for supply routes from somewhere outside, where you, with proper skill, can be profitable with a seller. But not everything is so simple.

As one cartoon character used to say:
"to sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary"
this means that you can either resell (resell) ready-made ss (from sources that are not available to large masses), or extract it yourself, and then sell it.

The methods of mining CC are endless, ranging from hacking the databases of online stores, to launching fake shops in order to collect information about users payment data.

Each of the methods requires certain knowledge in the relevant areas, as well as a sufficient number of body movements, which not everyone is able to subscribe to (do not forget about material investments), without which nothing can be done.

We will discuss this topic in a separate post in more detail, since the field is quite interesting, and you can come up with a lot of new things even now!

Conclusion: the method is not suitable for everyone, but implementing ready-made sss (if you have a head on your shoulders) is not such a difficult task, especially if the price and quality allow you to compete with large players..

I also forgot to mention that foreign intelligence agencies do not like uncles who steal other people's data for resale, and actively track them if they cannot moderate their appetites within $1,000,000...


I want to note that the methods are far from limited to these figures, and you should always look for something new, unknown to others, because it is the pioneers of their business who always find the most delicious piece in the form of $$$...