7 signs you have an entrepreneurial mind


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Salute, say that entrepreneurship is not for everyone. In order to do business, you need perseverance, independence and the desire to move on, despite all the doubts. Here are seven signs you have an entrepreneurial mindset.

You became interested in business as a child

In the biographies of many successful entrepreneurs, you can find stories about how they worked part-time in childhood. For example, the founder of the glasses brand Ellison, Aristotle Loomis, began making money at the age of seven - three times a week he did his friends' household errands and charged $ 7 for each visit. Soon, those around him started talking about his services, and Aristotle had so many clients that he could earn $ 500 a week.

Can you spot trends?

Entrepreneurs constantly monitor how their environment is changing and try to meet the emerging demand. In 2011, Julia Schroeder, founder of the young entrepreneurship community Unconventional Life, noticed that some girls began to decorate their hair with feathers. She decided to buy a few thousand dollars worth of feathers and then resell them online. A few days later, it turned out that intuition did not disappoint Julia - soon all local stores ran out of feathers, and she had a whole business in her hands.


You think big

People with a “rational” or “practical” mindset try to avoid risks and act on a more acceptable scale. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are broader thinking.

Adam Riviec, owner of media personalities company #Paid, tested his business model on exactly one blogger before expanding his business to tens of thousands of clients. His first client was a former classmate who gained 75,000 Instagram followers in a year. “We contacted her and offered to become her agents,” Riviyets said. “When she paid us, we realized that the idea had been tested and we could look for more bloggers. We contacted 700 bloggers with their email address on their Instagram profile. In just one week, 500 people responded to our proposal ”.

People around you who inspire you

As writer Tim Ferris put it, "You are a cross between the five people you bond with the most." Successful entrepreneurs know that having negative people around them can throw you off course. They surround themselves with those who motivate and support them, and therefore more quickly achieve their goals.


You know how to use relationships

If a friend recommended your product to a customer, the chances of the customer buying it are four times higher than usual. Successful entrepreneurs live by this principle and use the power of networking to sell their products.

You act fast

You won't believe how many people wait too long to get started on what they love. Entrepreneurs say much faster: "Yes, we are ready to cooperate." But this does not mean at all that he is arrogant - they just understand what an unnecessarily long wait can cost them.

You are a visionary

Entrepreneurs are true experts at coming up with better solutions to something. Where others see limitations, they see opportunities.

According to entrepreneur Zach Benson, being a visionary means being confident that you can make your dream come true. “It's quite possible,” he said. - I work with hundreds of Instagram bloggers. These people really live the kind of life that you see on their blogs, even if it seems unreal. I myself have always dreamed of living like this ... and now I have succeeded. "