5 signs an ATM has been hacked by scammers


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Which ATM should make you suspicious?


ATM fraud remains one of the most pressing threats for bank card holders in Ukraine. Despite the large amount of information about the main methods of stealing bank card data and the main methods of protection, criminals continue to profit.

PaySpace Magazine offers to recall the main signs that the ATM has been hacked by fraudsters. To do this, we have selected photos that clearly show traces of the criminals' activities.

1. Availability of a skimming device.​

Skimming is the most popular type of ATM fraud. The purpose is to copy data from the magnetic stripe of the user's bank card. To do this, fraudsters install special pads over the card reader (openings for receiving cards) or metal inserts inside the card reader.

How to recognize a skimming device? Most ATMs nowadays show the user on the screen how a card reader in an ATM should look like before making an operation. If you notice the slightest difference in color, structure of the card reader, or if your card is forced into the hole, it is better to stop the operation.


Skimming device installed on the card reader.


Metal insert that skimmers install inside the card reader.

In addition to copying data from the user's card, fraudsters also need to find out the PIN-code to it. To do this, a miniature camera is installed on the ATM (therefore, before the operation, carry out a visual check of the ATM). Or, during the operation, someone from strangers may try to see the numbers that you are typing on the keyboard. Exit - always cover the keyboard with your hand when entering the PIN-code.

2. There is a strip or tape on the cash dispenser slot.​

Imagine the situation: you are trying to withdraw cash from an ATM, the screen informs about the success of the operation, but the money has not appeared. This type of fraud is called cash trapping. Fraudsters use a special strip or adhesive tape to block the delivery of banknotes to the client.


A special bar that fraudsters use to intercept cash.


Fraudsters also install duct tape on the cash dispenser slot. Thus, no money is issued to the client.

If this happens, inspect the cash withdrawal slot, call the bank. And in no case leave the ATM! Otherwise, you will not see your money.

3. The presence of a special device for intercepting a bank card.​

By analogy with the previous type of fraud, there is also card trapping - interception of a user's bank card. To do this, a device is placed in the ATM card reader that interferes with the exit of the card after the operation is completed. If you leave without receiving the card, the scammers will take it and withdraw all your hard earned money at another ATM. Of course, after looking at the PIN-code or recording the process of entering it on the camera.


A special device that is used to intercept a bank card.

4. The presence of a keyboard or camera overlay.​

Very often, as already mentioned, a hidden camera is used to intercept the PIN code on your card, as well as overhead keyboards. Before performing an operation in any ATM, inspect it for small holes in various parts of the ATM. Fraudsters set up tiny video cameras in different places: near the keyboard, above the screen, and also near the ATM, for example, on the brochure tray. In order to intercept the PIN-code, overhead keyboards are also used.


Overlay on the keyboard for intercepting the PIN-code.

5. Any damage to the ATM, foreign parts, changes in shape, material, etc.​

To achieve their goals, fraudsters come up with more and more ways to hack ATMs. For example, a small hole is drilled under the card slot. Equipment is inserted into it to copy information from credit cards. Externally, the hole in the ATM is masked with stickers. Therefore, before carrying out the operation, check the appearance of the ATM for any damage, unnecessary parts, changes in the shape and color of the device parts.

How to protect yourself from scammers: TOP 5 key tips​


How to protect yourself from ATM fraudsters.

Of course, we do not always have the time and opportunity to carefully check every ATM we intend to use. It is much easier to do everything to prevent fraud with your bank card and keep your finances safe. To do this, it is enough to follow these basic tips.

1. Use a chip card.
Skimming devices allow fraudsters to copy data from the magnetic tape of the card. Cards equipped with a chip are much safer, since it is quite difficult to intercept data from a chip.

2. Cover the keypad with your hand when entering the PIN.
As we wrote above, scammers use hidden cameras to find out your PIN. In addition, someone may spy on the process of typing numbers on the keyboard for the same purpose.

3. Connect SMS-informing about transactions on your card.
This will help not only control your expenses, but also notice any suspicious transactions on your card in time. If such a situation arises, immediately call the bank and block the card. Under certain conditions, such transactions can be challenged.

4. Use familiar ATMs, best of all ATMs located in bank branches.
It is simply more difficult for fraudsters to get to such ATMs. The most attractive for skimmers are street ATMs. Avoid them if possible. Also, avoid using cash dispensers in poorly lit areas, small shops, and nooks in shopping malls.

5. Do not give your PIN-code to anyone (even to relatives) and do not keep it next to the card.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few cases where customers store a PIN-code written on paper next to the card. Or even worse - write the pin directly on the card itself. Don't make it easy for scammers! Remember your PIN and change it periodically (at least once every three months).

And the most universal advice - try to withdraw money from the card less often. Better to pay by card directly at retail outlets and online stores. It is not only much more convenient, but also safer.