5913 ethers and 600 million coins: hackers strike at Gala Games


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The largest blockchain gaming platform should reconsider its approach to cybersecurity.

One of the leading gaming platforms on the blockchain, Gala Games, was the victim of a large-scale hack, which has almost no analogues in the industry.

According to the founder of Gala Games, Eric Schiruayer, hackers sold 600 million internal coins of the GALA platform worth about 5,913 ethers (over $ 22 million).

However, the criminal activity did not stop there. Hackers also arbitrarily created 4.4 billion additional GALA coins. Fortunately, the team's prompt actions made it possible to block the attackers ' account in time and cancel the account.

However, the overall damage from the attack can hardly be overstated. According to Schiruyer, a strike of this scale was possible due to a violation of internal security procedures that allowed hackers to enter the administrative system.

Following the incident, Gala Games has already contacted law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, the US Department of Justice, and also connected a "network of international authorities". The identity of the alleged attacker has already been established.

Founded in 2019, Gala Games positions itself as a pioneer in the field of blockchain gaming with a Play-to-Earn model that rewards users with its own cryptocurrency for gaming activity. One of the platform's founders, Eric Schiruyer, has a wealth of experience in the gaming industry — he was previously a co-founder of Zynga, the largest developer of online games such as FarmVille.

Unfortunately, the attack on Gala Games is not something out of the ordinary for the crypto gaming industry in recent times. In 2022, hackers committed one of the largest abductions in history, withdrawing more than $ 600 million from the Axie Infinity platform. Another high-profile incident occurred with the game WonderHero, from which 320,000 Binance Coins were stolen.

According to the US Treasury Department, some of these hacks are carried out by hacking groups linked to North Korea and specializing in cyber attacks against crypto companies. In the last three years alone, they have managed to steal billions of dollars in cryptocurrencies.

It is clear that the blockchain gaming industry is becoming an increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals. The Gala Games hack clearly highlighted the need to tighten security measures and improve internal protocols in companies to protect against similar use cases in the future.