13 most profitable banks in the world


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The largest banks in the world have already published their financial statements for 2021. Based on their reports, a rating of financial institutions was compiled in terms of net profit received last year. The first places were taken by American banks from the "Big Four". They all earned more than $ 10 billion.

$ 24.4 billion - American JP Morgan Chase. The best investment bank in the world according to Global Finance increased revenues by 12% last year.

$ 23.028 billion - Wells Fargo & Co. The largest financial institution in the United States, the leader in the American mortgage market. In 2021, the bank's income decreased insignificantly - by 0.12%.

$ 17.242 billion - Citigroup increased its profits 2.3 times last year.

$ 14.4 billion - Bank of America saw significant revenue growth in 2021. Compared to 2020, the indicator has more than tripled.

€ 6.7 billion - BNP Paribas. In 2021, the profit of a French bank increased 40 times compared to 2020. Then the bank was forced to pay a fine for violating US sanctions against Iran.

₣ 6.2 billion (Swiss francs) - Swiss UBS was able to increase its net profit by almost 80% in 2021. This is the best result of a credit institution in 5 years.

$ 6.083 billion - American Goldman Sachs cut profit by 28%.

€ 6 billion - Spanish Banco Santander. The profit of the largest bank in the eurozone at market value increased by 3%.

€ 4.219 billion - Dutch ING increased its net profit by 23.2%.

€ 4 billion - French Societe Generale, which increased its revenues by almost half over the year.

€ 2.64 billion - Spanish BBVA at the end of 2021 increased its net profit by 0.9%. The CEO of the financial institution, Francisco Gonzalez, explains the good result by the active transfer of banking services to the digital environment.

€ 1.7 billion - Italian UniCredit for 2021 reduced profit by 15.6%.

€ 1.062 billion - German Commerzbank almost quadruples its profit.

Based on materials: Banks.eu