Top most profitable carding destinations


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Hello, gentlemen! As you already know, carding is a huge area with a lot of directions. I don't know how it happened, but there are people who think that you can only carding clothes and electronics, but this is absolutely not the case. But today we will talk about the cream of the crop and make a small top of the most profitable destinations in carding.

As for the approximate yield, I immediately warn you that it can vary very, very much individually. Everyone jerks off as they want. Someone does not want to be steamed up with delivery to the Russian Federation and pushes staff for small amounts, but immediately gets their cache. And someone steams with drops, delivery, search for buyers and cuts shekels to the maximum.

No. 5. Fifth place – phone carding​


Carding iPhones, Samsung phones and other good things can make any carder rich with their presence, as there will always be a demand for this area due to the general hype and need in society. It gets the fifth place due to the fact that it still has a number of disadvantages, such as the need to create a network of drops and a permanent place for sending and selling cargo.

Approximate yield: from 30% to 100% of the market value of the carded goods.

No. 4. Fourth place-carding laptops, computers​


Think about it, who among us would not want to have an iMac at home for 300,000 rubles? The huge display and powerful processor will not leave anyone indifferent. But because of the high price, many simply do not agree to buy, so they are looking for an alternative, and this is just us - carders. This type of carding took the fourth place due to the fact that it has the same popularity as smartphone carding, but at the same time it has a big price advantage, since the market value of these aggregates is very large.

Approximate yield: from 30% to 70% of the market value of the carded goods.

No. 3. Third place - ASIC carding​


This area gets a legitimate third place due to the fact that it is able to pay for itself without any sale. It is enough to save 1 asic, run it in your garage and it will pay off in just 2 months and start generating a net profit. And if you decide to sell stupidly, then there will always be buyers, as many people want to mine, especially in the Russian Federation, since we have a promising growing market.

Approximate yield: from 40% - to INFINITY (if you mine it yourself) from the market value of the carded product.

No. 2. Second place - carding jewelry​


The field of jewelry is quite specific, but at the same time it has a huge profit for its owners. The carding process is quite simple, but at the same time it is dangerous in its own way by strong monitoring of all jewelry stores. In addition, every day it becomes more difficult to find a giving shop. But still, if you managed to produce a fairly successful jewelry cart, then you can be sure of a profit of at least 60% of the market value of the carded goods.

Approximate yield: from 60% to 150% of the market value of the carded goods.

No. 1. First place - gold!​


Well, the absolute record holder in our top is gold carding (gold coins and bars). There is no need to say much about this type of carding, as it speaks for itself. Carding gold is not fundamentally different from any other area of carding, but the most fun is in the implementation. Gold can be sold in any city at inflated prices and be in a bigger plus than with any other carding. Judge for yourself if you can order a small ingot of gold through an online store in Egypt and Sudan – 30 grams of gold for 18k, and sell it in Russia for 30k. But this is not the main point. In the same UAE or France, the same ingot can be sold for $ 1,000 – 57,000 rubles!

Approximate yield: from 80% to 1000% of the market value of the carded goods.