
  1. Tomcat

    WARMCOOKIE: click on a job and get a virus

    How long have you been unable to find a job? This is the fault of cybercriminals! Cybersecurity researchers from Elastic Security Labs revealed details of an active phishing campaign that uses employment topics to distribute malware called WARMCOOKIE. "Each WARMCOOKIE sample is compiled with a...
  2. Tomcat

    ATM virus post

    Guys, I couldn't stand it. We will now talk about the ATM virus discovered more than a year ago in Diebold ATMs, and the basic principle of its operation. This topic is ancient, the peak of hysteria has long passed, but the public never found out what really happened, which is why even IT people...
  3. Tomcat

    Carders who infected ATMs with a virus were caught red-handed

    In Kyiv, a criminal group that specialized in secretly infiltrating the service parts of ATMs and further infecting the operating system of ATMs with malicious software code, which led to the unauthorized withdrawal of funds, was neutralized. Ukrainian banks suffered damage in the amount of more...
  4. Tomcat

    Carders caught emptying ATMs using Tyupkin virus

    Europol detained criminals who emptied ATMs without using a plastic card - using the Tyupkin virus pre-loaded into the ATM. First, using a bootable CD, criminals gained access to computers installed inside ATMs running one of the older versions of Windows and infected them with malware. This...
  5. Tomcat

    Virus under the guise of help: a new way to infect developers on Stack Overflow

    Users donate their data using other people's advice. Attackers have found a new way to distribute malware through Stack Overflow – When answering user questions, hackers recommend installing a malicious PyPI package that infects computers and steals confidential information. Sonatype has...
  6. Tomcat

    The Lurk virus hacked banks while it was written by ordinary remote workers for hire

    In May of this year, the publishing house Individuum published a book by journalist Daniil Turovsky “Invasion. A Brief History of Russian Hackers." It contains stories from the dark side of the Russian IT industry - about guys who, having fallen in love with computers, learned not just to...
  7. Tomcat

    The new Erbium virus, which steals money from your bank card and cryptocurrency, is quickly spreading across the Internet

    Dangerous malware called Erbium has appeared on the Internet. This is an identity theft tool that targets your passwords, bank card details, cookies, cryptocurrency wallets, and possibly more. Due to its rapid spread and widespread availability in the future, it could be adapted to infect...
  8. Tomcat

    Virus in the justice system: Infected JAVS software attacks courts

    Hackers compromised the supply chain of the world-famous program. The Justice AV Solutions (JAVS) trial video recording program was hacked by injecting malware into the installation file that can take control of infected systems. JAVS is widely used in courts, law firms, correctional...
  9. Father

    Logo virus: Hackers attack Python developers in an unusual way

    The popular "requests" package has been maliciously modified. Security researchers from Phylum discovered a malicious package in the popular PyPI repository that disguises itself as the popular "requests" library, but in reality poses a significant threat to the entire developer community. The...
  10. Father

    Without SMS and registration: where the user can catch the virus

    The modern world of digital technologies is an endless amount of content for every taste. But when searching for free platforms where you can download videos, games, books, programs, or apps without SMS or registration, users often face a potential threat in the form of viruses. In modern...
  11. Teacher

    Hard to beat, easy to get infected: Why the new AMOS Stealer strain isn't just Another virus

    The malware ably cleanses systems, laughing in the face of antivirus programs. Bitdefender specialists have discovered a new version of the AMOS Stealer (or Atomic Stealer) malware, one of the most common cyber threats to macOS users over the past year. According to Bitdefender experts, the new...
  12. Teacher

    Alpha Virus: a new player or an old ransomware that has risen from the ashes?

    The Netwalker group disappeared from the radar back in 2021, but researchers noticed suspicious similarities while studying other software. Experts have found disturbing links between the recent Alpha ransomware virus and the Netwalker criminal group, which was eliminated several years ago...
  13. Teacher

    Hackers rethink PikaBot: the virus becomes simpler, but more dangerous

    The developers have chosen the direction of their efforts to support PikaBot. Zscaler ThreatLabZ specialists found significant changes in the PikaBot malware, which they described as a "transfer of authority" in the development of the virus. The new version, designated as 1.18.32, is undergoing...
  14. Brother

    “Romeo” was caught in Fergana, distributing virus programs on Telegram

    In the Fergana region, the actions of a person who distributed malicious virus applications in the Telegram messenger were stopped. He turned out to be a 16-year-old resident of the Rishtan district, N.I. This became known during events carried out by employees of the Cyber Security Center of...
  15. Brother

    Menorah attacks the Middle East: how a common virus rewrites security rules for an entire region

    The complexity and uniqueness of the malware requires new approaches to data protection. Cybersecurity experts from SecurityScorecard have identified a new variation of a computer virus called Menorah that targets organizations in the Middle East. It was first discovered and analyzed by Trend...
  16. Brother

    Wall Street Virus: Loan apps secretly steal data from 12 million Android Users

    In addition to huge percentages, apps have another interesting feature. ESET warns about the danger of fraudulent applications on Android for lending, which began to spread actively from the beginning of 2023. The apps pretend to be legitimate loan services, promising quick and easy access to...
  17. Brother

    Kaspersky Lab: proxy virus turns Mac into a tool for illegal traffic

    By downloading pirated software, you can become a curtain for cybercrime behind the scenes. Kaspersky Lab reports that cybercriminals have launched a new campaign against Mac users, using a proxy Trojan that spreads through copyrighted popular macOS programs available on malicious sites. The...
  18. Brother

    Slovenia's power supply is threatened by a cryptographic virus

    Unknown assailants attacked the country's largest electricity supplier. Last week, the IT systems of the energy company HSE, the largest electricity supplier in Slovenia, were hacked. According to official data, the cause of the incident was an encryption virus that encoded files on the...
  19. Lord777

    Unknown virus of the Iranian group Agonizing Serpens cleans Israel's networks

    Israel's education sector and IT companies may lose their confidential data forever. Israel's higher education and technology sector has seen a series of devastating cyberattacks since January 2023, using previously unknown malware to delete data. According to a report by Palo Alto Networks...
  20. Carding 4 Carders

    Spy virus apps detected to steal money from lovers

    The company F. A. C. C. T., a Russian developer of technologies to combat cybercrime, has discovered a new version of the popular fraudulent scheme Fake Date (from English — "fake date"). Now criminals are trying to steal money from the victim even before buying movie or theater tickets under...