
  1. Tomcat

    Multichannel communications against skimming

    At the end of last year, the life of a 37-year-old Romanian citizen changed dramatically. Overnight, he lost all hopes of a comfortable life in the United States and found himself not only in the hands of law enforcement agencies in New York, but became the hero of the Associated Press news. A...
  2. Tomcat

    Do banks combat skimming at ATMs?

    Once again, while withdrawing money from an ATM of one of the Ukrainian banks, I noticed an information message that asked me to make sure that the PIN keyboard matches the image on the screen. After checking the image, I realized that the keyboards are different. I examined the PIN keyboard...
  3. Father

    How to protect yourself from skimming

    What you need to know to avoid becoming a victim of carders-scammers. It happens like this: you find yourself in an unfamiliar place without money. You see an ATM in the alley. Withdraw cash. A few weeks later, a text message arrives: someone in Cape Town is also withdrawing money from your...
  4. Brother

    The fight against digital skimming has identified 443 compromised online stores

    Europol has joined forces with law enforcement agencies in 17 countries to warn 443 online merchants that their customers' payment card data has been compromised. The two-month operation, led by Greece and supported by Group-IB and Sansec, combated digital skimming. The essence of skimming is...
  5. D


    Why there are people advertising cloning cards and cashing out if all todays ATM don’t use magstripe and use EMV? I keep informing my self about skimmers everyday to learn, but today you can still clone a card and cashout? If there is a few or no ATMS that accept magstripecards info only , why...
  6. D


    Most of you when you started to get informed on the carding world, you tought about buying a skimmer right? Just place it (with camera) let the cards come in take it home, clone the cards and start withdrawing money. The thing is buying a skimmer is too expensive +1k sometimes I’ve seen some...
  7. D


    How are you hustlers doing? In today’s guide we’ll be discussing how you can skim cards yourself and become one of our Vendor in 2023 (or use them yourself) we pay top $$$ to our vendors for their hard work as we have a list of very keen buyers looking for quality dumps + pins. This guide was...
  8. Teacher

    Skimming - bank card fraud

    The volume of the bank card market has been growing rapidly lately. It is not surprising that all sorts of swindlers strive to grab a piece of this delicious "pie". At the same time, they skillfully and quite impudently use the gifts of technical progress, as well as the carelessness and...
  9. K

    Where Can I Buy a Carder Duplicator ?

    I'm relatively new to Carding but where can I buy some machines for Reading and Writing on Cards ?; I'll be using these for my own Educational use only. Mostly looking for Mobile Devices / Portable
  10. Mutt

    What is skimming and how to protect yourself from it?

    Contents 1. What is skimming? 2. Skimming devices, their differences and principle of operation 3. How to protect yourself from skimming? For many of us, it may come as a complete surprise to a situation when funds disappeared without a trace on a bank card, and such cases are far from being...
  11. Carder

    Carding, phishing and skimming: what is it and how to protect your funds?

    In April, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation announced the arrest of a group of people who sent messages to citizens with information about blocking a card and a number to call to unblock it. The attackers learned from the victims their personal data and card details...
  12. Carding

    Skimming and shimming: how carders steal money from cards

    Skimming is a method of copying card data using a special device - a skimmer. The bottom line is simple: Anfisa inserts the card into the ATM, the skimmer copies the data. To get a PIN, the punks put a mini-camera or keyboard overlays. When using an ATM, check if there are any overlays on it...
  13. Carding

    Carders have come up with a new way to empty ATMs

    A new virus attacking ATMs has emerged in Russia. The peculiarity is that it penetrates the ATM without any physical contact, and it is difficult to identify and fix the problem. The purpose of the virus is not customer funds, but money in an ATM, which is configured to issue all the largest...
  14. Carding

    Tyupkin robbing ATMs

    Kaspersky Lab has released a report on the investigation into the circumstances of the cyberattack aimed at ATMs. During the investigation, specialists from the Center for Global Research and Analysis of Kaspersky Lab found that the attack was based on a malicious program (Trojan) designated...
  15. Carding

    What Is Skimming?

    What Is Skimming? Skimming is a method used by identity thieves to capture payment and personal information from a credit card holder. Several approaches can be used by fraudsters to procure card information, with the most advanced approach involving a small device called a skimmer that reads...
  16. Forum Library

    Finding an ATM Skimmer in Vienna Finding an ATM Skimmer on vacation at the Samsung Cash Machine outside St. Steven's cathedral in Vienna, Austria.
  17. Forum Library

    A Gang's 11,000 Victims of ATM Card Skimming | Fraud: How They Steal Your Bank Account | ITV

    The detectives follow a card skimming gang and find out how they've stolen the details of 11,000 victims via card skimming devices in ATMs.
  18. Forum Library

    Mechanical Skimming Protection

    В предыдущей статье, мы рассмотрели электронные методы защиты банкоматов, и если вы читали внимательно со включенным мозгом, то смогли заметить, что данные виды защиты были направлены на предотвращение: * Вскрытия банкомата * Сверления банкомата * Установку overlay или bezel скиммеров *...
  19. Forum Library

    Защита от скимминга

    Информации о способах и системах защиты банкоматов великое множество в открытом доступе, пытливый ум давно все нашел прочел и намотал на ус. К моему сожалению 90% приходящих в скимминг индивидумов были обделены умом и не далеко ушли от наших предков обезьян, а если быть точным голова у оных...
  20. Forum Library

    What skimmer good for start?

    From time to time, people without any experience in skimming turn to for a purchase. During familiarization with the products of our service (in some cases), the buyer gets an understanding (in possible) lack of knowledge, on some important skimming issues. The most common question is "which...