
  1. Teacher

    The Russian Interior Ministry and F. A. C. C. T. tracked down and detained the SugarLocker ransomware

    Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with the support of specialists from F. A. C. C. T., a Russian developer of technologies to combat cybercrime, identified and detained members of the criminal group of SugarLocker ransomware. The attackers worked under the guise of a...
  2. Teacher

    Alpha Virus: a new player or an old ransomware that has risen from the ashes?

    The Netwalker group disappeared from the radar back in 2021, but researchers noticed suspicious similarities while studying other software. Experts have found disturbing links between the recent Alpha ransomware virus and the Netwalker criminal group, which was eliminated several years ago...
  3. Teacher

    Ransomware automation: MrAgent leaves no chance for VMs

    What does RansomHouse hackers have to do with creating a new malware? The RansomHouse group, known for its activities in the field of extortion using specialized programs, has developed a new malicious tool called "MrAgent". It is designed to automate the distribution of the data encryptor...
  4. Teacher

    Koreans hacked Rhysida: victims of ransomware attacks can recover their data for free

    How did researchers from Seoul manage to solve the secret hacker cipher? Cybersecurity experts have discovered an implementation vulnerability in the Rhysida ransomware that allowed them to recover encryption keys and decrypt data blocked by the malware. The discovery was published by a team of...
  5. Brother

    Faust Ransomware - Invisible cyberbullying right in your Excel

    The malware feels at home in other people's networks, not sparing the data of victims. Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new variant of the Phobos ransomware family, called Faust. A report on the latest iteration of the virus was published by FortiGuard Labs researchers from Fortinet...
  6. Brother

    The Dutchman tried to describe the perfect ransomware victim

    Which companies pay the buyout first and how much are they willing to pay? A new study by Dutch specialist Tom Moers from the University of Twente has identified factors that affect the likelihood that victims of ransomware will pay ransom to attackers. For the analysis, data from the Dutch...
  7. Brother

    Gigabytes held Hostage: Black Basta Ransomware Hits England's Water Supply

    Southern Water's actions will show how reliable the updated cryptographer is. A major British firm, Southern Water, responsible for water supply and sanitation in the south of England, including the counties of Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, West and East Sussex, as well as parts of Kent, was...
  8. Brother

    The war against ransomware: what strategy will major IT companies choose in 2024?

    75% of organizations have been affected by at least one ransomware attack in the last 12 months. According to Veeam's Data Protection Trends report, three-quarters (75%) of organizations were affected by at least one ransomware attack in the past year. A survey was conducted among managers and...
  9. Brother

    CVE-2023-29357 in SharePoint: It's even easier for ransomware to upgrade privileges and execute code remotely

    CISA warns of a new threat after publishing an exploit to an old vulnerability. Researchers report a serious threat: criminals involved in the distribution of ransomware viruses have obtained a working exploit for a vulnerability in the Microsoft SharePoint system. This bug, which is almost a...
  10. Brother

    Medusa Ransomware на подъеме: от утечек данных к физическим угрозам

    Участники угроз, связанные с программой-вымогателем Medusa, активизировали свою деятельность после запуска в феврале 2023 года специального сайта по утечке данных в dark web для публикации конфиденциальных данных жертв, которые не желают соглашаться с их требованиями. "В рамках своей стратегии...
  11. Brother

    A new danger for victims of cybercrime: fake information security specialists offer to "solve the problem" with ransomware

    The Royal and Akira victims were subjected to repeated extortion attacks from a benevolent security researcher. The Arctic Wolf Labs team has discovered a new fraud scheme targeting victims of ransomware. According to Arctic Wolf, those affected by the actions of the Royal and Akira groups were...
  12. Brother

    Выпущен бесплатный дешифратор для жертв Black Basta и Babuk's Tortilla Ransomware

    Cisco Talos выпустила дешифратор для версии Babuk-вымогателя Tortilla, позволяющий жертвам, на которые нацелено вредоносное ПО, восстановить доступ к своим файлам. Компания по кибербезопасности заявила, что разведданные об угрозах, которыми она поделилась с правоохранительными органами...
  13. Brother

    Cisco Talos researchers discover decryption key for Tortilla ransomware

    All affected users can restore their data without paying a ransom. Specialists of the Cisco Talos division, together with the Dutch police, have made significant progress in the fight against cybercrime, providing decryption of a variation of the Babuk ransomware virus, known as Tortilla. This...
  14. Brother

    Water Curupira uses PikaBot malware to deploy ransomware

    Experts attribute this activity to the termination of QakBot in August. Trend Micro has recorded an active distribution of the PikaBot malware by the Water Curupira group. Operations began in the first quarter of 2023 and continued until the end of June, before resuming in September. PikaBot...
  15. Brother

    Hackers who used ransomware written with ChatGPT were arrested in China

    Four cybercriminals in China were arrested for developing and using ChatGPT ransomware, marking the first such case in the country. And this despite the fact that the popular chatbot from OpenAI is not officially available in China, and Beijing is tightening measures against foreign AI. The...
  16. Brother

    Black Basta Buster: A decryptor to Help Ransomware Victims

    Despite all its shortcomings, the tool allows you to restore the most valuable files without paying a ransom. Security Research Labs (SRLabs) specialists have created a decryptor that exploits a vulnerability in the encryption algorithm of the Black Basta ransomware program and allows victims...
  17. Brother

    Ransomware Blackmails hospital network patients after cyberattack

    Will hackers fulfill their conditions if you pay them $ 50? Patients at Integris Health in Oklahoma are receiving blackmail emails saying that their data was stolen in a cyberattack on the health care network, and if they do not pay the ransom, the data will be sold to other cybercriminals...
  18. Brother

    Shoemaker without boots: Indian IT giant HCLTech failed to protect its infrastructure from ransomware

    The company's shares are falling, but the employees themselves are optimistic. Indian IT company HCL Technologies informed local regulators about the cyberattack that occurred on December 20. In its appeal to the National Stock Exchange of India, the company notified about the case of...
  19. Brother

    The FBI destroyed the ALPHV empire: Agents infiltrated the ransomware syndicate system

    The international operation helped the victims save $68 million, and the group's competitors attract new customers. The US Department of Justice announced the successful penetration of the FBI into the infrastructure of the ALPHV ransomware group (BlackCat). The operation allowed agents to...
  20. Brother

    Suspected Hive ransomware operator arrested in France

    Paris police have arrested a Russian citizen on charges of involvement in the Hive ransomware hacker group. He was found to have more than 570,000 euros in various cryptocurrencies. Hive encrypts the data of infected computers, and hackers extort funds in cryptocurrencies for decrypting the...