
  1. Father

    NetBSD 10.0 release: optimization for x86 and AArch64, ARM boards, synchronization with Linux

    The 18th release of the OS brings significant improvements for multiprocessor and multi-core systems. The NetBSD Project introduces NetBSD 10.0 – the 18th major release of the NetBSD operating system, which includes many improvements in performance, security, and hardware support, making NetBSD...
  2. Father

    Microsoft actively cleans Linux code from "masters" and "slaves"

    Inclusivity and political correctness prompted the company to rewrite 400 lines of code. Recently, Microsoft has been actively involved in the development of the Linux kernel, contributing not only to areas directly related to their business interests, such as Hyper-V or Azure support, but also...
  3. Father

    CVE-2024-1086: Bug exposes popular Linux distributions

    If you didn't update your Linux – you lost your computer. Security researcher Notselwyn discovered a new vulnerability in Linux that allows you to get root rights. The bug affects versions of the Linux kernel from 5.14 to 6.6.14. Vulnerability CVE-2024-1086 (CVSS score: 7.8) affects many...
  4. Teacher

    Срочно: Секретный бэкдор обнаружен в библиотеке XZ Utils, влияет на основные дистрибутивы Linux

    RedHat в пятницу выпустила "срочное предупреждение системы безопасности", предупреждающее о том, что две версии популярной библиотеки сжатия данных под названием XZ Utils (ранее LZMA Utils) были дополнены вредоносным кодом, предназначенным для обеспечения несанкционированного удаленного доступа...
  5. Teacher

    Новая ошибка Linux может привести к утечке паролей пользователей и захвату буфера обмена

    Появились подробности об уязвимости, влияющей на команду "wall" пакета util-linux, которая потенциально может быть использована злоумышленниками для утечки пароля пользователя или изменения буфера обмена в определенных дистрибутивах Linux. Ошибка, отслеживаемая как CVE-2024-28085, получила...
  6. Teacher

    From Ubuntu to Debian: Many Linux distributions are at risk due to a long-standing bug

    The WallEscape vulnerability went unnoticed for 11 years. Did hackers manage to use it? A serious vulnerability has been discovered in the Linux operating system that allows unprivileged attackers to steal passwords or change the victims clipboard. The problem concerns the wall command in the...
  7. Teacher

    Linux-версия DinodasRAT замечена в кибератаках в нескольких странах

    Linux-версия многоплатформенного бэкдора под названием DinodasRAT была обнаружена в дикой природе, нацеленная на Китай, Тайвань, Турцию и Узбекистан, свидетельствуют новые данные Kaspersky. DinodasRAT, также известная как XDealer, представляет собой вредоносное ПО на базе C ++, которое...
  8. Teacher

    Vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel that allow you to raise your privileges via nf_tables and ksmbd

    A vulnerability (CVE-2024-1086) has been identified in Netfilter, a subsystem of the Linux kernel used to filter and modify network packets, which allows a local user to execute code at the kernel level and raise their privileges in the system. The problem is caused by double-free memory in the...
  9. Teacher

    AcidPour – a new enemy for Linux

    SentinelLabs experts have discovered a new destructive malware called AcidPour, which destroys data and targets IoT and network devices based on Linux x86. Researchers believe that AcidPour is a variant of another well — known viper-AcidRain. AcidRain is a malware designed to destroy data on...
  10. Teacher

    Подозреваемая российская вредоносная программа AcidPour, стирающая данные, нацелена на устройства Linux x86

    В дикой природе обнаружен новый вариант вредоносной программы AcidRain, стирающей данные, которая специально разработана для устройств Linux x86. Вредоносная программа, получившая название AcidPour, скомпилирована для устройств Linux x86, сообщил Хуан Андрес Герреро-Сааде из SentinelOne в серии...
  11. Teacher

    From FreeBSD to Linux: iXsystems sets course for TrueNAS SCALE

    In the pursuit of leadership, the company is radically transforming its product line. iXsystems, a well-known provider of BSD-based operating systems, has made a strategic reorientation of its operations from FreeBSD to Linux. This decision is a landmark for the industry and may signal a change...
  12. Teacher

    Linux 6.8: New kernel release with support for AMD Zen 5, Intel Lunar Lake and Raspberry Pi 5

    On March 10, 2024, Linus Torvalds, the creator and main developer of the Linux kernel, announced the release of a new stable version 6.8. The release was released according to the established schedule, two months after the previous stable version 6.7, released in early January 2024. The source...
  13. Teacher

    Wrath of God: WingOfGod Hits Windows and Linux users in Asia

    The WogRAT backdoor exploits a popular online notepad to evade detection. In recent months, a new malware called WogRAT has been actively spreading through cyberspace, targeting users of the Windows and Linux operating systems. Researchers at AhnLab Security (ASEC) have discovered that WogRAT...
  14. Teacher

    A real crumb: Tiny Core Linux 15 takes only 24 MB after installation

    What can such a minimalistic distribution do in its latest iteration? The latest version of Tiny Core Linux v15. 0, released on February 22, proves that even in 2024, a full-fledged operating system with a graphical interface can take up much less space than Windows 95, released almost 30 years...
  15. Teacher

    Fake domains as a weapon: the survivable BIFROSE Trojan made its way into Linux systems

    Researchers talk about new features of the old cyber threat. Researchers from Palo Alto Networks have discovered a new variant of the well - known remote access Trojan-BIFROSE (also known as Bifrost). The updated version is adapted for attacks on Linux systems. Its distinctive feature is the...
  16. Teacher

    Новые уязвимости Wi-Fi делают устройства Android и Linux уязвимыми для хакеров

    Исследователи кибербезопасности выявили две ошибки обхода аутентификации в программном обеспечении Wi-Fi с открытым исходным кодом, используемом на устройствах Android, Linux и ChromeOS, которые могут обманом заставить пользователей подключиться к вредоносному клону законной сети или позволить...
  17. Teacher

    Ivanti Pulse Secure найден с использованием 11-летней версии Linux и устаревших библиотек

    Обратный инжиниринг встроенного ПО, работающего на устройствах Ivanti Pulse Secure, выявил многочисленные недостатки, что еще раз подчеркивает сложность обеспечения безопасности цепочек поставок программного обеспечения. Eclypsiusm, которая приобрела версию прошивки в рамках...
  18. Teacher

    And this is what we've been waiting for for 12 years? Damn little Linux is back.

    Who can use such a lightweight distribution in 2024 and why? 19 years after the release of the original version and 12 years after the release of the latest release, the Linux distribution "Damn Small Linux "(DSL) is back. By the name, which can be literally translated as "damn small Linux", it...
  19. Teacher

    Command-not-found: how hackers slip malicious packages to Linux users

    The pre-installed utility undermines the security of millions of Ubuntu users. Researchers from Aqua Security discovered a critical vulnerability that allows attackers to break into Linux-based systems. We are talking about using the "command-not-found" utility built into the Ubuntu...
  20. Teacher

    Критическая уязвимость загрузчика в Shim влияет почти на все дистрибутивы Linux

    Разработчики shim выпустили версию 15.8 для устранения шести недостатков безопасности, включая критическую ошибку, которая может проложить путь к удаленному выполнению кода при определенных обстоятельствах. Отслеживаемая как CVE-2023-40547 (оценка CVSS: 9,8), уязвимость может быть использована...