
  1. Tomcat

    Carding schemes: how to protect yourself from theft of money from cards

    Bank card fraud schemes are becoming increasingly sophisticated. According to information from law enforcement agencies, carders have improved their methods of stealing money from bank cards. Along with already known schemes, criminals are coming up with new ways to siphon funds from people’s...
  2. Tomcat

    Beware, carding: serve time or get rich?

    Many affiliates have heard about such a concept as carding. Some people suffered from this, while others practiced carding themselves. Today we’ll try to figure out what carding is and what precautions you need to take to keep your bank card details safe. We’ll also ask top affiliates for their...
  3. Tomcat

    In Russia, carding against banks has decreased by 85%

    In Russia, over the year there was a reduction in the volume of cybercrimes against banks by 85% to 510 million rubles. In the segment of PC Trojans, the decline was 89%, in Android Trojans - 43%, and in the phishing segment - 65%. Only social engineering is on the rise. Russian groups began to...
  4. Tomcat

    Russia leads among European countries in terms of growth rates of losses from card fraud - carding

    Russia took first place in Europe in terms of the growth rate of losses from fraudulent transactions with bank cards in 2013. The volume of these losses in Russia last year increased by 27.6% compared to the previous year and, accordingly, 10 times compared to data from 2006 and by 365% compared...
  5. Tomcat

    How to reduce the risk of losses from bank fraud - carding by 20–30%

    By handling large sums of money, banks attract the attention of criminals. Fraudsters are becoming more and more creative, they create “financial bubbles”, organize phishing to steal user data, and send SMS messages. Accordingly, financial institutions must be proactive and adopt new...
  6. Tomcat

    Carding: how commercial equipment is hacked

    Carding has been around for many years and has become increasingly sophisticated over time. Even with a serious approach to ensuring the cybersecurity of POS systems - which in itself is very rare - retail equipment remains vulnerable to carders [11] The material is designed for a prepared...
  7. Tomcat

    Carding: Plastic cards under threat

    The market of plastic cards is rapidly developing. More and more people prefer this method of storing money and conducting financial transactions. The boom arose after the so-called salary projects of banks, which made the process of receiving a monetary allowance very convenient, were adopted...
  8. Tomcat

    What is carding? Recognizing and preventing credit card fraud

    Aren't credit cards bliss? However, carding is the complete opposite of this. Speaking of the convenience of credit cards that we are blessed with, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, more than 175 million Americans own credit cards. Amazing, right? Everything is just a swipe...
  9. Tomcat

    Carding - information security glossary

    Carding is fraudulent activity involving the use of personal data of bank card holders. How the scheme works Criminals first need to obtain the card's bank details in order to exploit any carding scheme for personal gain. These include: card number, owner's full name, CVV2 code, etc. The...
  10. Tomcat

    What is carding and why is it dangerous?

    Carding is one of the many ways of unauthorized acquisition (theft) of financial and personal data of a credit card for use without the consent of the owner. Information obtained through carding may be resold. This scheme was especially popular in the 90s – early 2000s. Subsequently, law...
  11. Tomcat

    What is stuff carding and how to protect yourself from it

    The Baranovichi City Department of Internal Affairs spoke about a new type of criminal activity in the field of high technology, as well as ways to avoid being among the victims. Item carding is a method of withdrawing money from hacked bank accounts. Carder purchases goods, gift certificates...
  12. Tomcat

    How carding works: why this form of cybercrime remains popular

    Carding is the dark side of the digital world, hidden behind the glitter of online stores and the convenience of cashless payments. This type of cybercrime, which involves the theft and use of stolen banking information, continues to flourish despite stricter laws and improved security...
  13. Tomcat

    Particularly dangerous fraud: what is carding?

    Many people have paid for online purchases with a bank card at least once. Moreover, if before the coronavirus pandemic this was only one of the opportunities to get the desired product, today using a card is a much more pressing need. And some are so accustomed to new technologies that they...
  14. Tomcat

    What is carding and how can you protect yourself from it?

    Carding is a type of fraud in which attackers, having fraudulently obtained your confidential data, in particular full payment card details, withdraw money from your accounts without your knowledge. To get into the carders' zone of interest, you just need to use a bank card. One of the methods...
  15. Tomcat

    What is carding in 2024

    Theft of money via the Internet is common and very common. The victims are bank clients with active accounts and plastic cards attached to them. Understand what online carding is and take measures to protect yourself from hackers. Use two-factor authentication and keep your password and PIN...
  16. Tomcat

    Let's look at the main types of fraud. What is carding and how to protect yourself from hacking.

    Many people have paid at least once with a bank card in online stores. We are so accustomed to new technologies that we don’t hesitate to make online purchases. Running out of food? Can be ordered. No shampoos? Online order. Want to update your wardrobe? One more order! With this approach, there...
  17. Tomcat

    What is carding and why is it needed?

    Carding is the use of illegal methods to access other people's financial data and resources for personal gain. Now let's look at why some arbitrageurs resort to using this practice: Access to funds to pay for traffic: carders in arbitration can use stolen financial data to pay for traffic...
  18. Tomcat

    Preparing for carding. Some aspects.

    The optimal type of security should look like this. An external hard drive or USB flash drive on which a virtual machine is hidden in an encrypted container. From the virtual machine you access the network, using a VPN for security and a socks5 (or shh-tunnel) for disguise. So, let's take our...
  19. Tomcat

    I tried carding, but it didn't work. Why?

    I was sitting here at 4 in the morning, picking my nose and wondering if I should write an article. What topic? I see many people have questions about clothing bags, so I'll try to collect all my knowledge in an attempt to answer the question - why don't shops provide them. I hope it will be...
  20. Tomcat

    Bank card carding in 2024

    What carding methods are the most popular, what to do if scammers find out your bank card details, how to protect yourself from theft and what are the chances of getting your funds back - in the Kommersant material. The most common methods of stealing funds from bank cards (carding) are based...