
  1. Teacher

    Apple vs. US Department of Justice: who will win the battle for the free market?

    In the United States, a lawsuit was filed against Apple that looks more like an 88-page press release intended to be read on cable news programs. Lawsuits are usually specialized communications from lawyers to a judge and can be very technical and full of jargon, especially in highly...
  2. Teacher

    Uncovered breach in Apple chips could leak secret encryption keys

    Recently, Apple's M-series processors revealed a vulnerability that allows attackers to extract private keys on macOS computers. The attack vector was named GoFetch. This is a classic problem of information leakage through third-party channels, which in this case allows end-to-end key...
  3. Teacher

    GoFetch: Apple hardware cryptographic keys no longer belong to their owners

    Software patches won't save you, and the security of millions of users is a big question. Researchers have discovered a serious vulnerability in the microarchitecture of Apple's M-series chips that allows attackers to extract secret keys from Mac devices, including computers and laptops. The...
  4. Teacher

    Apple vs all: Tech giants demand freedom of payments in the App Store

    Meta, Microsoft, X supported Epic Games in the war with the Apple monopoly. The epic battle between Apple and the biggest tech companies is heating up with renewed vigor. Meta*, Microsoft, X (formerly Twitter) and Match Group have officially entered into a protracted legal dispute between Apple...
  5. Teacher

    Министерство юстиции США подало в суд на Apple из-за монополии и безопасности обмена сообщениями

    Министерство юстиции США (DoJ) вместе с 16 другими генеральными прокурорами штатов и округов в четверг обвинило Apple в незаконном сохранении монополии на смартфоны, тем самым подрывая, среди прочего, безопасность и конфиденциальность пользователей при обмене сообщениями не с iPhone. "Apple...
  6. Teacher

    Apple blocked CryptoPro CSP apps: what should I do?

    The company's developers have already responded to the block and issued instructions. On March 9, 2024, Apple blocked CryptoPro CSP development applications in its AppStore app store and revoked the product code signing certificate for macOS operating systems. In addition, macOS security...
  7. Teacher

    Apple Vision Pro: 12 cameras, a sea of data and privacy questions

    Finding balance in a world where technology defines the boundaries of personal space. Apple has introduced Vision Pro-a device that allows you to immerse yourself in a parallel universe. Thanks to the wave of the hand, users can call up apps and scroll through web pages, which is made possible...
  8. Teacher

    Срочно: Apple выпускает критические обновления для активно используемых ошибок нулевого дня

    Apple выпустила обновления для системы безопасности, устраняющие несколько недостатков безопасности, включая две уязвимости, которые, по ее словам, активно использовались в дикой природе. Недостатки перечислены ниже - CVE-2024-23225 - Проблема с повреждением памяти в ядре, которую...
  9. Teacher

    Apple vs Spotify: The European Commission sided with the service and fined Apple €1.95 billion

    The Corporation is obligated to compensate consumers for restricting access to other payment methods. The European Commission imposed a fine of €1.8 billion on Apple. (about $1.95 billion) for "abusing its dominant position in the music streaming app distribution market." The decision was made...
  10. Teacher

    RePack by Apple: 93% of iOS apps may contain Trojans

    The weakening of Apple's monopoly also reduces user security. In accordance with new EU laws, Apple introduces the ability to install applications from third-party sources, which caused concern among experts after the publication of a report on the security of iOS applications. In its report...
  11. Teacher

    Zero-Click in the Apple world: "quick commands" lead to "quick hacking"

    How did a useful feature turn into a powerful data theft tool? In the world of technology, a new threat has been discovered that affects users of Apple products. This time, the vulnerability concerns the Shortcuts application — a tool for creating custom automated tasks that is built into the...
  12. Teacher

    Исследователи подробно описали недавнюю уязвимость Apple в отношении ярлыков с нулевым щелчком мыши

    Появились подробности об исправленной серьезной ошибке безопасности в приложении Apple "Ярлыки", которая может позволить с помощью ярлыка получить доступ к конфиденциальной информации на устройстве без согласия пользователя. Уязвимость, отслеживаемая как CVE-2024-23204 (оценка CVSS: 7.5), была...
  13. Teacher

    Apple представила протокол PQ3 - постквантовое шифрование для iMessage

    Apple анонсировала новый постквантовый криптографический протокол под названием PQ3, который, по ее словам, будет интегрирован в iMessage для защиты платформы обмена сообщениями от будущих атак, возникающих в результате угрозы практического квантового компьютера. "Благодаря защищенному от...
  14. Teacher

    Scammers tried to deceive Apple by exchanging 5,000 fake iPhones for real ones

    Two Chinese citizens were found guilty of transferring more than 5,000 fake iPhones (worth more than $ 3 million) to Apple in order to replace them with real devices. Now scammers face up to 20 years in prison. The criminal scheme was based on the fact that Apple provides users with a one-year...
  15. Teacher

    PQ3 in iMessage: Apple Introduces Quantum Shield for Your Secrets

    Will future supercomputers be able to access other people's emails? In an era of scientific and technological progress, Apple announced a significant step forward in the field of cybersecurity. Ahead of the possible emergence of quantum computers capable of breaking existing encryption methods...
  16. Teacher

    Предупреждение: новый скрытый бэкдор "RustDoor", нацеленный на устройства Apple macOS

    Пользователи Apple macOS стали мишенью нового бэкдора на базе Rust, который работает незаметно с ноября 2023 года. Было обнаружено, что бэкдор с кодовым названием RustDoor от Bitdefender выдает себя за обновление для Microsoft Visual Studio и нацелен на архитектуры Intel и Arm. Точный...
  17. Teacher

    Fake LastPass penetrated the official Apple app store

    How much will this event hurt the image of the Apple company? In light of Apple's positioning of its branded App Store as a safe and reliable source of applications, the company faced a serious threat to its image: a fraudulent application disguised as LastPass appeared in the official catalog...
  18. Teacher

    Apple thanks hacker arrested for hacking company systems

    A cybersecurity researcher who previously reported several vulnerabilities in Apple products is accused of infiltrating Apple's internal infrastructure and defrauding the corporation out of $2.5 million in gift cards and electronics. According to court documents, despite Noah Roskin-Frazi's...
  19. Teacher

    How to hack Apple and get $2.5 million: a story of betrayal and confession

    Apple thanked the hacker arrested for hacking the company's systems. A cybersecurity researcher who previously reported several vulnerabilities in Apple products is accused of breaking into Apple's internal infrastructure and defrauding the corporation of $2.5 million through gift cards and...
  20. Teacher

    Apple vs Google and Mozilla: who will win the battle for web surfing on iOS?

    Why are browser developers unhappy with the new iOS rules in Europe? Apple is forced to make major changes to its iOS operating system in Europe in response to the requirements of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)Directive Of the European Union. This act aims to regulate large technology companies...