What Is OTP Bot ❓ This Bot calls your victim to retrieve a 2fa code or One Time Passcode via


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What Is OTP Bot ❓

This Bot calls your victim to retrieve a 2fa code or One Time Passcode via

Vishing. This is often used in fraud to bypass victim's account security and

gain access to it.

Why We Shouldn't Buy OTP Bot ❓

Sellers selling this otp bot subscription and sources are nothing but ripping.

OTP Bot Source is available for free on github and the dev of this source is Ross.

People are selling this same github source for bot for $1000 or more. While some

sells subscription which is fine because they edit and add bank modules in bot.

But that's too expensive because they just have to add few modules and voice is just

text to speech and few lines of code because the main backbone of the bot is already

built by Ross. So buying it at such price isn't worth it instead you can look the code and

see how code for other modules is written and learn some basics for js you can add your

module too.

Note: Now github has removed this repo.

How To Setup This OTP BOT❓


~Cloud Portal

~Twillio Account

~Node.js and NPM

~Discord Account

Login to your cloud portal (for this tutorial I am using azure)

Go to Instance/Vm/Cloud device section in your Portal and create a new one

Now Configure your Vm/Instance Settings:

~ VPS Location can be nearest to your location to be faster, although I recommend US.

~Server OS Can be Linux/Windows (In this tutorial I am using Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS).

~2vcpu + 4gb size is enough for this bot.

~In authentication choose what suits you more SSH Key/Password

~You can choose default setting in Disks,Networking,Management,Advanced,Tags.

Now just create/deploy your VM/Instance

Now wait until deployed

After deployment move to Network configure Panel.

Now add a new firewall rule

Now Configure these:

1. Destination Should be "Any"/"All".

2. In Service choose custom.

3. In Destination Port Ranges or Port input 1337(Because we need to open this port in firewall).

4. In protocol choose "Any" or TCP/UDP.

5. In name input whatever you want.

And finally click add or save.

Now open Command Prompt in Windows or Terminal in Linux/Mac.

Now connecting to your VPS via Windows/Linux/Mac:-

If Using Username and Password:-

~use the syntax ssh username@ip-address

If Using SSH Key:-

~use the syntax ssh -i key.pem username@ip-address

Now input yes.

Now input your password if you have selected password authentication and hit enter.

now you should be logged in

Commands and Usage:-

~pwd (print working directory).

~sudo su (Gives root privilege to perform tasks. Its like the run as admin in windows).

~mkdir $FNAME (This syntax is use to create a directory and here $FNAME should be the name of the folder that you want to keep).

~cd $DIR (This means to change your directory to what path you have entered instead of $DIR).

Now download the Bot files in your VPS using this command:-

wget https://cdn-145.anonfiles.com/39566fRdx8/047bbd81-1648460842/OTP-BOT[Join @hackers_assemble].zip

Install unzip via

apt install unzip

Now run this command in the same directory where you downloaded the zip file.

unzip OTP-BOT\[Join\ \@hackers_assemble\].zip

This will extarct the folders inside the zip file

Use clear command to clean your terminal or cmd

Now Change your directory to the exracted folder.

Using this command:-

cd OTP-BOT\[Join\ \@hackers_assemble\]

and you can use ls -l to list all files and directories in your current directory.

Now open your twillio dashboard and copy the following:-

~Trial Number

~Account SID

~Auth Token

Now change directory to ./api using cd api

then open the config file using nano by using this command: nano config.js

Now can move your cursor using the arrow keys and Replace the following:-

accountSid: 'INPUT_YOUR_SID',



Now Change the Following Values as well:-

apipassword: 'Any_PASS_YOU_LIKE'

serverurl: 'https://YOUR_VPS_IP:1337'

Now open your discord dashboard and create a new server.

Create a new text channel and go to its settings

Go to Integrations tab in the settings. and click on Create Webhook.

Click on Copy Webhook URL

Now move back to your cmd or terminal.

And edit the following:-

discordwebhook: 'PASTE_YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL',

Now after pasting webhook url pres ctrl+x and then press Y to save your changes.

Run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

Now after install complete run npm i in the api directory.

If you face any errors in npm i

Run these commands:-

apt install git apache2 nano yarn nodejs -yf

npm install -g npm@latest

npm install --silent

npm audit fix --force

npm config set false --global

npm config set fund false

and after running these run npm i

Run npm start and wait for 30-40 seconds.

Now open another cmd window or terminal and connect to your server using ssh key/password and give sudo privileges same as before

Now move to the Directory where you extracted the bot

Now in that Directory there Will be A discord folder. Move to discord folder using cd Discord/discord and if you list the contents in this directory using the ls command you can see a file named config.js open it using nano config.js

Now visit https://discord.com/developers/applications and click on New Application button.

Name your application

Now move to OAuth2 Tab.

Click to reveal. Then Copy your client secret.

Now move to the Bot tab and click on Add Bot and then click on Yes, do it!.

Choose your bot's username and then click on reveal token and copy the token.

Now back to the CMD or Terminal Window where nano is opened.

Edit the following in the config.js :-

apiurl: 'http://INPUT_YOUR_VPS_IP:1337',


discordtoken: 'INPUT_YOUR_BOT_TOKEN',

secretpassword: 'INPUT_YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET'

Now in Discord got back to OAuth2 and open URL Generator

Then Check these two boxes

and copy your generated URL.

And then open your copied URL and add the bot to the server we just created and click on Authorize as Administrator.

And Finally check your bot on discord

Note: I did not had the twillio key and discord so the ss used to explain the twillio dashboard and discord are not mine. But VPS and bot setup ss is mine.


If you need help, contact me, im always happy to help!

If you have any questions or concerns (not just purchasing) feel free to message me on Telegram! @lampaduza1 or join our Telegram Channel https://t.me/+bgCzKu0V6DJiZTY0

New Product Post's & Editorial Posts will be here on FancyBear channel, Shop & Forum in the coming weeks!

- Thanks!

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