What is carding, or How to protect bank accounts in 2024


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Starting from October 1, 2023, banks are required to offer insurance against fraudulent debits to their customers. This demand was made by the Central Bank. The new risk is part of a voluntary policy that previously protected bank customers from card loss or damage.

The regulator's decision looks logical, according to Cyber Media's interlocutors. Card fraud in Russia is growing at lightning speed. And in terms of quantity, quality, and volume at the same time. How dangerous carding is today and what tools are used against it, we will tell you in this article.

What is carding?​

Recall that carding is one of the most common types of fraud on the Internet. The victim is the owner of a bank card that is used without their knowledge. Carders are behind such crimes – they are criminals who steal funds from other people's cards.

In recent years, there have been more and more cases of cardsharing. Both card users and banks, as well as law enforcement agencies, are sounding the alarm.

Dmitry Khomutov
Director of Ideco

In 2018, fraudsters used carding to steal 1.4 billion rubles from Russians. With the development of information security technologies, many new features have appeared that allow you to save data and funds on accounts and bank cards – both for individuals and legal entities.

However, with the improvement of security systems, the number and quality of cyber attacks has also increased – scammers are looking for new ways to break in. So, at the end of 2022, more than 14 billion rubles were stolen through Russian card fraud-10 times more than five years ago.

Modern carding is usually divided into two types – physical and remote. In the first case, the attacker has physical access to the victim's card or ATM. In thefts, special skimming devices are usually used. Often, criminals are employees of banks or service organizations.

Remote carding is when attacks are carried out remotely. The main thing here is to get your bank card details. In order for the carder to continue performing operations, they only need to find out the number, date of service completion, and CVV code.

What does security consist of?​

Potential victims are actively protected from both types of carding. Although the methods and tools used are different.

Sergey Polunin
Head of the Infrastructure IT Protection Group at Gazinformservis

For the first option, special models of ATMs themselves are developed, and much attention is paid to the physical aspects of information security. For remote karting, there are a huge number of solutions-from depersonalizing card data during storage to using the second factor when paying.

Multi-factor authentication is one of the most important tools in protecting bank customers from criminals on the Internet. Moreover, many customers in the pursuit of security decide to use at least three forms of authentication rather than two. And there are reasons for that.

Dmitry Khomutov
Director of Ideco

46% of internal company information breaches by hackers occur due to the choice of a simple password. This is usually a combination of something that the user knows (for example, a password) and something that the user has (for example, a physical token or a code received via SMS).

In addition, data encryption is important for the security of bank clients. The use of strong special algorithms to protect information, transactions, and communications between users and the system increases the chance of data protection by 90%.

In general, the methods of combating carding have changed significantly, and especially over the past five years, experts say. Biometric identification has been added. And banks have also actively started using AI-based solutions. These include machine learning for analyzing behavioral patterns.

Monitoring and analysis of abnormal activity is quite an effective tool in the fight against carders. Companies are actively improving their network perimeter intrusion protection systems, applying restrictions on the number of users, and installing additional layers of protection. The latter often include solutions of the NGFW, IDS, and IPS classes.

Maxim Gryazev
Expert of the digital threat analysis and assessment service ETHIC of Infosecurity a Softline company

Also, the security of banking operations has improved due to the development of new payment technologies, such as blockchain and advanced cryptographic protocols.

Key counter-carding techniques also include regular updates of security systems, specialized training of employees, active monitoring of transactional activity, and effective interaction with law enforcement agencies to exchange data and coordinate efforts to counter cybercrime.

There are more methods and measures of struggle every year. Companies invest millions of rubles in funds that protect customers from theft online. However, in practice, huge investments are of little use – many victims transfer bank card data to fraudsters on their own initiative. That is why it is still very difficult to significantly change the carding statistics in Russia, experts say.

What's next​

Carders quickly find ways to bypass card protection. The growing volume of thefts confirms this. Nevertheless, the race continues. And the defense side is preparing new obstacles that criminals will still have to face in the future.

Dmitry Khomutov
Director of Ideco

Fraud detection systems will be enhanced by the use of algorithms and software to detect unusual activity and potential fraudulent purchases. Also important will be end-to – end encryption-protecting data privacy by encrypting information during a transaction and transferring data between companies and customers.

In any case, there will be at least three ways to counteract carding in Russia. As before, banks, payment system operators and the state will continue to protect potential victims, experts say.

Sergey Polunin
Head of the Infrastructure IT Protection Group at Gazinformservis

Banks on their side can take new measures to protect money transactions, and payment system operators can enable additional ways to verify transactions. Finally, the legislation will have to provide citizens with the opportunity to analyze conflict situations in case of their occurrence.

New payment methods may appear in the future. And the regulatory framework should be ready by that time, " explains Sergey Polunin.


Carding is a story that began with the deception of online stores in the 1990s. Malefactors bought goods using fake cards – they entered random data in payment forms. Fraud was discovered when banks received invoices for non-existent customers.

Now it is not retailers and banks that suffer from carding, but people – cardholders and customers. How many years will pass before they learn how to protect themselves from scammers and whether this is possible in general is an open question. Although often the user only needs to use antivirus programs on their devices, update the software in a timely manner, do not click on questionable links, and monitor notifications from mobile banks. According to experts, these four rules are quite enough to avoid being left with zero on the account.