We open the best and largest store of CC, fullz and dumps


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Hello dear forum users. Today I will tell you a relevant topic-guide on how you can open your own store selling valid material - cards, fullz (full info), dumps, accounts and other various buns that everyone needs there and always come in handy for successful work in carding.
The demand for quality material is simply colossal and only increases every year.

At the moment, more than 20 popular stores have formed on the darknet market, which have a turnover of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of satisfied customers who purchase specific digital goods for their needs every day.
Most modern carders use such a popular messenger as Telegram, in addition to the main communication tool jabber + otr.
If you have noticed the most top-end stores do not have an elementary telegram bot that could provide sales in a round-the-clock automated mode, increasing the turnover many times over. These stores operate in the old fashioned way - making sales through sites on the web and TOP, missing the comfort and convenience of the Telegram audience.
This is what we will use.

The essence of the topic
We will create a unique telegram bot interacting with all databases of stores, set our own pricing policy and launch automatic sales.

So, let's consider in more detail and in detail.
For example, we take the proven SS shops - UnISS and Feshop and dump shops - Donald Trump and Brian Krebs, and what do we see? These shops have not implemented telegram bots, so this is our unique opportunity, chance and almost a gold mine, which must be taken advantage of.

What steps need to be taken to implement?
1. Prepare a list of shops from which we will parse material, create accounts, replenish the balance for the minimum amount.
2. (the most important point) We prepare a competent and understandable technical task for programmers-coders. We describe all the necessary and important functions that must be implemented.
3. We post proposals for the provision of services for the development of a turnkey telegram bot for programmers-coders on freelance exchanges.
On Russian freelance sites, you can find developers for as little as $ 100 and even cheaper, on foreign sites the cost of the service can vary depending on the complexity of the proposed task and reach up to $ 1000.
Freelancers can take an additional amount for each connected site, so this is very individual, depending on how the programmer estimates his time, the complexity of the work and the offered functionality.
There are a lot of freelancers on social networks, you can offer your price for work in the themes of customers.
It's even better if you yourself understand programming or have familiar coders.
The most remarkable thing about foreign freelance exchanges is that you can simply carding the execution of the service :)
To perform the bot development service, you will need to provide accounts in the selected CC shops with a balance at least with the ability to purchase at least 1-2 cards (which you can successfully drive in or add later to the bot) for testing and setting up the functionality.
4. When the bot is ready, launch it and test it. If necessary, we make additions and adjustments. It is important that you like the product yourself, inspire confidence and desire to use it every day.
5. We begin to advertise the bot in telegram chats and carding forums. On many forums, the sale of CC without paying for advertising and verification is posted, but if you have a problem with this, then you can find projects on which you can advertise for free. And the first satisfied customers will become regular + will recommend another method of word of mouth, tk. you will have the largest database of material on the darknet market. If possible, implement statistics so that customers can see that you have the largest amount of material.

There are a lot of manuals for self-tuning and raising telegram bots on the Internet, for example, you can study this topic:
Nevertheless, it is best to turn to professionals in their field, since if you do not have the necessary skills, then specialists in this field will gladly do this work for you for a small monetary reward.

Advantages of the topic:
+ The bot works around the clock and autonomously, money just drips into your wallet in cryptocurrency
+ You do not search for bases for implementation, hacking and actual storage of material on your server

Disadvantages of the topic:
- Requires investments in development and balance on accounts in online stores CC and accounts.
- At the moment, Telegram does not block such bots that trade illegal data, but the policy may change at any time.
- Over time, shops can raise their own bot
- Some carders may notice that you are simply overbearing with material, but in fact many of them already trade the same bases and repetitions can always happen, this circumstance is usually attributed to the suppliers.

What functionality (commands) need to be implemented in the bot?
To do this, just go to donor stores and see what they offer, usually this:
- search by bin
- search by card type
- search by city, state, country
- search by card expiration date
- search by name, surname, date of birth (optional)
- automatic checker for validity
- automatic replacement of invalid material
- sampling by non vbv and non mcsc (not implemented in all shops)

What else can you sell and add to your bot?
Every day in many forums, in the "Freebie" section, they post invalid waste material. Surprisingly, it is also in demand. For example, many, according to the card data, lookup SSN and DOB for it and get a full-fledged valid fullz, which they use for their intended purpose or sell for $ 1 apiece.
We just copy all the material - CC and put it up for sale at a ridiculous price of $ 0.1
When selling, we do not deceive and be sure to indicate that this is a public page and already used material.

- Additionally, you can raise the largest Internet site that unites all databases of stores, but this will require additional software development.
- You can post ads in the database to take from hackers for implementation by paying the% due to them.
- To reduce the cost of development, to begin with, we can connect only 1 or several stores.
- Set an adequate price, for example, for the sale of CC, add only $ 1-2 from the cost in the donor store. When you build up a client base, you can always increase your pricing policy. At the beginning of business development, it is important to attract attention with high-quality service and a moderate price list, which will not differ much from competitors.
- You can implement support and sales in manual mode, if you wish and time permits.
- Implement a checker for non vbv and non mcsv cards. For example, you can buy a complete database of up-to-date bins, set up an automatic checker on sites using any convenient method, or download public lists of non vbv and non mcsc bins.
- Implement punching DOB, SSN, BG, CS, CR and other information.
- Try to negotiate with the shop owners on an individual basis, perhaps they will go to a meeting and provide you with access to databases for the implementation of material in your bot.

Bottom line and profit calculation:
On average, each CC store sells from 10,000 to 100,000 cards per month, even if you increase the price for a piece by only $ 1 and sell no more than 1,000 pieces per month at the initial stage, then this will be enough to cover the development costs and exit in a net profit in the near future.

In fact, donor shops will not mind, since you provide additional turnover and bring them profit, which they are extremely happy about.

As a result, after the successful implementation and launch of the product, we get the most popular and powerful telegram bot № 1 in carding, which will bring us a grandiose stable income with minimal investment.

I really look forward to your opinions and comments.

Especially for carder.market