UK reveals details of a criminal case against members of cybercrime scam groups


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The Main Department of Digital Development of the Preliminary Investigation summed up the interim results of the work of the investigative and interdepartmental groups on the criminal case against participants of cybercrime scam groups.

For reference: To ensure the proper quality and efficiency of the investigation, in agreement with the leadership of the Investigative Committee, in August of this year, the investigation team on the case included investigators from territorial departments of the department. Also, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, agreed with the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, an interdepartmental working group was created on the criminal case, which includes representatives of the main digital development department of the preliminary investigation.

During the investigation, information was received that the established scam groups are the largest cybercrime groups operating on the territory of Belarus. From 2021 to 2023, members of organized criminal groups committed more than 8,000 embezzlements from Belarusians through "phishing". They included more than 2,000 people. As part of the operational search activities carried out jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and with the active participation of investigators from regional departments, more than 25 participants of scam groups were detained, and a preventive measure in the form of detention was applied to 15 accused. At the moment, more than 1,200 criminal cases initiated by the territorial divisions of the Investigative Committee on the facts of embezzlement of money from card accounts are combined in one production.

Thanks to the close cooperation between the two agencies and the organizational measures taken last month alone, it was possible to establish the involvement of members of an organized criminal group in another 208 embezzlements, and 270 facts of criminal activity of "scammers" were revealed, for which the victims did not apply to law enforcement agencies.

Work continues to identify all members of scammy groups and the crimes they committed.