Tutorials for bank carding


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Working with bank accounts


- What is a bank account and what is it for
- Bank zero
- Making staff from the bank
- Banking transfers
- Small advice on how to use

- What is a bank account and what is it for?
IF THE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE INCREASES $ 30-50k (in each bank in different ways) then they open an investigation, I know this from reliable sources.

The bank is used for bays, shopping and other services which we will look at later. There is always more trust in a bank than in a credit card. This is the advantage of banks. You can even cite as an example that the Skrill is deposit from the card, but by the way, it is almost unrealistic, the transfer passes from the bank.
The only way the bank can check the reliability is the location, for example, the Skrill cannot be deposit if the holder is in California, and the bank is registered in Georgia.
But there are also disadvantages in banks, the probability of a charge increases significantly (if there is no access to an email), since the bay lasts 3-4 days.

Bank accounts are used for several purposes:
* Transfer. This is a transfer from one account to our account issued for a drop. The exhaust is correspondingly large.
* Verification. Everything is clear here, verification of PayPal, Skrill and other offices.
* Deposit for offices, Zelle, Skrill, PayPal, Western Union, etc.

in the last paragraph I will give a couple of bonuses on the Western Union.

Basically, banks use for verification PayPal (Wells for a penny $ 3-5) worth.
It costs so cheap because it is from brut, and apart from account number and routing number you will not find anything there.

Elementary, the same Wells Fargo with a full info (ssn, dob, mmn, atm, pin) costs several times more. Banks without CC have almost no idea.

You can play with them, verify a PayPal, shipp e-check, some can transfers without of CC.
But banks without CC are cheaper than with CC included. So ask this before buying banks from the seller like everything on the introductory question.

You can move on to the next one.

Further about the zero bank, there is, in principle, nothing complicated either.
Bank zero is used to verify PayPal, Skrill, and other accounts. Thus, we give confidence that, as it were, the holder is actually me.

There was an experience in one office, the office is engaged in freelancing, people leave orders and others fulfill them, everything is paid for by means of a credit card or bank, there was no way to send a credit card there, they always asked for drawings, then canceled, some problems.
I verified the account by linking a credit card and a bank, deposited from the bank, the $ 700 transfer was successful.

The office where we knit the bank cannot determine and check the balance of our bank in any way, thereby giving us a greater percentage of verification and trust on the part of the office.
The only thing I advise you to do is to knit a bank and a holder of the same state (for a PayPal it is not necessary), some offices can check this by rolling up the routing number.

Here from the series, when shops are sent to different bill = shipp, for reliability it is better to take the holder and the ba of the same state.

PS: It's a must for a Skrill but not need for PP.

- Bank stuff + bank transfer as they are close.

Let's move on to the main chapter of today.

The bank's staff is done in two ways, or we knit the bank to a PayPal and pay with a check in the shop (provided that the shop accepts a PayPal). I did not do this myself, but I know guys who were very good at shopping for shops in this way.

A very relevant and interesting thing, I will reveal a little secret, all the carder-stuffers of which you see in the *Photo Stuff* branch apple phones and other expensive stuff, this is in 70% of cases, from a PP).

The second option, for example the shop wih luxury watches. CC does not allow it to go there and the support asks to pay to a bank account, sending the requisites for this.

The pitfalls are exactly the same as I described, the bank should be from a botnet, preferably with VNC (more on that later), since we won't send more than $ 2-3k without VNC. But shops accept 100% payment to bank accounts, if the transfer has reached, be sure that the goods will be sent, but if such material is available, it is better to make a transfer on our drop than in a thing, in my opinion.

As far as bank account transfers are concerned, the most lucrative topic of all carder units in my opinion. But this requires money, experience, a botnet. Everything comes with time.
I am describing the surest and most profitable way.
I will tell you this is not to hiss a GoPro from a shop and the amount of damage is some $ 400.
Everything is much more serious here, you rob a bank, which has its own internal security service, and very cool guys work in this service.
So the security for such a case is, first of all, a separate laptop under the crypt, only for the bays there is nothing else, a 4G modem, a tuned system, connections from dediks (RDP), vpns and socks, made the transfer successfully, threw out the laptop. You need to seriously prepare for this.

I am telling you the most profitable and dangerous topic).
Again, I'm talking only in theory, in order to know how to use it all.

For a high-quality transfer, we need:
- Money
- Experience
- Botnet

A botnet is needed to extract a bank of accounts, since no one will ever sell good banks to you.

You can mine a bank with the VNC option on a botnet.
VNC is like a teamviewer.
That is, the holder is sitting at the computer on Facebook. we connect to him on the external link and see absolutely everything that he does, we go to his bank account, from his own computer and make a transaction.

The beauty of this is that from the vntc the holder does not see that we are stirring up and so the transaction is skipped.
This was done from the holder's PC.

Without VNC, more than $ 2-3k can not be drained, you need to ring, or accept a call, or some other verification methods. It is completely different in every bank.
Next, we naturally need a good and decent drop cashout service (dropovod).
So that the drop opens an account in the bank we need.

Pioneer bank accounts don't go under the transfer.
Some banks support internal transfers, instant. This can be played well.
Well, a natural separate and customized laptop

After a successful transfer, we destroy the laptop. This is my opinion.
And I will also say that without a botnet in bank transfer, flattery is extremely difficult) it will take a lot of money, even more than a lot.
So no one will sell good accounts.

Can sell medium banks with which to make a transfer but the amounts won't be cosmic.
Personally, I bought banks, I managed to drain, but the amounts were not large.
For a good transfer, you need access to the holder's email, VNC, check alerts and remove them by ringing, it is advisable to change the phone number and put the dialer on the phone.

Catch the moment when the holder is online and make a transfer for a quality drop.
Drops usually do not agree to accept bays less than $ 5k, which means we need high-quality acc and proper preparation. From one such high-quality transfer you can earn both $ 15k and $ 20k, but again, without a botnet it is almost impossible.
Also, you will need to remove the limits (if they are) and check if there is an SMS alert. if there is, then turn it off and leave it only to the email. then go to the email holder and delete everything


VNC is it like a virus?
Yes, VNC is like virus, the same, then the holder does not see your actions, and you need to catch it when it is online in order to connect to it.

When connected via VNC, the holder will notice that the computer is dulling if the computer is weak?
VNC does not load the system very well.

1. The office where do we knit the BA, if we knit by an instant it checks the holder's name?
2. With the help of the VNC, fill it straight while the holder is sitting at the computer?

Rght when he sits at comp and look into Facebook.

If you register a bank account yourself, add an address and send a debit to it and cash out it?
Yes you can, withdrawal limits in atm $ 500.

Where is this money then? Which bank has a withdrawal limit in order to withdraw an amount of $ 5k or more? Or is it scattered across other accounts?
For this, the drop goes to the bank and cash out money.

Is it possible to withdraw accounts for example WF with a balance of 1-3k without a botnet?
You can of course, PayPal, Zelle, Skrill or any office that accepts bank deposits.

Office where do we knit the BA, if we knit by an instant it checks the holder's name? I'm just testing one topic and when I knit the instant says your account is verified, and then there are cancellations of the transactions?
I advise you to do it for the state, they can check where the bank was issued for the routing. Better yet, make an acc directly to the bank holder.

How long does the minimum transfer usually live?
individually, in my experience from 5 days and more, sometimes the transfer did not reach at all.

Is it really possible to send $ 1-2k to the internation bank transfer (SWIFT) from a regular WF?
It means by the first numbers the acc namber, or the first 4 digits of the routing.
From a PayPal or a transfer and don't bother to fill the Wells somewhere. it is quite relevant for a deposit or verification.
BillPay is a good thing. Everything is relevant if you know how to use it.
BillPay with not big transaction. First ringing transaction.

When paying by e-check, what does the settled payment look like? is the name of the sender/holder written? what does it look like from the seller's side?
You register the account under the data of the bank holder (valid fullz) and no problems. The main thing to him lookup ssn and dob.

Which bank acoounts are the easiest to handle with a PayPal now?
Wells Fargo and Sunrise, for a PayPal the very good.
I'm not a PayPal profy. but there was a ship experience with ebay, in my opinion it's easier than with Enroll and CC. Well, at least it seemed easier for me.

From $ 25k dollars open an investigation?!
$ 25,000, but different in each bank.

Is an acc without cts just for verification, or is there anything else you can do with it?
You can drop it in a PayPal, in a Skrill, in all sorts of offices. You can make a transfer to another account if you do not ask for a CC number.

Transactions within one bank, as I understand it, should it be easier to pass?
Not always, we'll look at this later.

Well, he seems to have told everything, it remains to tell a couple of bonuses. Have more questions?