The newest way to make money from scratch


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Let's go!
Walking through the open spaces of FB, I often go to the comments and see how people react to this or that post.

And I began to notice that very often such comments slip through:

Naturally, when people see such comments, a feeling awakens in them that they can easily get rich, because they can just be given money. And they go to the page to the author of the comment.

On a fresh page, the guy subscribed to the groups, designed it well, repost some posts from the left-wing groups and posted an entry with a call to go to a personal.

Under the record was a bunch of screenshots of how he allegedly sends money to people. In fact, this is, of course, a fake.

After I wrote to him in PM, he dropped this:

On my wall is a repost from the OREON group

Enter this group

1) In this group, there is a post with an inscription and a link

Register using this link

(Be sure to indicate age 30+ and put a photo of some man or woman)

Fill out your profile. Then you will screen the data and send it to me in a personal message.

Then you throw qiwi / sber / poison in HP

For two tasks $ 10.

And then I went nuts, how simple and ingenious everything is :)

In short, he is thus luring you to the dating site, and when you register there, a dating affiliate like will pay him $ 1 for Russian registration.

And all these difficulties with the transition to the left groups are made so that the affiliate program does not have questions about where the traffic is coming from. she immediately sees that she is from some group, and the questions disappear.

And when you fulfill the second condition, you are transferred to the site from the Casino. Thus, as I understand it, he winds up clicks in order to then pour motivated traffic there.

In short, a casino pays $ 50 through a certain affiliate program for a deposit using its link, and it simply asks random people to deposit the required amount there. And so that the Casino has no questions, it winds up clicks.
Naturally, there can be no reward of $ 10. his profit from you is only $ 1 and 1 click on the link to the Casino. Probably just throwing in an emergency ...

How to implement
To implement the scheme, we need several FB accounts so that we like and create activity under our comments in groups, and they are displayed in the top. Thank you FB for making life easier for spammers :)

Then we create left-wing groups so that the affiliate program has no questions about where we are pouring traffic from. We design, post a link from an affiliate program that pays for registrations (for example, Trafee smartlink).

We register accounts, add reposts from our left groups. Next, we start spamming with comments and displaying them in the top, we reply to people's messages with a picture. That's all, in principle. Accounts get banned often, so be on the alert!

I hope that if you wanted to tackle this topic, then you will succeed. In general, you can come up with a lot of additions to the scheme, you can pour on any affiliate program. It all depends on your creativity!