The danger is over: American experts were able to fend off the attacks of Volt Typhoon


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However, neutralizing this cyber incident does not eliminate the risks of future intrusions into US infrastructure.

The US authorities announced a successful counteraction to the Chinese state cyber operation aimed at introducing malware that could damage the country's civilian infrastructure.

The operation, which was announced shortly before FBI Director Chris Wray's speech to lawmakers, affected a network of hundreds of routers in the United States seized by Chinese hackers. The attacks targeted water supply facilities, power grids, and transportation systems across the United States.

Ray stressed that Chinese hackers are preparing for the possible creation of chaos in the event of a conflict between the United States and China. Jen Easterly, director of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), also expressed concern about the possibility of a crisis caused by disruption of critical infrastructure.

It is noted that the cyber attacks attributed to the Volt Typhoon hacker group were partially neutralized thanks to the actions of the FBI and the Department of Justice, which received a search and seizure warrant in federal court in Houston in December. This operation is just one of the activities of hackers who used various methods to disguise their actions.

In recent years, the United States has stepped up efforts to counter all kinds of cyber operations. Rei warned that the goal of Chinese hackers is to strengthen China's economy by stealing trade secrets and personal data to conduct influential malware campaigns.

Due to the threat from malicious hackers who are constantly improving their hacking methods, the US authorities are calling for an increase in the level of cybersecurity. Critical infrastructure was vulnerable due to the use of outdated hardware that is not supported by manufacturers with security updates.

China has repeatedly denounced the US government's hacking allegations as unfounded. In response, Beijing itself has accused the United States of "almost daily" and "massive" incursions against the Chinese government, and Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said last year that China is the biggest victim of cyber attacks.