Telegram users in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will be able to control incoming messages


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Pavel Durov announced new security measures in the messenger.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that users of the messenger from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus from April 1 will be able to limit the circle of those who have the right to send them personal messages. This measure was introduced in response to numerous complaints from users who received messages from strangers with calls to commit terrorist attacks.

Four days ago, Russian-speaking users of the messenger began to complain about messages they received with calls for terrorist acts, Pavel Durov said. Users noted that messages were received from strangers.

"Within an hour of receiving such complaints, we applied a number of technical measures and organizational measures in order to prevent this activity. As a result, tens of thousands of attempts to send such messages were stopped, and thousands of users participating in this flash mob faced eternal blocking of their Telegram accounts. From the beginning of next week, all users from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will be able to limit the number of people who can send them personal messages, " Durov wrote.

In addition to the ability to limit the number of senders of private messages, Telegram also implements solutions based on artificial intelligence for more efficient filtering of such spam. "Telegram is not a place for spam mailings and calls to violence," the founder of the messenger stressed.