Successful Carding Tutorial from a Professional Carder


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Dedik's (RDPs) type
In what form will the Dedicated Server be? Region: Virginia (VA) City: Roanoke ZIP: 24016 Login: gbaccounting-pc \ qbusеt Password: 5> + qF7M @

1) - Dedicated IP, by which you should check it.

2) Virginia - Virginia (VA)

3) Roanoke - Roanoke city

4) gbaccounting-pc \ qbusеt - user

5) 5> + qF7M @ - password

How to connect to Dedicated Server (RDP)

Start - Run => mstsc Or Start - connect to a remote desktop. We enter the ip in the first line, then the login and password of the account.

Parameters that must be respected:

1) DNS leak - jumps. DNS should be 1. After purchasing a Dedicated Server (RDP), we update the DNS cache. How to do it - Google it. The algorithm is different for different systems. If, nevertheless, DNS jumps on your Dedicated Server, we set up a tunnel.

2) We try to take the RDP under the zip, always take the RDP first, then cc, etc. It is best to write the zips that you have to the sellers.

3) 80,443,3389,22 - these ports must be closed. After the purchase, you will not close them, because the ports are opened by a certain program on the RDP. By closing it, you can be left without a Dedicated Server.

4) Webrtc, flash, etc. do not touch - clean good RDP, everything is fine! That is, they should not be turned off. Webrtc - ip must be 1. If WebRtc shows ru ip in the chain, install the plugin in chrome or replace it manually.

Flash and Java are always on!

5) Time and language must match the place of residence of the person (cardholder / bank account holder / paypal)

6) There should be no spam blocks at all.

7) Antifraud (especially in PP) loves prints, especially audio. Therefore, after a successful drive, I advise you not to walk anywhere even on the basis of it, but to wait for the receipt of the goods, etc. That is, after any successful drive, we do not touch the base.

8) Work predominantly with chrome and moss. In chrome, enable autofill in the settings. This will give advantages for fraud. Driven in - cleaned.

9) Before each drive, we fill in a cookie, because antifraud checks them.

Before buying a Dedicated Server, you can ask for an IP and check everything on the following sites:

1) - anonymity check. Will show everything.

2), you can see everything. We drive in the IP Dedicated here.

3) - checks webrtc. Disable webrtc based on.

4) - then after updating the DNS cache, you can see if the DNS has failed.

So we know how to connect to a Dedicated Server / how to select it. Before connecting to Dedicated Server, turn on vpn based on. Ideally, under the city: cardholder cc / acc pp / owner of the ba. Why is it better to use vpn under the RDP's ip? Because the anti-fraud has a fingerprint scanner. According to which your trace remains in the system from a certain ip.

What to do if DNS is jumping too much on your RDP.

1) Use a browser from the vector and register dns in its settings.

2) Mesh Tunnel or Socks (SSH / SOCKS4 (5)).

3) Go to the adapter parameters, click on our connection, then properties. Next, the network tab is the IPv4 protocol. Use the following DNS server addresses and enter the IP Dedicated there. If nothing has changed, enter another DNS and take it from here

How to make a stealth account.

#dediks (dediks, RDPs)

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
@foxrdp - to extreme
@Djin777 - to extreme
@Diego22222 - to the extreme

What we do after connecting:

1) install CCleaner and clean it completely.

2) Go to the browser and clear the cache completely.

3)We update the DNS cache, if it falls off, the only way out is to set up a tunnel.

4) We put the time and time zone under cardholder.

5) If you worked with PP on your RDP, do the following: Start - execute, enter regedit. Next Edit-Find. Enter paypal into the line, put 3 checkmarks, click Find Next. Delete everything that the editor issued.

6) register server.conf and .ovpn mssfix 0, hide VPN Fingerprint Ps programs, hide, if not a hidden account, and also give them after use. We clean cookies after work. - Look there it will indicate how much dns you have

List # vpn to use. Logs are not shared.

Search for shops, AVS reconciliation. #searchshopovavs

AVS - billing / shipping reconciliation

Billing is the address that cardholder indicated when registering his cc / receiving it at the bank. Shipping where you send this or that product in order to receive it in the future. It works everywhere, except for European countries (England has AVS), India, South Korea, Russia, CIS, etc. USA; Australia; Brazil; New Zealand; England; Canada - there is a reconciliation. When driving in, we must completely fit under the kx (cardholder - card holder) Fit under his billing address. Pick up a tunnel / sock or Dedicated under its zip. This is the key to success. Good checkmate + good system + as close to kx as possible.

After buying the card, we can check it by driving it into any donation (donation) for a small amount, but best of all is Google Play. It is best to check the card not by driving it in, but by tying it.

We do not use checkers in shops, unless, of course, it says there that the card can be refunded (then you can use it)

We bought a card, went to the site and looked at whether the billing address is normal on it. People com is looking for soap. Email is not always in cc, in this case you can score

Where to lookup through the card bank? Some shops, etc. require a bank number.

Bin - 6 first digits of the card. You can find out the bank by bin. We enter the bin into these sites and the bank issues it.

How to find a shop

What we need:

1. Google

2. Ability to compose requests. Let's start with a simple one, to begin with, let's decide which country shop we need. For example usa. Open google, write the following query in the search box - shop + inurl: .com. The meaning of shop speaks for itself, there is no need to explain it here. Next comes the "+" sign, it allows you to better filter the request. The next request inurl: - indicates that the phrase we are looking for should be in the link / link / url. For example, we have written the value - .com. The search will return us to shops with domains ending in .com. Our request is not perfect, it is taken as an example and therefore should not be counted on everywhere. By the way, it can be made more specific by putting quotes at the beginning and at the end. This allows us to receive more accurate search responses from Google for our queries. Above was described a banal example of finding shops. Go ahead, start looking ... Let's start by forgetting about American shops, 90% of carders are looking for them. We will go the other way, we will look for shops in other countries. In Yus, shops jerk off and die very quickly. If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so Yus is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so Yus is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so US is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains

Since we have chosen the Czech Republic, we also look at the Czech domain. The list shows only one Czech domain, it is .cz. Now we download Google Chrome, it will come in handy for us. And we start experimenting with requests. For example - shop + pay visa + worldwide + site: .cz. Let's analyze our request: shop - everything is clear here, this is a shop. pay visa - we make it clear that we are interested in paying cc. Here you can change the request to mc, maestro, paypal, etc. worldwide - a value indicating that we need a shop with worldwide delivery. site: .cz - well, at the end of the request, we designate the domain. The request will give us the shops.

You can also add a search for the thing you are looking for here - for example, insert + iPhone12 + in the center of the phrase

As a rule, we don't take shops from the first search pages. In this case, we will safely ignore this rule and begin to sort out the shops (does not apply to USA).

It is better to make requests in FireFox, and browse the shops in Chrome, since chrome will quite normally translate the shop from Czech into Russian, which will greatly facilitate our work.

In order to find a shop in any country that is not translated into English, we change the language of the keys. For example, if you need a shop in Germany only in German, enter the keys into google translate and translate them into German. As a result, to search for a German shop, we need to enter shop + bezahlen mit Visa + weltweit + site: .de. Of course, in this case, you will also receive shops with translation, but in the general list you will also find the ones you are looking for without translation.

Queries are the best search. On request, you can read more on the Internet, there are many goodies for compilation. It is also good to look for shops through affiliate programs, there you can find shops that have just opened and not only shops.

It is best to look for shops at some promotional sites, etc. Or start with requests, and then move on to other shops and so on. Include creativity.

Found the shop we need. He needs to be evaluated and his merch must be punched.

We are punching the merch here -

There you can find out everything about the structure of their site. Also on this site you can try to hardcode premium access, so to speak, but it's hard.

The merch or engine will be listed in the ecommerce tab. An example of the engine is Magento Bigcommerce, which is also a good engine for working with GIFTs. Zadrochen in yusa on technique, on other goods no. Gifts 50/50. Next, we check the shop for alexa. Alexa rank (rating) - the rating of the shop in the world and the country in which the shop is located. The higher the rating, the less known the shop, the less the more famous the shop. Ideally, try to look for something in between.

If the shop has Gift, you can see their range. Ie: If a shop offers e-gifts in denominations of 100 to 1000, most likely it is less expensive. If from 100 - 300, then he is already more fucked up, or just such a shop (here 50/50) Therefore, we are trying to find the first option. E-gift is an electronic certificate with a certain denomination, which you can buy later. AVS does not apply to e-gift, since you send gift to the spike address (it is electronic and comes to your fake mail) Then you can safely buy them to any spike address. This is in later lectures.

It is impossible to find out the information whether the shop gives or not 100%, only by driving it into it. When working with cc and PayPals, I advise you to look for new sites. If you break through the site, it will give you more than any shop. But shops, too, can not be badly stocked.
Assignment: Find 3 shops that, in your opinion, can give to drive. Based on the lecture course.


If we hit sites (eBay) / shops, it is best to send them to the stingy so as not to worry about the product. You can also send it to the drop. If the drop is clean and the carj did not go to its address, your traffic will increase. Further from the drop either to the stingy or to your home (very expensive).

Drops are people to receive your product / transfers. Drops are non-adjustable and adjustable. Divorced ones who do not understand that goods are being delivered to them. Non-divorced are those who know what they are doing. We will work with drop services, where the drops are fixed. We will also work with middlemen and stingy. I don't think it's worth explaining who are stingy. Drop service is a service for providing drops. How they work - they give you a panel where there will be available drops with their addresses. Before driving in, we take the address (spike) from them and beat on it.

The pack came for the drop. You go to the website of any shipping company ( Write there the address of the sender (drop), then the address of the recipient (drop in your address). You will be sent a file with all the information, send it to the drop. There you will also be given a white label. Its cost is $ 100-150. Therefore, you can collect good packs.

from a drop or use third-party services for gray labels (fake), but I do not recommend it. In general, drops are used to receive goods, it is expensive at first. There are in the middle, and I will give them to you.

The intermediaries I work with myself: In the middle, we ask you to take pictures, completely remove all tags, etc. In the declaration we write that the goods are used, if the electronics. If the clothes - boo. If jewelry, then jewelry. Send boxes of goods and the goods themselves separately. Simply transferring the goods to another suite. The suite is your hole in the middle. When driving, if there is a line for this in the shop, indicate the number of the suite there.

Each shop either has or does not have AVS reconciliation, as a rule there is no AVS when there is 3DS. AVS reconciliation - verifies where you are hitting, if you hit far from the billing cardholder address, you will most likely be given a decline, so we adjust as close as possible to cardholder if we are working on yus. 3DS (usually there is a 3D Secure icon at the bottom of the site) is a secondary protection in the form of:

1) The additional password is vbv / mcsc, we will call it vbv.

2) SMS.

3) vbv + sms. To see if the shop has VBV or MCSC, you can also look at the bottom of the icons (Verified by Visa or Master Card Secure Code) First, let's analyze the countries.

Countries for better work in this direction: Spain, France, USA, Germany, England, China, India, Canada, Australia, Korea.

1) Spain, France, Germany, Australia - in most cases they do not have AVS reconciliation because there is 3DS in the form of vbv. This is not scary, since the mate with vbv is available + a bunch of bins non vbv is a stick. Non vbv - vbv protection is not installed. Germany, Australia, a greater percentage of AVS reconciliation than in Spain, France.

2) USA - all shops are from AVS, almost all cards are from vbv. Vbv will fly out if you have a shit system, if norms, vbv does not request. If a shop without vbv then even more so. I advise you to start driving in USA.

3) China - AVS reconciliation, Europe mate is peeling well.

4) India is the same as China.

5) England - AVS and many vbv. Asian countries are the coolest for working with cardboard, they will send you to RU without any problems. Asian countries are good for working with staff.

The order of our actions:

1) We take cc and check it for validity in google play by binding, intelius (you can just break through), you can also drive it into donate (Wikipedia, etc.) if it is invalid, we can have time to pass it back. Donate - donations.

2) We take a Dedicated Address under the address of cardholder if we are in countries where there is AVS. Where there is no - take the Dedicated under the address / drop / middle / stingy. We clean the Dedicated Server if they worked there on your topics, if not, then we fill the cookies. Cookies fire antifraud very well. we put it in order. We take the RDP as close as possible to the address. Stuffing Cookies - walking on third-party sites that ordinary people go to.

3) We register mail (new) under cardholder. Corp of mail for US residents - fraud cat (the best option for the USA). The rest of the countries - yahoo, aol, gmail, # mails - you can buy a pack of mails right away. Your best bet is Gmail. You can also register in a shop / site through Google, this gives +, a similar situation with Facebook. If you offer to register through facebook or gmail, and you have it, be sure to register.

4) We make a phone on the TextNow website (on the phone) if USA. Other countries - Google voice. If you need to receive SMS in a shop, you can also use services for receiving SMS, skip it below, or use google voice / textnow. Best is google voice.

5) We go to the site through a search engine or via external links (banners, contextual advertising)

6) Select a product, add it to the cart. You can warm up a shop where there is AVS (because they do not like to send to another spike address) so that they will definitely send you to your spike address, writing that someone died, etc. Or that there is a problem with authorization, so that you are transferred to manual driving. This is how the data will be entered by the moderator.

7) Enter the data cc: Bill address, name and surname cardholder, mail made by us, zip (postal code according to ours), state if USA, city, phone (cardholder if a small amount, if you are afraid of ringing, the best left dead number is. If not are afraid of ringing then google voice.) Best of all is a phone with an error or GV / Skype.

8) So what's next, in shops they can't check the name that is written on the card. Therefore, you can safely enter the name from the middle, but if the middle accepts from any name, we write the name from the card. Only usa cc climbs into yusu. Only Europe climbs into Asia. Mat with vbv in 90% will pass. Better focus on mate England non vbv. When driving UK cc into Ali - we write billing on the card, the spike we need. Everywhere except Europe, when entering a billing address, we write the address indicated on ss, and shipping is in the middle / drop. In Europe, you can do batter bill = ship, that is, in the billing address we write our address where the goods need to be sent, in shipping the same thing. If we push Europe CC to Asia - we write any shipping, we write the same billing or on the card. Depends on the shop. Some can still get fucked up to billing.

Or we choose the delivery method - instore (we will analyze it in further lectures).


E-gift is an electronic certificate with a face value, in the form of numbers and letters. On it you can buy goods, etc. What are the advantages of driving eGift:
1) We hit the billing address, that is, bill = shipp, since it falls to us in the mail.
2) You can immediately merge either into cue ball, or stingy.

E-gift is not to be confused with Gift Card, Gift Card is a physical card. Sometimes in shops instead of E-gift they write Gift. It is necessary to look through it.

The USA is good for carding e-gifts (further gift) for shops. That is, gifts of certain shops (appliances, things, watches, jewelry, etc.), since stores often open and usa loves gifts. GIFTs xbox, psn, steam and so on are beating both in EU and in USA. Scoopers take these gifts right away. Focus on them, look for shops with instant dispatch (instant - instant).

Let's analyze by driving in an e-gift using the example of the website. The site is difficult for the first time, you need a good system (Wirth / android or iPhone) and a good mat.

1) Recipients Name - enter the name (fictitious, then from friend / dad / mom, etc.) to whom you will send e-Gift.

2) Recipients Email - we make soap under the name of your fictional character. I advise you to buy a base of old soaps, as the fraud sometimes fills that soap has recently been made. # mail

3) Recipients Mobile - google / textnow, etc. The best is the left number, which will be inaccessible. Old numbers of some cafes / services, etc. Look for any shop in the city, change the last numbers.

4) We check the time, date, belt so that it coincides with the virtual or RDP. Everything should automatically be right. Otherwise, your RDP / socks or tunnel you have a lousy

5) Your Name Your Email - first name surname kx and the mail you made for it (yahoo, aol, gmail or corp). The situation is the same as with your fictional character. Gmail may not request SMS if you have a clean system.

6) Message - we write small messages, of the type: catch, hold, etc.

Then the payment takes place, we enter all the information from the ss. The phone is either left-handed or text-based if according to Yuse. But Tekstnau shoots out fraud. Analyze the shop. Sometimes, when requesting the bank, they find out the cardholders's phone number. Egift will fall into your mail and mail (your) fictional friend.

Sometimes shops are good if they have authorization through Google or Facebook, in our case, blow authorization through Google, maybe the shop will give better.

If you find a shop with an e-Gift, but stingy do not take it. Can be viewed at There you can exchange e-gifts for cue ball (which is what the stingy do). Or sell it for stingy (commodity). With the help of eGift, you can shop at any spike address.

E-gift tips:

1) The USA goes best.

2) Try up to $ 300 first.

3) Make e-mail dishes in advance or buy a base.

4) Have your hand filled - hit iTunes, Google, etc.

5) GIFTs run well on bigcommerce, magento engines.

6) Shops with eGift are easy to find through requests (inurl: /giftcertificates.php - merged, you can write any word in front of it, Adidas, Amazon, etc.)

7) GIFIs love Mastercard and Amex

8) Sometimes you can drive a gift card into the middle, and then change them to e-gifts by ringing (depending on the shop).

9) Chat sometimes in live chats.

#e-gift cardable shops

usa cc + vbv climbs here, well, or a roller. - gift from usa cc + virtual vector. These gifts are withdrawn to the bank or pp (your), then cash out. - usa cc with a punched ssn is good. - jewelry gift boxes up to $ 1k. When sending the goods, they say that they will ring, it is better to ring yourself. - usa gift cc + usa system.;JPMSMAN\wetline;Wetline1 | Country: US;NIKA\kdavis;ZAQ!2wsx | Country: US | State: Florida

#Enroll CC

What is Enroll cc, this is a cc with access to a personal account, where we can see the balance of the card, change the billing address of the cardholder, change the phone number to our own, make a transfer of funds, accept minikis, link vbv. Minikis - mini-deposit, writing off a small amount, to authorize your cc / ba in payment systems / sites / platforms, in a secure way. If you take minicas any place where you take that is bad, it will be more loyal to you. Minikis run 2-3 business days (weekdays).

You can drain Enroll cc to cashiers. After enroll, you can check the account. More details will be discussed in the ba. Further, from there it is already to drain money.

To upload cc you need to do the following:

1) Purchase cc, debit or credit without a difference. Depends on the bank. We do not take a top-end bank. Where to break the bank you have.

2) Next, we punch to cc ssn and add, perhaps they will require more mmn and mdob. MMN - mother's surname, MDOB - other mother. The MMN and IDOB can be found in the archives as well as (states of America only - FL, OH, CA, ML, TX). Punch through similar sites in countries and look there. Or, using SI, we hammer into mail / facebook. We check through the people com. It is better to put aside the cases of MMN and MDOB. Reach ssn + ext, break through bin and take this bank! There are many such banks.

If mmn + mdob, you can also refer to the punches. All punches, etc. will appear under the hashtag.

Go to the bank's website, click Enroll here / Enroll. If the video is already filled in 40-50% of cases, they require ssn + ext. They may also require the login of an existing personal account or BackGround (questions like the color of the car). To find out the login, you can do the following - introduce yourself as a bank and send an authorization letter (se) to the mail, or try to enter options like name cardholder and his birthday (pAul93). The situation with BG is worse, but we can break through the BG ourselves. How to do this will be broadcast on Skype. In such cases, they may also request a place of work, work phone number, etc. I advise you not to dig into this at the beginning. BG can be pushed to intelius checkmate whitepages.

If not, we enter all the info of the card, ssn + ext, the soap you made under the cardholder, and at the end the answers to secret questions (BG). Come up with them yourself and ok. You have gained access to your personal account. Sometimes they require a phone number to receive SMS, in this case you need a gv or a real number. Gv - Google Voice. We take RDP under the ip cc. Spam mail immediately after enroll.

Actions after enroll:

1) Disable Message & Alerts in any case, give a lull for 1-2 days. So that sms do not come to kx.

2) We change the phone to our own (if the phone is already tied up) in 3-7 days, depending on the bank. Sometimes it even takes 30 days. It is best to keep the phone unavailable.

3) Change the billing address to the middle or drop, you can immediately after the first point. In this case, you can beat the bill = shipp, the next day the billing changed. You can try right away.

4) See if it is possible to create a checking account.

In your personal account, you can tie up vbv (not in all banks). Or tie up vbv on off sites visa / Mastercard / AmEx. Vbv will be good at exchangers / hotels / air. We will analyze in the future.

The following cans are easy to roll at the moment:

1) Bank of America

2) 1st National

3) US Bank. Roll on ssn and ext.

Bank of America - you can deposit this bank (it rolls easily, but a lot is overloaded). Further in the bank itself there is a Visa Checkout. Go there, change the billing in the visa itself to your Shipping (where you send the goods). Then we go through the configured android into Walmart and hit through the visa checkout (enter the log and pass from it). First, 200 bucks, then 800. Etc.

You can also upload US BANK Next, completely squeeze the account and make a Checking account out of it. Will be in lectures on BA. We don't even think about that yet. US BANK also rolls by ssn and ext.

Where to lookup ssn?

What is fullz? Fullz - Full info. These are: first name, last name, ssn + dob, billing address + zip, phone number + - email, dl and mother's birthday. DL - driving license. Mmn is the mother's maiden name. Fulks come with DL (driver's card) and without. You can find such fullers in our fasteners. Such fullers are needed for verifiers in large offices, such as crypts or money transfers.

CR - CREDIT REPORT - Credit Report + Credit Account (level). The US system is all about loans, they take everything on credit, each resident has either good or bad credit. In a credit report, you can find what you bought cardholder, what loans he has now and what he took them for all his life.

CREDIT SCORE - this is a credit level from 0 to 1000+, the higher the credit speed, the better. As a rule, you need to work with fullers with a credit score of more than 700.

A prepaid card is a card with access to your personal account, which you can upload / download / link. You register it for fullz.


Registered for fullz + sometimes BG. BG is also needed to break through the credit of the report, the credit is fast.

What is BG - BG these are questions of the type: where did you live? Who was you married to 3 years ago, what was the name of your cousin who sat down for murder?

We will also punch such information tomorrow, it is needed to create BA and prepaid cards.

Bg and CR (not CS). They are needed to create any self-registering bank, there are questions on this part. For prepaid cards it is not always necessary to know BG and KR, only in 7% of cases. Very few offices have such a verification.

What is needed for self-registration:

1) Fullz - Ssn + Dob. Fulks cost from 15 rubles. We enter ssn dob only upon request.

2) Do not forget about setting up RDP: Start - execute, enter regedit. Next Edit-Find. Enter PayPal into the line, put 3 checkmarks, click Find Next.

3) GV account - Google voice, where we will receive SMS. To begin with, we will only work in yus. A number, textnow or text + will also work. I will tell you how to do it.

4) Bank account, take a Chase, Bofa. We do not touch the top banks. The more balik on the account, the better. You can also work with AP. Refs go well with him. Now the Citizen bank and BBT, which I will give you, is fine.

5) VCC (Virtual Credit Card) card - a virtual card available in shops. Or we register a prepaid card (Walmart, Akimbo, Go Bank). There will be a list of all available prepaid cards. The visa fits well.

6) Enroll CC. If there is enroll and this fulka (fullkaa under cc) is not registered in pp - you can tie it in pp. Although enroll is better to immediately beat or drain the money through the merch (by tying the card there). Or translations. This is all in later lectures.

7) Email under cardholder - mail gmail, aol, yahoo, (as in the video). Mail under cardholder. We register mails in advance. Gmail is best.

8) When buying: BA, RDP, fullz. We tell the seller that for registration in PP.

BA is tied either instant through the log pass, or by micro-deposits (mini-deposit, write-off of a certain amount). You can check minikis here - in the books section (only TD), enter the fuller data and your BA (account and route). Also on personalcapital, you can check minikis in the general heap (check here). Also, minikis are checked in the Dave and Hifi applications (android or iPhone), as well as by binding the log pass. Quicken - you can check the balance for a fee. - here you can also check the bank balance, just drive in any valid cc. Even working off will do.

How to find out AH and RN number BA? Through which it binds on minideps.

Next, we do everything as in the video. + we attach any prepaid card that fits in pp. The same Go Bank fits like a card (cc). Walmart does not climb especially. We tie in 3-5 days.

Then we throw our self-registration into the bed and after 3 weeks we try to make another purchase. We swing it carefully. After you have made 3-4 purchases, you can try to make a deposit to the balance using the Add Money button. The deposit is sent from the BA account (3 days). You can also bind a self-register ba and drain money there. Next, drive into the exchange after passing the verification. Verify will be in rendering. Or merge in a different way with the BA, all this will be in lectures on BA.

How to get money on the balance:

1) Ref, cancellation of the purchase of goods, after which the money falls to you on the balance of the stick. Go well with Bofa and Td where to shop. Ebay,, Any shop with payment pp.

2) Add Money button, either immediately try or after 1-2 months.

How to deposit via Add money? Punch the info under the ba through the soap, if you have a ba with a known soap or access to lx. We punch all the information under it. We re-register the self-registration np and try to pull it, it is best to do the self-registration ba, but this is in the next lectures.

Further, either we give it for cash, or we transfer it to the same Go Bank. We go to the prepaid2cash website, download the application to the mobile phone there and drain the money from our prepaid to payoneer. We do Payoneer for a drop / ourselves. Or just give your prepaid card to the clerk. The percentage there is from 50 to 70%. You can just drive prepu into Amazon, there will be no charge.

You can take Peyonier at As well as other scans, etc.

Lookup services.

# BG - background
westlaw publicdata - FL. TX - lookup DL - the best site for lookup cr and cs (requires BG) - lookup Credit report (need BG)
Allstate, Geico - lookup the holder's cars - lookup the holder's work

How to get a phone in USA, install a full-fledged bucket emulsion (in meme 5.1), then download the app cloner and nextplus (from Install and then clone the nextplus program in the app cloner, at the same time changing the name to the type 'n + OH pp1'. Then we launch each version of the program and bind any mail (ru comes in) and select a number for the state. - shop with Google voice

Prepaid cards

Prepaid cards are registered for fullz (ssn + dob), sometimes it can be requested by BG (in the case of booked offices like Walmart). It is advisable to break through a loan before registering. It will depend on how much the prepa will give you.

What are they for? We can drain or pour the balance on them. Then give these cards to the buyers for a percentage.

We do not touch the list of cards that you can register, akimbo and valmart.

When registering, we indicate all data from the fulka except for the address. We indicate the address of our intermediary / drop or the helmet on the cardholder.

Akimbo's personal account.

Tranfer methods:

1) Through the BA brute, enter the log and pass from our ba and the amount for which we want to replenish. If it is possible to choose how to link the ba, through minikis (2-3 business days) or instant (log pass) we select minikis. More confidence and the chance that it will pass. After the end of the linking, the money will fall on the balance of this card and you can safely either drive it in, or give it to buyers, or cash it out as you like. For example via Paxful or Prepaid2cash.

2) Having carding cc, cc should often be the same name as fulka, but this is far from everywhere. How to fill in cc? We just drive in the data and enter the amount for which we want to replenish. The best way to do this is from Enroll.

3) Direct deposit, drawing a check from brute ba to your account and routing namber. The prepaid card has AN and PH. We go to the renderer Tygydyk (in the fixing of the general chat), ask him to draw a check for replenishment from your brute-force to your prepa. Or we use the site and then give Tygydyk. In any case, you need an android and a printer at hand. Plain black and white. Get into this topic with luggage behind your back and money. Consult with me and tygydyk separately.

4) Beat drink, we go into the brut of the ba and through the beat drink we pour on your prepu. We press beat drink and indicate AN and RN from your prepaid.

5) Link the prepu to brute ba, this is done in your external account. Next, we merge the balance onto it.

6) Site, we need rendering. 7) The rest of the sites where you can link the ba and make a transfer to AN and RN.

After registration, it is better to let it rest and fill it in 5-7 days. It's just as good to swing white money

The task is to find 1 site where you can link the ba and translate it to AN and RN. - shipping calculator here is taken the address in the middle, for further sending or forwarding here. auto-fill settings in Google Chrome - auto-fill the address so that you don't need to fill it up every time.

Mail - Yahoo, aol,, the best corporate mail.

Register mail under cardholder, then enters the same parameters into textnow Selects Arecode for the state. - check BG cardholder. - to be filled in after receiving data from Intelius.

Thank you for reading this tutorial.
Good luck!


Reaction score
Hello! This is free carding training for you job.

Dedik's (RDPs) type
In what form will the Dedicated Server be? Region: Virginia (VA) City: Roanoke ZIP: 24016 Login: gbaccounting-pc \ qbusеt Password: 5> + qF7M @

1) - Dedicated IP, by which you should check it.

2) Virginia - Virginia (VA)

3) Roanoke - Roanoke city

4) gbaccounting-pc \ qbusеt - user

5) 5> + qF7M @ - password

How to connect to Dedicated Server (RDP)

Start - Run => mstsc Or Start - connect to a remote desktop. We enter the ip in the first line, then the login and password of the account.

Parameters that must be respected:

1) DNS leak - jumps. DNS should be 1. After purchasing a Dedicated Server (RDP), we update the DNS cache. How to do it - Google it. The algorithm is different for different systems. If, nevertheless, DNS jumps on your Dedicated Server, we set up a tunnel.

2) We try to take the RDP under the zip, always take the RDP first, then cc, etc. It is best to write the zips that you have to the sellers.

3) 80,443,3389,22 - these ports must be closed. After the purchase, you will not close them, because the ports are opened by a certain program on the RDP. By closing it, you can be left without a Dedicated Server.

4) Webrtc, flash, etc. do not touch - clean good RDP, everything is fine! That is, they should not be turned off. Webrtc - ip must be 1. If WebRtc shows ru ip in the chain, install the plugin in chrome or replace it manually.

Flash and Java are always on!

5) Time and language must match the place of residence of the person (cardholder / bank account holder / paypal)

6) There should be no spam blocks at all.

7) Antifraud (especially in PP) loves prints, especially audio. Therefore, after a successful drive, I advise you not to walk anywhere even on the basis of it, but to wait for the receipt of the goods, etc. That is, after any successful drive, we do not touch the base.

8) Work predominantly with chrome and moss. In chrome, enable autofill in the settings. This will give advantages for fraud. Driven in - cleaned.

9) Before each drive, we fill in a cookie, because antifraud checks them.

Before buying a Dedicated Server, you can ask for an IP and check everything on the following sites:

1) - anonymity check. Will show everything.

2), you can see everything. We drive in the IP Dedicated here.

3) - checks webrtc. Disable webrtc based on.

4) - then after updating the DNS cache, you can see if the DNS has failed.

So we know how to connect to a Dedicated Server / how to select it. Before connecting to Dedicated Server, turn on vpn based on. Ideally, under the city: cardholder cc / acc pp / owner of the ba. Why is it better to use vpn under the RDP's ip? Because the anti-fraud has a fingerprint scanner. According to which your trace remains in the system from a certain ip.

What to do if DNS is jumping too much on your RDP.

1) Use a browser from the vector and register dns in its settings.

2) Mesh Tunnel or Socks (SSH / SOCKS4 (5)).

3) Go to the adapter parameters, click on our connection, then properties. Next, the network tab is the IPv4 protocol. Use the following DNS server addresses and enter the IP Dedicated there. If nothing has changed, enter another DNS and take it from here

How to make a stealth account.

#dediks (dediks, RDPs)

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
@foxrdp - to extreme
@Djin777 - to extreme
@Diego22222 - to the extreme

What we do after connecting:

1) install CCleaner and clean it completely.

2) Go to the browser and clear the cache completely.

3)We update the DNS cache, if it falls off, the only way out is to set up a tunnel.

4) We put the time and time zone under cardholder.

5) If you worked with PP on your RDP, do the following: Start - execute, enter regedit. Next Edit-Find. Enter paypal into the line, put 3 checkmarks, click Find Next. Delete everything that the editor issued.

6) register server.conf and .ovpn mssfix 0, hide VPN Fingerprint Ps programs, hide, if not a hidden account, and also give them after use. We clean cookies after work. - Look there it will indicate how much dns you have

List # vpn to use. Logs are not shared.

Search for shops, AVS reconciliation. #searchshopovavs

AVS - billing / shipping reconciliation

Billing is the address that cardholder indicated when registering his cc / receiving it at the bank. Shipping where you send this or that product in order to receive it in the future. It works everywhere, except for European countries (England has AVS), India, South Korea, Russia, CIS, etc. USA; Australia; Brazil; New Zealand; England; Canada - there is a reconciliation. When driving in, we must completely fit under the kx (cardholder - card holder) Fit under his billing address. Pick up a tunnel / sock or Dedicated under its zip. This is the key to success. Good checkmate + good system + as close to kx as possible.

After buying the card, we can check it by driving it into any donation (donation) for a small amount, but best of all is Google Play. It is best to check the card not by driving it in, but by tying it.

We do not use checkers in shops, unless, of course, it says there that the card can be refunded (then you can use it)

We bought a card, went to the site and looked at whether the billing address is normal on it. People com is looking for soap. Email is not always in cc, in this case you can score

Where to lookup through the card bank? Some shops, etc. require a bank number.

Bin - 6 first digits of the card. You can find out the bank by bin. We enter the bin into these sites and the bank issues it.

How to find a shop

What we need:

1. Google

2. Ability to compose requests. Let's start with a simple one, to begin with, let's decide which country shop we need. For example usa. Open google, write the following query in the search box - shop + inurl: .com. The meaning of shop speaks for itself, there is no need to explain it here. Next comes the "+" sign, it allows you to better filter the request. The next request inurl: - indicates that the phrase we are looking for should be in the link / link / url. For example, we have written the value - .com. The search will return us to shops with domains ending in .com. Our request is not perfect, it is taken as an example and therefore should not be counted on everywhere. By the way, it can be made more specific by putting quotes at the beginning and at the end. This allows us to receive more accurate search responses from Google for our queries. Above was described a banal example of finding shops. Go ahead, start looking ... Let's start by forgetting about American shops, 90% of carders are looking for them. We will go the other way, we will look for shops in other countries. In Yus, shops jerk off and die very quickly. If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so Yus is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so Yus is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so US is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains

Since we have chosen the Czech Republic, we also look at the Czech domain. The list shows only one Czech domain, it is .cz. Now we download Google Chrome, it will come in handy for us. And we start experimenting with requests. For example - shop + pay visa + worldwide + site: .cz. Let's analyze our request: shop - everything is clear here, this is a shop. pay visa - we make it clear that we are interested in paying cc. Here you can change the request to mc, maestro, paypal, etc. worldwide - a value indicating that we need a shop with worldwide delivery. site: .cz - well, at the end of the request, we designate the domain. The request will give us the shops.

You can also add a search for the thing you are looking for here - for example, insert + iPhone12 + in the center of the phrase

As a rule, we don't take shops from the first search pages. In this case, we will safely ignore this rule and begin to sort out the shops (does not apply to USA).

It is better to make requests in FireFox, and browse the shops in Chrome, since chrome will quite normally translate the shop from Czech into Russian, which will greatly facilitate our work.

In order to find a shop in any country that is not translated into English, we change the language of the keys. For example, if you need a shop in Germany only in German, enter the keys into google translate and translate them into German. As a result, to search for a German shop, we need to enter shop + bezahlen mit Visa + weltweit + site: .de. Of course, in this case, you will also receive shops with translation, but in the general list you will also find the ones you are looking for without translation.

Queries are the best search. On request, you can read more on the Internet, there are many goodies for compilation. It is also good to look for shops through affiliate programs, there you can find shops that have just opened and not only shops.

It is best to look for shops at some promotional sites, etc. Or start with requests, and then move on to other shops and so on. Include creativity.

Found the shop we need. He needs to be evaluated and his merch must be punched.

We are punching the merch here -

There you can find out everything about the structure of their site. Also on this site you can try to hardcode premium access, so to speak, but it's hard.

The merch or engine will be listed in the ecommerce tab. An example of the engine is Magento Bigcommerce, which is also a good engine for working with GIFTs. Zadrochen in yusa on technique, on other goods no. Gifts 50/50. Next, we check the shop for alexa. Alexa rank (rating) - the rating of the shop in the world and the country in which the shop is located. The higher the rating, the less known the shop, the less the more famous the shop. Ideally, try to look for something in between.

If the shop has Gift, you can see their range. Ie: If a shop offers e-gifts in denominations of 100 to 1000, most likely it is less expensive. If from 100 - 300, then he is already more fucked up, or just such a shop (here 50/50) Therefore, we are trying to find the first option. E-gift is an electronic certificate with a certain denomination, which you can buy later. AVS does not apply to e-gift, since you send gift to the spike address (it is electronic and comes to your fake mail) Then you can safely buy them to any spike address. This is in later lectures.

It is impossible to find out the information whether the shop gives or not 100%, only by driving it into it. When working with cc and PayPals, I advise you to look for new sites. If you break through the site, it will give you more than any shop. But shops, too, can not be badly stocked.
Assignment: Find 3 shops that, in your opinion, can give to drive. Based on the lecture course.


If we hit sites (eBay) / shops, it is best to send them to the stingy so as not to worry about the product. You can also send it to the drop. If the drop is clean and the carj did not go to its address, your traffic will increase. Further from the drop either to the stingy or to your home (very expensive).

Drops are people to receive your product / transfers. Drops are non-adjustable and adjustable. Divorced ones who do not understand that goods are being delivered to them. Non-divorced are those who know what they are doing. We will work with drop services, where the drops are fixed. We will also work with middlemen and stingy. I don't think it's worth explaining who are stingy. Drop service is a service for providing drops. How they work - they give you a panel where there will be available drops with their addresses. Before driving in, we take the address (spike) from them and beat on it.

The pack came for the drop. You go to the website of any shipping company ( Write there the address of the sender (drop), then the address of the recipient (drop in your address). You will be sent a file with all the information, send it to the drop. There you will also be given a white label. Its cost is $ 100-150. Therefore, you can collect good packs.

from a drop or use third-party services for gray labels (fake), but I do not recommend it. In general, drops are used to receive goods, it is expensive at first. There are in the middle, and I will give them to you.

The intermediaries I work with myself: In the middle, we ask you to take pictures, completely remove all tags, etc. In the declaration we write that the goods are used, if the electronics. If the clothes - boo. If jewelry, then jewelry. Send boxes of goods and the goods themselves separately. Simply transferring the goods to another suite. The suite is your hole in the middle. When driving, if there is a line for this in the shop, indicate the number of the suite there.

Each shop either has or does not have AVS reconciliation, as a rule there is no AVS when there is 3DS. AVS reconciliation - verifies where you are hitting, if you hit far from the billing cardholder address, you will most likely be given a decline, so we adjust as close as possible to cardholder if we are working on yus. 3DS (usually there is a 3D Secure icon at the bottom of the site) is a secondary protection in the form of:

1) The additional password is vbv / mcsc, we will call it vbv.

2) SMS.

3) vbv + sms. To see if the shop has VBV or MCSC, you can also look at the bottom of the icons (Verified by Visa or Master Card Secure Code) First, let's analyze the countries.

Countries for better work in this direction: Spain, France, USA, Germany, England, China, India, Canada, Australia, Korea.

1) Spain, France, Germany, Australia - in most cases they do not have AVS reconciliation because there is 3DS in the form of vbv. This is not scary, since the mate with vbv is available + a bunch of bins non vbv is a stick. Non vbv - vbv protection is not installed. Germany, Australia, a greater percentage of AVS reconciliation than in Spain, France.

2) USA - all shops are from AVS, almost all cards are from vbv. Vbv will fly out if you have a shit system, if norms, vbv does not request. If a shop without vbv then even more so. I advise you to start driving in USA.

3) China - AVS reconciliation, Europe mate is peeling well.

4) India is the same as China.

5) England - AVS and many vbv. Asian countries are the coolest for working with cardboard, they will send you to RU without any problems. Asian countries are good for working with staff.

The order of our actions:

1) We take cc and check it for validity in google play by binding, intelius (you can just break through), you can also drive it into donate (Wikipedia, etc.) if it is invalid, we can have time to pass it back. Donate - donations.

2) We take a Dedicated Address under the address of cardholder if we are in countries where there is AVS. Where there is no - take the Dedicated under the address / drop / middle / stingy. We clean the Dedicated Server if they worked there on your topics, if not, then we fill the cookies. Cookies fire antifraud very well. we put it in order. We take the RDP as close as possible to the address. Stuffing Cookies - walking on third-party sites that ordinary people go to.

3) We register mail (new) under cardholder. Corp of mail for US residents - fraud cat (the best option for the USA). The rest of the countries - yahoo, aol, gmail, # mails - you can buy a pack of mails right away. Your best bet is Gmail. You can also register in a shop / site through Google, this gives +, a similar situation with Facebook. If you offer to register through facebook or gmail, and you have it, be sure to register.

4) We make a phone on the TextNow website (on the phone) if USA. Other countries - Google voice. If you need to receive SMS in a shop, you can also use services for receiving SMS, skip it below, or use google voice / textnow. Best is google voice.

5) We go to the site through a search engine or via external links (banners, contextual advertising)

6) Select a product, add it to the cart. You can warm up a shop where there is AVS (because they do not like to send to another spike address) so that they will definitely send you to your spike address, writing that someone died, etc. Or that there is a problem with authorization, so that you are transferred to manual driving. This is how the data will be entered by the moderator.

7) Enter the data cc: Bill address, name and surname cardholder, mail made by us, zip (postal code according to ours), state if USA, city, phone (cardholder if a small amount, if you are afraid of ringing, the best left dead number is. If not are afraid of ringing then google voice.) Best of all is a phone with an error or GV / Skype.

8) So what's next, in shops they can't check the name that is written on the card. Therefore, you can safely enter the name from the middle, but if the middle accepts from any name, we write the name from the card. Only usa cc climbs into yusu. Only Europe climbs into Asia. Mat with vbv in 90% will pass. Better focus on mate England non vbv. When driving UK cc into Ali - we write billing on the card, the spike we need. Everywhere except Europe, when entering a billing address, we write the address indicated on ss, and shipping is in the middle / drop. In Europe, you can do batter bill = ship, that is, in the billing address we write our address where the goods need to be sent, in shipping the same thing. If we push Europe CC to Asia - we write any shipping, we write the same billing or on the card. Depends on the shop. Some can still get fucked up to billing.

Or we choose the delivery method - instore (we will analyze it in further lectures).


E-gift is an electronic certificate with a face value, in the form of numbers and letters. On it you can buy goods, etc. What are the advantages of driving eGift:
1) We hit the billing address, that is, bill = shipp, since it falls to us in the mail.
2) You can immediately merge either into cue ball, or stingy.

E-gift is not to be confused with Gift Card, Gift Card is a physical card. Sometimes in shops instead of E-gift they write Gift. It is necessary to look through it.

The USA is good for carding e-gifts (further gift) for shops. That is, gifts of certain shops (appliances, things, watches, jewelry, etc.), since stores often open and usa loves gifts. GIFTs xbox, psn, steam and so on are beating both in EU and in USA. Scoopers take these gifts right away. Focus on them, look for shops with instant dispatch (instant - instant).

Let's analyze by driving in an e-gift using the example of the website. The site is difficult for the first time, you need a good system (Wirth / android or iPhone) and a good mat.

1) Recipients Name - enter the name (fictitious, then from friend / dad / mom, etc.) to whom you will send e-Gift.

2) Recipients Email - we make soap under the name of your fictional character. I advise you to buy a base of old soaps, as the fraud sometimes fills that soap has recently been made. # mail

3) Recipients Mobile - google / textnow, etc. The best is the left number, which will be inaccessible. Old numbers of some cafes / services, etc. Look for any shop in the city, change the last numbers.

4) We check the time, date, belt so that it coincides with the virtual or RDP. Everything should automatically be right. Otherwise, your RDP / socks or tunnel you have a lousy

5) Your Name Your Email - first name surname kx and the mail you made for it (yahoo, aol, gmail or corp). The situation is the same as with your fictional character. Gmail may not request SMS if you have a clean system.

6) Message - we write small messages, of the type: catch, hold, etc.

Then the payment takes place, we enter all the information from the ss. The phone is either left-handed or text-based if according to Yuse. But Tekstnau shoots out fraud. Analyze the shop. Sometimes, when requesting the bank, they find out the cardholders's phone number. Egift will fall into your mail and mail (your) fictional friend.

Sometimes shops are good if they have authorization through Google or Facebook, in our case, blow authorization through Google, maybe the shop will give better.

If you find a shop with an e-Gift, but stingy do not take it. Can be viewed at There you can exchange e-gifts for cue ball (which is what the stingy do). Or sell it for stingy (commodity). With the help of eGift, you can shop at any spike address.

E-gift tips:

1) The USA goes best.

2) Try up to $ 300 first.

3) Make e-mail dishes in advance or buy a base.

4) Have your hand filled - hit iTunes, Google, etc.

5) GIFTs run well on bigcommerce, magento engines.

6) Shops with eGift are easy to find through requests (inurl: /giftcertificates.php - merged, you can write any word in front of it, Adidas, Amazon, etc.)

7) GIFIs love Mastercard and Amex

8) Sometimes you can drive a gift card into the middle, and then change them to e-gifts by ringing (depending on the shop).

9) Chat sometimes in live chats.

#e-gift cardable shops

usa cc + vbv climbs here, well, or a roller. - gift from usa cc + virtual vector. These gifts are withdrawn to the bank or pp (your), then cash out. - usa cc with a punched ssn is good. - jewelry gift boxes up to $ 1k. When sending the goods, they say that they will ring, it is better to ring yourself. - usa gift cc + usa system.;JPMSMAN\wetline;Wetline1 | Country: US;NIKA\kdavis;ZAQ!2wsx | Country: US | State: Florida

#Enroll CC

What is Enroll cc, this is a cc with access to a personal account, where we can see the balance of the card, change the billing address of the cardholder, change the phone number to our own, make a transfer of funds, accept minikis, link vbv. Minikis - mini-deposit, writing off a small amount, to authorize your cc / ba in payment systems / sites / platforms, in a secure way. If you take minicas any place where you take that is bad, it will be more loyal to you. Minikis run 2-3 business days (weekdays).

You can drain Enroll cc to cashiers. After enroll, you can check the account. More details will be discussed in the ba. Further, from there it is already to drain money.

To upload cc you need to do the following:

1) Purchase cc, debit or credit without a difference. Depends on the bank. We do not take a top-end bank. Where to break the bank you have.

2) Next, we punch to cc ssn and add, perhaps they will require more mmn and mdob. MMN - mother's surname, MDOB - other mother. The MMN and IDOB can be found in the archives as well as (states of America only - FL, OH, CA, ML, TX). Punch through similar sites in countries and look there. Or, using SI, we hammer into mail / facebook. We check through the people com. It is better to put aside the cases of MMN and MDOB. Reach ssn + ext, break through bin and take this bank! There are many such banks.

If mmn + mdob, you can also refer to the punches. All punches, etc. will appear under the hashtag.

Go to the bank's website, click Enroll here / Enroll. If the video is already filled in 40-50% of cases, they require ssn + ext. They may also require the login of an existing personal account or BackGround (questions like the color of the car). To find out the login, you can do the following - introduce yourself as a bank and send an authorization letter (se) to the mail, or try to enter options like name cardholder and his birthday (pAul93). The situation with BG is worse, but we can break through the BG ourselves. How to do this will be broadcast on Skype. In such cases, they may also request a place of work, work phone number, etc. I advise you not to dig into this at the beginning. BG can be pushed to intelius checkmate whitepages.

If not, we enter all the info of the card, ssn + ext, the soap you made under the cardholder, and at the end the answers to secret questions (BG). Come up with them yourself and ok. You have gained access to your personal account. Sometimes they require a phone number to receive SMS, in this case you need a gv or a real number. Gv - Google Voice. We take RDP under the ip cc. Spam mail immediately after enroll.

Actions after enroll:

1) Disable Message & Alerts in any case, give a lull for 1-2 days. So that sms do not come to kx.

2) We change the phone to our own (if the phone is already tied up) in 3-7 days, depending on the bank. Sometimes it even takes 30 days. It is best to keep the phone unavailable.

3) Change the billing address to the middle or drop, you can immediately after the first point. In this case, you can beat the bill = shipp, the next day the billing changed. You can try right away.

4) See if it is possible to create a checking account.

In your personal account, you can tie up vbv (not in all banks). Or tie up vbv on off sites visa / Mastercard / AmEx. Vbv will be good at exchangers / hotels / air. We will analyze in the future.

The following cans are easy to roll at the moment:

1) Bank of America

2) 1st National

3) US Bank. Roll on ssn and ext.

Bank of America - you can deposit this bank (it rolls easily, but a lot is overloaded). Further in the bank itself there is a Visa Checkout. Go there, change the billing in the visa itself to your Shipping (where you send the goods). Then we go through the configured android into Walmart and hit through the visa checkout (enter the log and pass from it). First, 200 bucks, then 800. Etc.

You can also upload US BANK Next, completely squeeze the account and make a Checking account out of it. Will be in lectures on BA. We don't even think about that yet. US BANK also rolls by ssn and ext.

Where to lookup ssn?

What is fullz? Fullz - Full info. These are: first name, last name, ssn + dob, billing address + zip, phone number + - email, dl and mother's birthday. DL - driving license. Mmn is the mother's maiden name. Fulks come with DL (driver's card) and without. You can find such fullers in our fasteners. Such fullers are needed for verifiers in large offices, such as crypts or money transfers.

CR - CREDIT REPORT - Credit Report + Credit Account (level). The US system is all about loans, they take everything on credit, each resident has either good or bad credit. In a credit report, you can find what you bought cardholder, what loans he has now and what he took them for all his life.

CREDIT SCORE - this is a credit level from 0 to 1000+, the higher the credit speed, the better. As a rule, you need to work with fullers with a credit score of more than 700.

A prepaid card is a card with access to your personal account, which you can upload / download / link. You register it for fullz.


Registered for fullz + sometimes BG. BG is also needed to break through the credit of the report, the credit is fast.

What is BG - BG these are questions of the type: where did you live? Who was you married to 3 years ago, what was the name of your cousin who sat down for murder?

We will also punch such information tomorrow, it is needed to create BA and prepaid cards.

Bg and CR (not CS). They are needed to create any self-registering bank, there are questions on this part. For prepaid cards it is not always necessary to know BG and KR, only in 7% of cases. Very few offices have such a verification.

What is needed for self-registration:

1) Fullz - Ssn + Dob. Fulks cost from 15 rubles. We enter ssn dob only upon request.

2) Do not forget about setting up RDP: Start - execute, enter regedit. Next Edit-Find. Enter PayPal into the line, put 3 checkmarks, click Find Next.

3) GV account - Google voice, where we will receive SMS. To begin with, we will only work in yus. A number, textnow or text + will also work. I will tell you how to do it.

4) Bank account, take a Chase, Bofa. We do not touch the top banks. The more balik on the account, the better. You can also work with AP. Refs go well with him. Now the Citizen bank and BBT, which I will give you, is fine.

5) VCC (Virtual Credit Card) card - a virtual card available in shops. Or we register a prepaid card (Walmart, Akimbo, Go Bank). There will be a list of all available prepaid cards. The visa fits well.

6) Enroll CC. If there is enroll and this fulka (fullkaa under cc) is not registered in pp - you can tie it in pp. Although enroll is better to immediately beat or drain the money through the merch (by tying the card there). Or translations. This is all in later lectures.

7) Email under cardholder - mail gmail, aol, yahoo, (as in the video). Mail under cardholder. We register mails in advance. Gmail is best.

8) When buying: BA, RDP, fullz. We tell the seller that for registration in PP.

BA is tied either instant through the log pass, or by micro-deposits (mini-deposit, write-off of a certain amount). You can check minikis here - in the books section (only TD), enter the fuller data and your BA (account and route). Also on personalcapital, you can check minikis in the general heap (check here). Also, minikis are checked in the Dave and Hifi applications (android or iPhone), as well as by binding the log pass. Quicken - you can check the balance for a fee. - here you can also check the bank balance, just drive in any valid cc. Even working off will do.

How to find out AH and RN number BA? Through which it binds on minideps.

Next, we do everything as in the video. + we attach any prepaid card that fits in pp. The same Go Bank fits like a card (cc). Walmart does not climb especially. We tie in 3-5 days.

Then we throw our self-registration into the bed and after 3 weeks we try to make another purchase. We swing it carefully. After you have made 3-4 purchases, you can try to make a deposit to the balance using the Add Money button. The deposit is sent from the BA account (3 days). You can also bind a self-register ba and drain money there. Next, drive into the exchange after passing the verification. Verify will be in rendering. Or merge in a different way with the BA, all this will be in lectures on BA.

How to get money on the balance:

1) Ref, cancellation of the purchase of goods, after which the money falls to you on the balance of the stick. Go well with Bofa and Td where to shop. Ebay,, Any shop with payment pp.

2) Add Money button, either immediately try or after 1-2 months.

How to deposit via Add money? Punch the info under the ba through the soap, if you have a ba with a known soap or access to lx. We punch all the information under it. We re-register the self-registration np and try to pull it, it is best to do the self-registration ba, but this is in the next lectures.

Further, either we give it for cash, or we transfer it to the same Go Bank. We go to the prepaid2cash website, download the application to the mobile phone there and drain the money from our prepaid to payoneer. We do Payoneer for a drop / ourselves. Or just give your prepaid card to the clerk. The percentage there is from 50 to 70%. You can just drive prepu into Amazon, there will be no charge.

You can take Peyonier at As well as other scans, etc.

Lookup services.

# BG - background
westlaw publicdata - FL. TX - lookup DL - the best site for lookup cr and cs (requires BG) - lookup Credit report (need BG)
Allstate, Geico - lookup the holder's cars - lookup the holder's work

How to get a phone in USA, install a full-fledged bucket emulsion (in meme 5.1), then download the app cloner and nextplus (from Install and then clone the nextplus program in the app cloner, at the same time changing the name to the type 'n + OH pp1'. Then we launch each version of the program and bind any mail (ru comes in) and select a number for the state. - shop with Google voice

Prepaid cards

Prepaid cards are registered for fullz (ssn + dob), sometimes it can be requested by BG (in the case of booked offices like Walmart). It is advisable to break through a loan before registering. It will depend on how much the prepa will give you.

What are they for? We can drain or pour the balance on them. Then give these cards to the buyers for a percentage.

We do not touch the list of cards that you can register, akimbo and valmart.

When registering, we indicate all data from the fulka except for the address. We indicate the address of our intermediary / drop or the helmet on the cardholder.

Akimbo's personal account.

Tranfer methods:

1) Through the BA brute, enter the log and pass from our ba and the amount for which we want to replenish. If it is possible to choose how to link the ba, through minikis (2-3 business days) or instant (log pass) we select minikis. More confidence and the chance that it will pass. After the end of the linking, the money will fall on the balance of this card and you can safely either drive it in, or give it to buyers, or cash it out as you like. For example via Paxful or Prepaid2cash.

2) Having carding cc, cc should often be the same name as fulka, but this is far from everywhere. How to fill in cc? We just drive in the data and enter the amount for which we want to replenish. The best way to do this is from Enroll.

3) Direct deposit, drawing a check from brute ba to your account and routing namber. The prepaid card has AN and PH. We go to the renderer Tygydyk (in the fixing of the general chat), ask him to draw a check for replenishment from your brute-force to your prepa. Or we use the site and then give Tygydyk. In any case, you need an android and a printer at hand. Plain black and white. Get into this topic with luggage behind your back and money. Consult with me and tygydyk separately.

4) Beat drink, we go into the brut of the ba and through the beat drink we pour on your prepu. We press beat drink and indicate AN and RN from your prepaid.

5) Link the prepu to brute ba, this is done in your external account. Next, we merge the balance onto it.

6) Site, we need rendering. 7) The rest of the sites where you can link the ba and make a transfer to AN and RN.

After registration, it is better to let it rest and fill it in 5-7 days. It's just as good to swing white money

The task is to find 1 site where you can link the ba and translate it to AN and RN. - shipping calculator here is taken the address in the middle, for further sending or forwarding here. auto-fill settings in Google Chrome - auto-fill the address so that you don't need to fill it up every time.

Mail - Yahoo, aol,, the best corporate mail.

Register mail under cardholder, then enters the same parameters into textnow Selects Arecode for the state. - check BG cardholder. - to be filled in after receiving data from Intelius.

Thank you for reading this tutorial.
Good luck!
Hi well I am a little novice I like your information I did not understand everything you will have some encon for mega or some course group please


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Excellent work, thank you. My question is about running VPN with RDP, run the VPN on primary PC before connecting to RDP OR connect to RDP then run VPN?
Hello! This is free carding training for you job.

Dedik's (RDPs) type
In what form will the Dedicated Server be? Region: Virginia (VA) City: Roanoke ZIP: 24016 Login: gbaccounting-pc \ qbusеt Password: 5> + qF7M @

1) - Dedicated IP, by which you should check it.

2) Virginia - Virginia (VA)

3) Roanoke - Roanoke city

4) gbaccounting-pc \ qbusеt - user

5) 5> + qF7M @ - password

How to connect to Dedicated Server (RDP)

Start - Run => mstsc Or Start - connect to a remote desktop. We enter the ip in the first line, then the login and password of the account.

Parameters that must be respected:

1) DNS leak - jumps. DNS should be 1. After purchasing a Dedicated Server (RDP), we update the DNS cache. How to do it - Google it. The algorithm is different for different systems. If, nevertheless, DNS jumps on your Dedicated Server, we set up a tunnel.

2) We try to take the RDP under the zip, always take the RDP first, then cc, etc. It is best to write the zips that you have to the sellers.

3) 80,443,3389,22 - these ports must be closed. After the purchase, you will not close them, because the ports are opened by a certain program on the RDP. By closing it, you can be left without a Dedicated Server.

4) Webrtc, flash, etc. do not touch - clean good RDP, everything is fine! That is, they should not be turned off. Webrtc - ip must be 1. If WebRtc shows ru ip in the chain, install the plugin in chrome or replace it manually.

Flash and Java are always on!

5) Time and language must match the place of residence of the person (cardholder / bank account holder / paypal)

6) There should be no spam blocks at all.

7) Antifraud (especially in PP) loves prints, especially audio. Therefore, after a successful drive, I advise you not to walk anywhere even on the basis of it, but to wait for the receipt of the goods, etc. That is, after any successful drive, we do not touch the base.

8) Work predominantly with chrome and moss. In chrome, enable autofill in the settings. This will give advantages for fraud. Driven in - cleaned.

9) Before each drive, we fill in a cookie, because antifraud checks them.

Before buying a Dedicated Server, you can ask for an IP and check everything on the following sites:

1) - anonymity check. Will show everything.

2), you can see everything. We drive in the IP Dedicated here.

3) - checks webrtc. Disable webrtc based on.

4) - then after updating the DNS cache, you can see if the DNS has failed.

So we know how to connect to a Dedicated Server / how to select it. Before connecting to Dedicated Server, turn on vpn based on. Ideally, under the city: cardholder cc / acc pp / owner of the ba. Why is it better to use vpn under the RDP's ip? Because the anti-fraud has a fingerprint scanner. According to which your trace remains in the system from a certain ip.

What to do if DNS is jumping too much on your RDP.

1) Use a browser from the vector and register dns in its settings.

2) Mesh Tunnel or Socks (SSH / SOCKS4 (5)).

3) Go to the adapter parameters, click on our connection, then properties. Next, the network tab is the IPv4 protocol. Use the following DNS server addresses and enter the IP Dedicated there. If nothing has changed, enter another DNS and take it from here

How to make a stealth account.

#dediks (dediks, RDPs)

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
@foxrdp - to extreme
@Djin777 - to extreme
@Diego22222 - to the extreme

What we do after connecting:

1) install CCleaner and clean it completely.

2) Go to the browser and clear the cache completely.

3)We update the DNS cache, if it falls off, the only way out is to set up a tunnel.

4) We put the time and time zone under cardholder.

5) If you worked with PP on your RDP, do the following: Start - execute, enter regedit. Next Edit-Find. Enter paypal into the line, put 3 checkmarks, click Find Next. Delete everything that the editor issued.

6) register server.conf and .ovpn mssfix 0, hide VPN Fingerprint Ps programs, hide, if not a hidden account, and also give them after use. We clean cookies after work. - Look there it will indicate how much dns you have

List # vpn to use. Logs are not shared.

Search for shops, AVS reconciliation. #searchshopovavs

AVS - billing / shipping reconciliation

Billing is the address that cardholder indicated when registering his cc / receiving it at the bank. Shipping where you send this or that product in order to receive it in the future. It works everywhere, except for European countries (England has AVS), India, South Korea, Russia, CIS, etc. USA; Australia; Brazil; New Zealand; England; Canada - there is a reconciliation. When driving in, we must completely fit under the kx (cardholder - card holder) Fit under his billing address. Pick up a tunnel / sock or Dedicated under its zip. This is the key to success. Good checkmate + good system + as close to kx as possible.

After buying the card, we can check it by driving it into any donation (donation) for a small amount, but best of all is Google Play. It is best to check the card not by driving it in, but by tying it.

We do not use checkers in shops, unless, of course, it says there that the card can be refunded (then you can use it)

We bought a card, went to the site and looked at whether the billing address is normal on it. People com is looking for soap. Email is not always in cc, in this case you can score

Where to lookup through the card bank? Some shops, etc. require a bank number.

Bin - 6 first digits of the card. You can find out the bank by bin. We enter the bin into these sites and the bank issues it.

How to find a shop

What we need:

1. Google

2. Ability to compose requests. Let's start with a simple one, to begin with, let's decide which country shop we need. For example usa. Open google, write the following query in the search box - shop + inurl: .com. The meaning of shop speaks for itself, there is no need to explain it here. Next comes the "+" sign, it allows you to better filter the request. The next request inurl: - indicates that the phrase we are looking for should be in the link / link / url. For example, we have written the value - .com. The search will return us to shops with domains ending in .com. Our request is not perfect, it is taken as an example and therefore should not be counted on everywhere. By the way, it can be made more specific by putting quotes at the beginning and at the end. This allows us to receive more accurate search responses from Google for our queries. Above was described a banal example of finding shops. Go ahead, start looking ... Let's start by forgetting about American shops, 90% of carders are looking for them. We will go the other way, we will look for shops in other countries. In Yus, shops jerk off and die very quickly. If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so Yus is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so Yus is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains If you are looking for something in Yus, then only not shops, you can search for shops, but with digital goods. And so US is full of other services, which we will talk about later. We go to - This is a site listing countries. For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself. Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu. This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains

Since we have chosen the Czech Republic, we also look at the Czech domain. The list shows only one Czech domain, it is .cz. Now we download Google Chrome, it will come in handy for us. And we start experimenting with requests. For example - shop + pay visa + worldwide + site: .cz. Let's analyze our request: shop - everything is clear here, this is a shop. pay visa - we make it clear that we are interested in paying cc. Here you can change the request to mc, maestro, paypal, etc. worldwide - a value indicating that we need a shop with worldwide delivery. site: .cz - well, at the end of the request, we designate the domain. The request will give us the shops.

You can also add a search for the thing you are looking for here - for example, insert + iPhone12 + in the center of the phrase

As a rule, we don't take shops from the first search pages. In this case, we will safely ignore this rule and begin to sort out the shops (does not apply to USA).

It is better to make requests in FireFox, and browse the shops in Chrome, since chrome will quite normally translate the shop from Czech into Russian, which will greatly facilitate our work.

In order to find a shop in any country that is not translated into English, we change the language of the keys. For example, if you need a shop in Germany only in German, enter the keys into google translate and translate them into German. As a result, to search for a German shop, we need to enter shop + bezahlen mit Visa + weltweit + site: .de. Of course, in this case, you will also receive shops with translation, but in the general list you will also find the ones you are looking for without translation.

Queries are the best search. On request, you can read more on the Internet, there are many goodies for compilation. It is also good to look for shops through affiliate programs, there you can find shops that have just opened and not only shops.

It is best to look for shops at some promotional sites, etc. Or start with requests, and then move on to other shops and so on. Include creativity.

Found the shop we need. He needs to be evaluated and his merch must be punched.

We are punching the merch here -

There you can find out everything about the structure of their site. Also on this site you can try to hardcode premium access, so to speak, but it's hard.

The merch or engine will be listed in the ecommerce tab. An example of the engine is Magento Bigcommerce, which is also a good engine for working with GIFTs. Zadrochen in yusa on technique, on other goods no. Gifts 50/50. Next, we check the shop for alexa. Alexa rank (rating) - the rating of the shop in the world and the country in which the shop is located. The higher the rating, the less known the shop, the less the more famous the shop. Ideally, try to look for something in between.

If the shop has Gift, you can see their range. Ie: If a shop offers e-gifts in denominations of 100 to 1000, most likely it is less expensive. If from 100 - 300, then he is already more fucked up, or just such a shop (here 50/50) Therefore, we are trying to find the first option. E-gift is an electronic certificate with a certain denomination, which you can buy later. AVS does not apply to e-gift, since you send gift to the spike address (it is electronic and comes to your fake mail) Then you can safely buy them to any spike address. This is in later lectures.

It is impossible to find out the information whether the shop gives or not 100%, only by driving it into it. When working with cc and PayPals, I advise you to look for new sites. If you break through the site, it will give you more than any shop. But shops, too, can not be badly stocked.
Assignment: Find 3 shops that, in your opinion, can give to drive. Based on the lecture course.


If we hit sites (eBay) / shops, it is best to send them to the stingy so as not to worry about the product. You can also send it to the drop. If the drop is clean and the carj did not go to its address, your traffic will increase. Further from the drop either to the stingy or to your home (very expensive).

Drops are people to receive your product / transfers. Drops are non-adjustable and adjustable. Divorced ones who do not understand that goods are being delivered to them. Non-divorced are those who know what they are doing. We will work with drop services, where the drops are fixed. We will also work with middlemen and stingy. I don't think it's worth explaining who are stingy. Drop service is a service for providing drops. How they work - they give you a panel where there will be available drops with their addresses. Before driving in, we take the address (spike) from them and beat on it.

The pack came for the drop. You go to the website of any shipping company ( Write there the address of the sender (drop), then the address of the recipient (drop in your address). You will be sent a file with all the information, send it to the drop. There you will also be given a white label. Its cost is $ 100-150. Therefore, you can collect good packs.

from a drop or use third-party services for gray labels (fake), but I do not recommend it. In general, drops are used to receive goods, it is expensive at first. There are in the middle, and I will give them to you.

The intermediaries I work with myself: In the middle, we ask you to take pictures, completely remove all tags, etc. In the declaration we write that the goods are used, if the electronics. If the clothes - boo. If jewelry, then jewelry. Send boxes of goods and the goods themselves separately. Simply transferring the goods to another suite. The suite is your hole in the middle. When driving, if there is a line for this in the shop, indicate the number of the suite there.

Each shop either has or does not have AVS reconciliation, as a


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Thank you for your reply. May I contact you on a messaging platform, I have a couple questions? I would really appreciate your time and will contribute back to you.
The outgoing (destination) IP must be with RDP, not VPN.