Strategy 2035: Russia will create its own geo-IP location and DDoS protection system


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In addition, it is planned to normalize the use of domestic cryptography algorithms.

The Russian government has approved the Communications Industry Development Strategy until 2035, which contains a number of initiatives to improve cybersecurity in the telecommunications sector.

One of the key initiatives is the creation of an information system for the country affiliation of IP addresses (geo-IP location) in order to form a trusted database necessary for organizing the protection of the digital perimeter of the country from external destructive influence. Earlier, Roskomnadzor announced the beginning of the development of such a system, which is designed to replace foreign databases. Such foreign databases often contain outdated or inaccurate information, in particular regarding IP addresses associated with Crimea and the new Russian territories.

The second initiative includes the creation and development of a single centralized system of protection against DDoS attacks. DDoS attacks are one of the most serious threats that can cause massive disruptions in the operation of key information infrastructure. Roskomnadzor is creating this system, and telecom operators will be able to join it on a voluntary basis.

The plans also include the development of the GosSOPKA branch center, which is engaged in monitoring and early warning of information security threats. The Ministry of Digital Development is responsible for the work of this center.

In addition, the strategy provides for the introduction of quantum key distribution technology based on Russian equipment in parallel with the introduction of post-quantum methods for cryptographic information protection in communication networks. Such technologies are a response to information security threats from the advent of a quantum computer.

To get rid of foreign information security tools, it is planned to normalize the use of Russian certified cryptographic information security tools for promising communication networks. It is also planned to gradually switch to the use of SIM cards with Russian cryptographic algorithms and consolidate Russian cryptographic algorithms for protecting communication networks in international standards.

The Strategy for the development of the communications industry notes that the increase in the performance and bandwidth of telecommunications equipment leads to more complex data processing algorithms and increased dependence on foreign technologies and equipment. The number and complexity of computer attacks aimed at disabling critical information infrastructure, public administration, and the economy is increasing. Among the threats to ordinary users of communication networks, telephone fraud is the leader, which is faced by 67% of citizens.