The Pentagon is preparing for cyberwarfare: a new security strategy to protect the military-industrial complex


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The new Pentagon roadmap will help preserve the security of the military-industrial complex supply chain.

The Pentagon presented its first cybersecurity strategy aimed at protecting the military-industrial complex from hacker attacks.

As Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks said, "With adversaries constantly seeking information about US capabilities, it is important to remain resilient against such attacks by working together to protect the country."

The strategy will serve as a roadmap for strengthening the cybersecurity and resilience of the supply chain, which consists of hundreds of thousands of actors working directly with the Pentagon and its various components.

Covering the fiscal years 2024 to 2027, the document sets out four main goals aimed at improving best practices in the industrial sector. Each goal includes subtasks.

The strategy's goals include:
  • Strengthening the Defense Ministry's management structure for cybersecurity of the Military-industrial complex (MIC);
  • Increasing the level of cybersecurity of military-industrial complex contractors;
  • Maintaining the sustainability of critical military-industrial complex capabilities in a cybercompetitive environment;
  • Improving cooperation with the military-industrial complex.

The Pentagon's Cybersecurity Strategy

The strategy includes the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program, a long-term initiative aimed at raising cybersecurity standards among contractors to ensure compliance and sustainability.

Officials have long worried about the vulnerabilities of companies that make up the agency's supply chain, which is considered critical infrastructure and has been subject to serious breaches in recent years. The Pentagon said that the threat from cybercriminals remains constant. It is emphasized that in the United States, everyone should be aware of the power of hackers.

Violations continue to occur and are closely monitored. Now officials will work on developing a plan for the implementation of the strategy, which will be able to follow the subjects of the military-industrial base.