Six Homel residents are accused of embezzlement of funds using phishing links


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The Prosecutor General's Office has sent a criminal case to the court against six Homel residents who were charged with embezzlement of property by modifying computer information as part of an organized group, BelTA has learned from the Department for Media Relations and Editorial Activities of the supervisory authority.

According to the case file, in 2021-2022, the defendants joined a criminal group operating in Belarus that specialized in stealing citizens funds using phishing links.

The defendants mostly played the role of "workers": by corresponding with the victims in WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram messengers, they sent a phishing link to users of the trading platform allegedly to pay for the purchased goods. After clicking on the link, citizens were asked to enter the details of their bank payment cards. This, in turn, allowed members of organized groups to illegally take possession of banking details and steal money.

It is noteworthy that one of the accused simultaneously belonged to two organized groups.

In total, the accused stole more than Br49 thousand from more than 90 victims.

The study of the materials of the criminal case showed that the preliminary investigation was conducted comprehensively, fully and objectively, and the illegal actions of the accused were correctly qualified under Part 4 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code.

As noted in the supervisory authority, the preventive measure in the form of remand in custody against all the accused was applied correctly, there are no grounds for changing or canceling it.