sell dump and CC fullz for all world


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Advice for all beginners,
when you see a seller on Telegram that shows you money on the table, cashes online big sale of physical cards from 3000 $ for 200 $, think about selling a physical card with 3000 for 200, it's as if you give the money because they have a physical card with a pin of $ 3000 why should I sell it for $ 200, why should they give you the money?
I'm just scammers believe me.
If you notice when you contact them they try in every way to sell you something, if one has good goods they do not behave like this it is you who ask to buy and not the seller who insists on buying something every 2 minutes .... they do this with beginners, where it is easy to cheat them, I myself have suffered scams, over time then you learn to recognize them immediately I leave you an address to use on tor (always vpn on) where you will really find market where you can find everything, with escrow service, or in case of problems you are refunded: http://raptora2y6r3bxmjcd3xglr3tcakc6ezq3omyzbnvwahhpi27l3w4yad.onion/
I recommend Torrez Market and World Market, you will find them everything you want,
obviously you will also find someone who is dishonest, just read before buying the policy refund.
Good luck