SBU detains pro-Russian hackers in Kiev


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The Security Service eliminated bot farms in Kiev that carried out information sabotage in favor of Russian intelligence. During the complex events, two organizers were detained who massively spread disinformation about the war in Ukraine and tried to artificially discredit the Defense Forces.

For this purpose, fake accounts were created in social networks and messengers, in particular on behalf of the Chairman of the Security Service and the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

To create the appearance of "real" pages, official messages from the SBU and GUR were reviewed on these accounts. However, in private messages, the attackers lured people out of money and offered their "help".

They also registered fake pages of Ukrainians from different regions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik-Tok, as well as on Russian Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. In general, the capacity of the bot farm allowed its organizers to generate more than 1 thousand fake accounts every day.

For their administration, the defendants installed specialized software and hardware complexes in their own homes.

The attackers coordinated their actions with representatives of Russian intelligence, from whom they received "manuals" for conducting subversive activities.

Thus, the enemy hoped to undermine the socio-political situation in Ukraine and harm the image of our state in the international arena.

During searches in the premises of the organizers of bot farms, it was found:

* specialized equipment for "growing" fictitious Internet addresses;

* Sim cards of mobile operators that were used for registering controlled accounts.

Also, unregistered firearms with ammunition and live grenades were seized from the attackers.

Now Security Service investigators have informed both detainees of suspicion under Part 1 of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal handling of weapons, military supplies or explosives).

The defendants are in custody.

The attackers face up to 7 years in prison.

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