
Reaction score

I will always recommend a VPN even though you may already have socks this adds extra security to your system, the best way of doing this is connecting to your VPN and once connected then connect to your socks this gives a double defence wall.
There are many VPN providers some are cheap some are pricey this all goes down to preference, personally I use GoCryptic as they offer both open port and closed port accounts and best of all you can get a lifetime account with unlimited use for under $50, use the link below to check them out.

Like VPN socks are easily found but they can cost a lot from provider to provider, I highly recommend VIP72 as you can get an unlimited account for $33 per month and they have 1000’s on there ready to go and there software is really easy to use. please find the link below to check them out.

Having Pidgin with the add-on called OTR installed is one of the best ways of instant messaging wile keeping ANON (ICQ JABBER ETC), many vendors within the markets and forums will use this IM for them reasons, I will guide you through the install of both Pidgin and OTR,if you are unsure how it works,dont worry by the time you have finished following my step by step you will have a fully working Pidgin and OTR with no leaking IP you will find the step by step guide later in the guide.,please find both links below

This is especially important when carding or doing any “illegal” activity on the Internet but not only that I use
it also to keep off the radar for sites I don’t really want tracking me.
The best Mac Address Changer in my opinion is “Technitium MAC Address Changer” AKA “Tmac” this is a simple one click solution which requires no experience so makes it especially good for people who don’t know much when it comes to this, that is why I have included this in my guide, please find the link below

CCLEANER is a one click browser cookie and history remover this is a paid software but can be found on torrent sites for free, removing cookies and history from your pc is a MUST DO operation, by not doing this makes it so easy for your system to leak your IP, I recommend doing this everytime you go to change your IP I will be explaining more later in the guide, I have not included a link but if you are not comfortable finding torrents feel free to PM me and I will upload a copy to Anonfiles for you.

Some sites actually can see this, such as Paypal so for added security I have also included this in the guide, this is another simple 1 step solution software, please find the link below.

If your using windows then command prompt is very usefull when changing your IP, I will get to that later in the guide.

This is actually quite a simple task steps below
1. Head over to
2. Enter any 1st and last name (always use fake)
3. It will ask you to enter a phone number BYPASS this by clicking “I don't have a mobile phone number”do not enter one yet, unless you do have a ANON email if you do not then follow step 4
4. Now open a new tab in your browser and head over to enter any random email address try to keep it really unusual and write the email down in a txt file (just for future use) but do not close fakemailgenerator tab you will need this in a moment
5. Enter the fake email in the ICQ signup, enter a password and capture then press register, an email will now be sent to that fake email
6. Go back over to the Fakemailgenerator tab and you will see a email show up on there, click to confirm and you are now done, it will redirect you to a page were it says you can download ICQ
DO NOT DOWNLOAD we will be using a different instant messenger later in the guide
7. In the top right corner you will see the name you used to create the account, click that and you will see
“ICQ No.” Copy the ICQ number and the password you used for the account into the text file were you saved the email.
8. You now have an ICQ account

This is also a simple process, there are many Jabber providers but for this guide I will be using the provider I
1. Head over to
2. Enter the username you desire
3. Under the username box you will see “server:” copy this down to a text file you will need this.
4. Enter a password
5. Enter your password again for “Password Verification:”
6. Enter the capture
7. Press Register
8. You now have a Jabber account
We will be installing Pidgin and OTR in the next part of the guide, and then adding our ICQ and JABBER
account to it.

I will now be showing you how to setup Pidgin with the OTR plugin, to be used with both your ICQ and your JABBER account, most vendors and members on the Darkweb use ICQ and JABBER but will only speak to
you if you have the OTR plugin installed.
The OTR plugin allows a safer encrypted conversation which is definitely needed when communicating with persons from the Darkweb or even any conversations which are “sensitive”.
Please also note that pidgin can leak your IP if you are not using when connected to a VPN/or Socks.

Firstly we will install then I will guide you through the settings once installed

1. Head over to and download the latest version of Pidgin

2. Once downloaded run and follow on screen instructions and finish the install and close

3. Now head over to and download the latest version of OTR

4. Run the install and follow on screen instructions and close

5. Now go to programs and run Pidgin

6. A window will come up asking if you would like to add an account just press close we will be doing that
later, Now that the window has closed you will be at the main screen for Pidgin

7. Now at the top, there is a menu, click on Tools - Plugins

8. The plugin window will now be on the screen, this is were all the plugins for Pidgin can be activated and deactivated, by default plugins you install will not be activated this includes the OTR plugin which is one of the main reasons for people asking me “I have installed OTR but seems to be not working in Pidgin”
Scroll down on the list and find “Off-the-record Messaging” and tick the box on the left hand side, this will
Now activate OTR.
Now its time to add the ICQ and/or JABBER account

9. On the top menu click Accounts - Manage Accounts

10. A new window will pop up, this is were your listed accounts would be once you have added them, but for
now click “Add..”

11. Please only follow this step if your adding an ICQ account
A new window will open called “Add Account”
1. You will see “Login Options” .... We are adding a ICQ so on the Protocol drop down menu please select ICQ.
2. Now enter your Username which is your ICQ number you wrote down on a text file when you signed up.
3. Now enter the password, this is the one used on sign up
4. Now you have the option to save the password or not, personally I never save passwords unless its a computer I know nobody else uses but this bit is entirely up to you, but for the purpose of security do not select to save your password
5. Now press “Add”
You have now setup your ICQ account.

12. Please only follow this step if you are adding a JABBER account
A new window will open called “Add Account”
1, You will see “Login Options” .... We are adding a JABBER so on the Protocol drop down menu please select “XMPP”
2. Now enter the “Username” this is the one from when you signed up
3. Now enter the “Domain” this is the “Server” you wrote down from when you signed up
4. Now enter the “Resource” this is also the “Server” same as the “Domain”
5. Now enter the “Password” from when you signed up
6. Now you have the option to save the password or not, personally I never save passwords unless its a computer I know nobody else uses but this bit is entirely up to you, but for the purpose of security do not select to save your password
7. Now press “Add”
You have now setup your JABBER account.

13. Thats it you now have Pidgin installed with OTR which is now fully safe for talking to vendors etc please
REMEMBER Pidgin can leak your IP so always connect to a VPN or Socks before running.
To use OTR is really simple open a contact you wish to speak to, there window will open, at the top menu click OTR and then select “Start Private Conversation” this will now be private.

PGP is an encrypted message solution, not for conversations but for times when you need to give sensitive
information, such as an address to a vendor.

1. Start off by downloading GPG4win
2. Now run the setup
3. Select the language
4. Click next and next again
5. Unselect everything but Klepatora,GPA,GpgEX
6. Now pick your destination folder
7. Finish the installation
You have now installed GPG4win now its time to get setup

So now we have installed the software, we are going to be using GPA so follow the steps below
1. Go to programs and run GPA
2. You will now be asked if you want to create a “Private Key” if this box did not come up for you go to the menu at the top and select Keys - New Key.
3. A new window will have opened called “Generate Key” asking your for a name just put any name you want even a nickname (please note it has to be a minimum of 5 characters) then press forward
4. It will now ask you to insert an email, just insert a fake one and press forward
5. You will now be asked if you would like to make a backup select create backup and then click forward
6. You will now be asked to enter a passphrase enter one you will not forget but it must not be easy (write a backup of your passphrase somewhere just incase , it will show you how strong the passphrase is
7. You will now be asked to re-enter you passphrase
8. Now a new window will open called “Backup Key To File” select anywhere (I recommend a USB pen) then click save, your backup has been saved
9. The software may freeze and close, don’t worry this is quite normal and you will not have lost your key and will still be setup
You have now set-up your PGP Key.

A “Public Key” is the key you give out so people can send you messages
To get your Public Key, open Notepad then drag and drop the “Backup File” you saved from when you setup your key, once you have the file open you will see “-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----” and a load of random letters etc then you will see “-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----” This is your “Public Key”
copy and paste all of it and save it in a new file so you have easy access to your “Public Key” for example
when you need to give it somebody or just copy and paste to your profile on the Forum or Market.

The whole point in having GPG is so that you can “Send and Receive” messages that only you and the
Recipient/Sender can view, so how can you view them ? Follow the steps below...
1. Open GPA
2. Select “Clipboard”
3. Paste the received message into “Clipboard”
4. Press “Decrypt”
5. Type in your “Passphrase”
You will now be able to see the encrypted message.

Sending encrypted messages is perfect for “sensitive” data such as your address for receiving products you
have purchased from a vendor, to do that please follow the steps below
1. Find the users Public PGP key it's almost always in the profile if not just ask them and copy it
2. Open GPA
3. Press CTRL + V the key should now show in the list
4. Click on clipboard
5. Enter the information you wish to send
6. Press “Encrypt”
7. Select users Key
8. Press ok
9. It will ask you if you “Really Want To Use The Key” just select “Yes”
10. You will see clipboard opened again with a “-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----” just copy everything and
send it to the person who the message is for
Thats it you have sent a Encrypted message to somebody

So one of the main things when becoming “ANON” is changing your location this can be done by Successfully
changing your IP,Mac Address, Keyboard language and Time zone Settings (Some websites such as Paypal can
even see you HDD serial number)
IP’s can be changed with VPN’s and proxies as mentioned at the start of the Guide there are many places to get these so before starting the steps below please make sure you have a VPN or Socks service and know how the software works, I cannot tell you via the guide how to use the VPN or Sock software as it all depends on
provider to provider some use open source software such as “OpenVPN” and some use there own software.
Please also have the following software installed as these will be needed
So the below steps are the exact way I do my security when wanting to go off the radar for anonymity or if
Carding/Paypal then you will be using a specific location whatever you reasons are its all setup the same.

1. Run Ccleaner and clean all your browsers etc have everything selected it may take a few minutes but you
do not want anything that may leak your old IP
2. Open Command Prompt
3. Enter the following
1. Ipconfig /release (Press enter)
2. Ipconfig /renew (Press enter)
3. Ipconfig /flushdns (Press enter)
4. Now close Command Prompt
5. Now open your VPN or Socks and connect to a location/Server
If you want to use both then connect to your VPN then connect to a Sock
6. Now open TMAC and change your Mac Address
7. If you are using a country that is different to your Time Zone then change your Time Zone and Keyboard settings to the country you have used
8. Head to this will check if there is any leaks etc if you have followed the above then
you should have no problems if you have any problems it will tell you what needs to be fixed.
Thats it you have now become ANON if you have any problems occur wile doing the above then just give me a
message and I will help you out.


I hope my guide can help you and has gave you the information you have been looking for, I really hate it when.
I see posts on the forums were noobs are asking for the simplest advice and help and certain members take the piss out of this by charging them for a 5 minute job.
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Carding 4 Carders

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VPN for noobs​

What's vpn
A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. Applications running across a VPN may therefore benefit from the functionality, security, and management of the private network.

VPN technology was developed to allow remote users and branch offices to securely access corporate applications and other resources. To ensure security, data would travel through secure tunnels and VPN users would use authentication methods – including passwords, tokens and other unique identification methods – to gain access to the VPN. In addition, Internet users may secure their transactions with a VPN, to circumvent geo-restrictions and censorship, or to connect to proxy servers to protect personal identity and location to stay anonymous on the Internet. However, some Internet sites block access to known VPN technology to prevent the circumvention of their geo-restrictions, and many VPN providers have been developing strategies to get around these roadblocks.

A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, virtual tunneling protocols, or traffic encryption. A VPN available from the public Internet can provide some of the benefits of a wide area network (WAN). From a user perspective, the resources available within the private network can be accessed remotely.

Traditional VPNs are characterized by a point-to-point topology, and they do not tend to support or connect broadcast domains, so services such as Microsoft Windows NetBIOS may not be fully supported or work as they would on a local area network (LAN). Designers have developed VPN variants, such as Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocols (L2TP), to overcome this limitation.

Types Edit
Early data networks allowed VPN-style remote connections through dial-up modem or through leased line connections utilizing Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) virtual circuits, provided through networks owned and operated by telecommunication carriers. These networks are not considered true VPNs because they passively secure the data being transmitted by the creation of logical data streams.They have been replaced by VPNs based on IP and IP/Multi-protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Networks, due to significant cost-reductions and increased bandwidth provided by new technologies such as digital subscriber line (DSL) and fiber-optic networks.

VPNs can be either remote-access (connecting a computer to a network) or site-to-site (connecting two networks). In a corporate setting, remote-access VPNs allow employees to access their company's intranet from home or while travelling outside the office, and site-to-site VPNs allow employees in geographically disparate offices to share one cohesive virtual network. A VPN can also be used to interconnect two similar networks over a dissimilar middle network; for example, two IPv6 networks over an IPv4 network.

VPN systems may be classified by:
  • the tunneling protocol used to tunnel the traffic
  • the tunnel's termination point location, e.g., on the customer edge or network-provider edge
  • the type of topology of connections, such as site-to-site or network-to-network
  • the levels of security provided
  • the OSI layer they present to the connecting network, such as Layer 2 circuits or Layer 3 network connectivity
  • the number of simultaneous connections


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4 safety rules
Hello, carder! Today I would like to discuss with you a very relevant topic. I think you've already been associated with the word "security" in some way, but you still don't fully understand what it is and how important it is in our work.
Let's briefly analyze a number of rules that everyone should use.
Let's go!

1. You are what you say you are
Everything is already clear here, but I would like to analyze everything with examples.
Everything you say may be used against you at some point. Follow what you write and to whom, especially in our time (I'm talking about criminal cases about reposts or insults on the web). Follow the basic rules of anonymity.
If you don't work very cleanly and work with new people, then never start a conversation about your personal life. You only have a business relationship with him and only for work.
If someone, for no obvious reason, wrote to you "just to chat" or writes something that it would seem that they should not, think three times for what purpose they can write it. There can be(usually) several options:
1. Enters the trust
2. Sniffing around
3. Both points above.
4. Simply inadequate.


2. Choose the right software
It's all about how you work, white or hardcore.
If you are an ordinary guy who works in white or is going to work then, you can not even worry, your life is not in danger. You can use Windows 10, which has been monitoring you for a long time and even updates in quiet mode by checking the "Disable updates" box."
But if you are on the dark side, then I advise you to delve into the text.
There is Linux, there is Bleachbit. By the way, it was Bleachbit that Hillary Clinton used to cover up the traces of work on her laptop. Successful, by the way. There is a funny story-Hillary was burned, leaving the installer file on her personal machine. Journalists found out about this, and decided to ask if she uses Bleachbit. And it said, " Like with a cloth or something?" ("it's like for clothes, right?")
You can find out more about how to work with Linux on the web(or I'll write a little bit about it later). Nothing complicated, just need to get used to it. So think carefully about what you need this or that software for. Ideally, separate the work machine for personal use as well.


3. Use the right messenger
Telegram is not anonymous. Alternative - toad (jabber).
I won't open America by saying that Telegram is not anonymous at all. And the servers are centralized. And the source code is closed. And the type of encryption is generally unknown to anyone. That's a wake-up call, for me.
At your leisure, by the way, read how easy it is to intercept other people's SMS/calls, having a configured home receiver. Disable receiving calls in telegram. They accepted the call and burned their phone number. Disable all permissions on your smartphone(access to contacts, microphone, and so on)
Don't want to switch from your favorite paper airplane? Buy a virtual USA number (google voice, for example) and create a new Telegram account.
But that still doesn't guarantee your safety.
In short, the true guys use jabber.

Servers with a high level of anonymity.
The source code is open, the encryption type is known, and PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and OTR (Off - The-Record mode, when ALL correspondence is guaranteed to be erased by both users when the chat window is closed) are available.)
You can raise your own jabber server yourself, as some popular card forums do, which will be controlled only by you. But this is already for advanced boys, and you use the already ready-made and proven.

Installing pidgin + OTR


4.Google. The game of God.
Good video from the scientific and educational channel, on the topic of how Big Brother has you every day. Google has become a tool that we use every day. It would be a sin on their part not to use this arrangement to play God. They literally know what you do every day, where you go, what you watch, and what you're looking for through their search.
They were required to give users the ability to disable "tracking" of users. How do I do this correctly? I show you.
a) Stop using Google Chrome;
б) Go to, where you disable the history of actions, tighten privacy settings to shit, disable ad targeting. 20% of the effort gives 80% of the result.
c) Start using as the main search engine. It doesn't display ads. It only returns relevant search queries. I recommend it.
This was the first part of my article on security, if you like it, I will release the second part. And if the forum has 1000 people before September 15, then I will hold a free webinar on the topic of driving in <url> for 100-200 bucks. So invite your friends, create destruction!


Reaction score
Let's talk about security.
I know that people like to read telegrams.
But I will tell you the answer for those who do not love.
Can you go to jail while working with a PayPal, namely a PP? Not.
Unless, of course, you do not steal millions from your accounts. Everyday. But I think that's not the case ;)


Why not jail? I explain.

1. Computer anonymity
1.1. Left laptop.
Not new, bu, buy from hands, for example, on Avito. Do not buy yourself. You can ask a friend. If they come to him, he will say that he resold. Then their thread to you will be lost. How will they come to him? Each laptop has it. The laptop has data (serial numbers) about the processor, monitor, video card, keyboard and everything that is in the laptop. All these data are available from the firms that produce laptops. Believe me, they keep them. The stores that sell new laptops have data and they are all recorded and everything is saved. As well as sales documents. Consequently, the feds and Interpol (yes, if they are looking for you, they) will know whose this laptop and will come to him. The man will say that he sold it. Describes your friend. Tells the approximate date and month when he sold it. According to the phone calls, they will find your friend's phone number. And they will come to him. How come? How often do you call unknown numbers? How many times a day? Maybe a week? The circle of suspects is very small and it won't be difficult to find a buyer. Here you go. They came to your friend. It will be enough for him to say that he sold the laptop. Fuck knows who. The phone has already changed.
This is the easiest thing in terms of security. It's better not to be lazy at all and find a drop that doesn't know you at all.
But this method is used last. Because the feds are not stupid and they know we do that. Plus, all info from companies can be lost. The laptop vendor is dead. How did it happen? Okay, distracted.
In short, everything is easy here. Drop buys Bushny laptop and you are anonymous. In the sense that you will not be found on your computer.

1.2. The Internet. Modem, sim card.
It is a modem and a SIM card (hereinafter referred to as the Internet). Left. If you want to work through Wi-Fi, which is tied to your address, or even worse through the WIRE ?! Either see your autistic doctor, or you can give up to the cops right away.
The purchase scheme is the same as with the laptop. But it will be easier to find you here. Even if the internet is left. Since it will be clear where the traffic is coming from and which network you are connected to, and you are connected through a tower in a certain cell. Honeycomb lets the feds know which tower you're connected to. Honeycomb is such a garbage, as in bee hives. That is why it is called that. It is a network of towers that are distributed throughout the city. And literally in every district it has its own. So that's it. The modem is connected through the towers to which the phones are connected. Including yours. I think you understand what I mean. If your phone is next to the modem. You will be found. How? They will look at the data of the connected phones to the tower, at the moment when the modem is working or working. And then by elimination. Usually in a month they take information and punch phones. They will work by the elimination method. For example, grandmother 87 years old was at that moment in this cell and you. The example is crude, but I think the meaning is clear. It's a matter of time and the desire to spank you. Well, the feds are all fagots. I thought you knew. Okay.

1.3. Telephone.
So how do you avoid burning your phone?
The advice here is simple. Don't take your phone with you when you go to work. Well, steal money. Do you steal at home? Don't steal at home. Well, don't work, I mean it.
1.4. Total.
Everything is left, everything is good. Even without security (vpn, virtual machines, socks, tunnels, proxies), the dick will find you. If you are not in the top 20 on the Interpol lists.
So you need to bother with complete paranoids with small testicles. And in the second point I will explain why.

2. Why won't they look for you working on a PayPal?
If you steal millions from your accounts every day, they will, do not worry. Well, if you do 150-200k per month, then don't worry too much. I explain.

2.1 The most obvious.

To steal money from a PayPal. You need to be as similar as possible to the person you pretend to be. That is, the owner of a bank account (hereinafter OBA). This is so and so.
If you were burned by OBA, then he calls the bank. The bank starts to deal with the stick. The stick is trying to find out who you are, the old man is already dead, and the logs have been cleaned up. The only thing that remains is where you dumped the money. Or he threw it on other PayPals. Or he shopped in stores and paid from self-registration. Here they will put a dick on you. Since for the sake of $ 500-1000 it is not profitable for them to do this. You won't be brought to the police either. There are enough of their own affairs. Plus, they need to find out if the OBA is fucking. Maybe he is a swindler? Even if they determine who you are. Then they will need direct evidence in court to declare the wanted list and transfer the case to Interpol and transfer the case to another country. It is difficult, especially according to the laws of America, and you will be judged according to their laws. More precisely, if there are, then according to their laws. And the best they can do is say that you bought Supreme, Off-White, etc. You are in thrasher I hope you don't. Moreover, it is not even known whether you accepted the package. Most likely a drop. Or maybe with this stick they paid for purchases for other people, like a dark store. In general, I think you get it. To start looking for you and investigate this whole ass, then you need to be a fucking Husla. And if you are already hasla, then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. You are in thrasher I hope you don't. Moreover, it is not even known whether you accepted the package. Most likely a drop. Or maybe with this stick they paid for purchases for other people, like a dark store. In general, I think you get it. To start looking for you and investigate this whole ass, then you need to be a fucking Husla. And if you are already hasla, then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. You are in thrasher I hope you don't. Moreover, it is not even known whether you accepted the package. Most likely a drop. Or maybe with this stick they paid for purchases for other people, like a dark store. In general, I think you get it. To start looking for you and investigate this whole ass, then you need to be a fucking Husla. And if you are already hasla, then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point.

2.2 Policy.
Oh, huh? Why does everyone forget about it? As I said, if they find you, they will ask for extradition to America. You will not be kept in a Russian prison.
If you follow the news, then recently the Russian embassies were expelled from America (the majority). Now even a visa is fucked up there, how difficult it is to get. By the way, if not for this garbage, then the Saint and I would fly to Los Santos for the Oxy Battle. But don't give a fuck.
What is the conclusion from this? Relations between these countries are very bad. To put it mildly. A war might even start. Halle.
America will need to negotiate your transfer with Russia. The dick is clear for this there is Interpol, which is independent (no). But for all this game to start happening to you ... You need to be so fucking awesome in terms of stealing money from your accounts.

3. Now let's talk about security.
So they don't even start looking for you. So that they get drunk on how advanced you are in terms of security. Even better people from Interpol won't find you.

3.1 Anonymous computer.
There is everything about this in the first paragraph. I will not repeat myself.

3.2 VPN on laptop.
Naturally paid. But ideally yours.
There are tons of articles on the darknet about how to raise your VPN. Yes, even on Google. So I will not write this.
About paid vpn. Naturally, you need to buy one that Google does not find. These can be found on shady forums. Darkmoney, wwh. Don't look at the price. This is an important topic. If they start looking for you and pass through the Dedicated Server, then the only wall in front of the cops and you will be the VPN. You need to take a good service that can pass traffic without losing it, so that the speed is at the level. It is also better to take, double, triple and quadra VPN, so that you are searched for as long as possible. Since we started.

3.3 Dedik.
Such a thing that you can connect to from your laptop and use another computer. If you erase the traces of your presence. Clear logs, delete cookies, cache. That's all. They will not be able to find you, because they will think that this is the computer from which everything happened. It is clear that later they will understand that this is a Dedik, but Dedik may no longer exist. And if there is, then it is not clear from which side to look for you. After all, you have removed all traces. Yes?

Continuation will be in the next post.


Reaction score
Let's talk about security.
I know that people like to read telegrams.
But I will tell you the answer for those who do not love.
Can you go to jail while working with a PayPal, namely a PP? Not.
Unless, of course, you do not steal millions from your accounts. Everyday. But I think that's not the case ;)


Why not jail? I explain.

1.1. Left laptop.
Not new, bu, buy from hands, for example, on Avito. Do not buy yourself. You can ask a friend. If they come to him, he will say that he resold. Then their thread to you will be lost. How will they come to him? Each laptop has it. The laptop has data (serial numbers) about the processor, monitor, video card, keyboard and everything that is in the laptop. All these data are available from the firms that produce laptops. Believe me, they keep them. The stores that sell new laptops have data and they are all recorded and everything is saved. As well as sales documents. Consequently, the feds and Interpol (yes, if they are looking for you, they) will know whose this laptop and will come to him. The man will say that he sold it. Describes your friend. Tells the approximate date and month when he sold it. According to the phone calls, they will find your friend's phone number. And they will come to him. How come? How often do you call unknown numbers? How many times a day? Maybe a week? The circle of suspects is very small and it won't be difficult to find a buyer. Here you go. They came to your friend. It will be enough for him to say that he sold the laptop. Fuck knows who. The phone has already changed.
This is the easiest thing in terms of security. It's better not to be lazy at all and find a drop that doesn't know you at all.
But this method is used last. Because the feds are not stupid and they know we do that. Plus, all info from companies can be lost. The laptop vendor is dead. How did it happen? Okay, distracted.
In short, everything is easy here. Drop buys Bushny laptop and you are anonymous. In the sense that you will not be found on your computer.

1.2. The Internet. Modem, sim card.
It is a modem and a SIM card (hereinafter referred to as the Internet). Left. If you want to work through Wi-Fi, which is tied to your address, or even worse through the WIRE ?! Either see your autistic doctor, or you can give up to the cops right away.
The purchase scheme is the same as with the laptop. But it will be easier to find you here. Even if the internet is left. Since it will be clear where the traffic is coming from and which network you are connected to, and you are connected through a tower in a certain cell. Honeycomb lets the feds know which tower you're connected to. Honeycomb is such a garbage, as in bee hives. That is why it is called that. It is a network of towers that are distributed throughout the city. And literally in every district it has its own. So that's it. The modem is connected through the towers to which the phones are connected. Including yours. I think you understand what I mean. If your phone is next to the modem. You will be found. How? They will look at the data of the connected phones to the tower, at the moment when the modem is working or working. And then by elimination. Usually in a month they take information and punch phones. They will work by the elimination method. For example, grandmother 87 years old was at that moment in this cell and you. The example is crude, but I think the meaning is clear. It's a matter of time and the desire to spank you. Well, the feds are all fagots. I thought you knew. Okay.

1.3. Telephone.
So how do you avoid burning your phone?
The advice here is simple. Don't take your phone with you when you go to work. Well, steal money. Do you steal at home? Don't steal at home. Well, don't work, I mean it.
1.4. Total.
Everything is left, everything is good. Even without security (vpn, virtual machines, socks, tunnels, proxies), the dick will find you. If you are not in the top 20 on the Interpol lists.
So you need to bother with complete paranoids with small testicles. And in the second point I will explain why.

If you steal millions from your accounts every day, they will, do not worry. Well, if you do 150-200k per month, then don't worry too much. I explain.

2.1 The most obvious.

To steal money from a PayPal. You need to be as similar as possible to the person you pretend to be. That is, the owner of a bank account (hereinafter OBA). This is so and so.
If you were burned by OBA, then he calls the bank. The bank starts to deal with the stick. The stick is trying to find out who you are, the old man is already dead, and the logs have been cleaned up. The only thing that remains is where you dumped the money. Or he threw it on other PayPals. Or he shopped in stores and paid from self-registration. Here they will put a dick on you. Since for the sake of $ 500-1000 it is not profitable for them to do this. You won't be brought to the police either. There are enough of their own affairs. Plus, they need to find out if the OBA is fucking. Maybe he is a swindler? Even if they determine who you are. Then they will need direct evidence in court to declare the wanted list and transfer the case to Interpol and transfer the case to another country. It is difficult, especially according to the laws of America, and you will be judged according to their laws. More precisely, if there are, then according to their laws. And the best they can do is say that you bought Supreme, Off-White, etc. You are in thrasher I hope you don't. Moreover, it is not even known whether you accepted the package. Most likely a drop. Or maybe with this stick they paid for purchases for other people, like a dark store. In general, I think you get it. To start looking for you and investigate this whole ass, then you need to be a fucking Husla. And if you are already hasla, then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. You are in thrasher I hope you don't. Moreover, it is not even known whether you accepted the package. Most likely a drop. Or maybe with this stick they paid for purchases for other people, like a dark store. In general, I think you get it. To start looking for you and investigate this whole ass, then you need to be a fucking Husla. And if you are already hasla, then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. You are in thrasher I hope you don't. Moreover, it is not even known whether you accepted the package. Most likely a drop. Or maybe with this stick they paid for purchases for other people, like a dark store. In general, I think you get it. To start looking for you and investigate this whole ass, then you need to be a fucking Husla. And if you are already hasla, then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point. then you know how to protect yourself even more. This will be the third point.

2.2 Policy.
Oh, huh? Why does everyone forget about it? As I said, if they find you, they will ask for extradition to America. You will not be kept in a Russian prison.
If you follow the news, then recently the Russian embassies were expelled from America (the majority). Now even a visa is fucked up there, how difficult it is to get. By the way, if not for this garbage, then the Saint and I would fly to Los Santos for the Oxy Battle. But don't give a fuck.
What is the conclusion from this? Relations between these countries are very bad. To put it mildly. A war might even start. Halle.
America will need to negotiate your transfer with Russia. The dick is clear for this there is Interpol, which is independent (no). But for all this game to start happening to you ... You need to be so fucking awesome in terms of stealing money from your accounts.

So they don't even start looking for you. So that they get drunk on how advanced you are in terms of security. Even better people from Interpol won't find you.

3.1 Anonymous computer.
There is everything about this in the first paragraph. I will not repeat myself.

3.2 VPN on laptop.
Naturally paid. But ideally yours.
There are tons of articles on the darknet about how to raise your VPN. Yes, even on Google. So I will not write this.
About paid vpn. Naturally, you need to buy one that Google does not find. These can be found on shady forums. Darkmoney, wwh. Don't look at the price. This is an important topic. If they start looking for you and pass through the Dedicated Server, then the only wall in front of the cops and you will be the VPN. You need to take a good service that can pass traffic without losing it, so that the speed is at the level. It is also better to take, double, triple and quadra VPN, so that you are searched for as long as possible. Since we started.

3.3 Dedik.
Such a thing that you can connect to from your laptop and use another computer. If you erase the traces of your presence. Clear logs, delete cookies, cache. That's all. They will not be able to find you, because they will think that this is the computer from which everything happened. It is clear that later they will understand that this is a Dedik, but Dedik may no longer exist. And if there is, then it is not clear from which side to look for you. After all, you have removed all traces. Yes?
Thanks for this, but please show me the right way , how we become invisible.