Rippers on carding forums


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ℹ️ Information
Well we all know those Telegram vendors with their offers and emojis and whatever they do.

I want to write a little message for those people who are new to this underground market.

There are a lot of rippers underway and not only Telegram has rippers. There are different apps like:
... where those hungry bastards are hunting their money.

People which are new to the business don't know much about it and think everyone is your friend. NOBODY is your friend, you have only team-mates and nothing more!!!

▪️Don't share information about yourself
▪️Don't share access to any of your servers if you are new
▪️Don't share passwords or any kind of traceable ID, Key, Account

All those hungry bastards which rip you off will try to get either as much information as they can and will blackmail you if you say they are ripper then they will leak your identity or much more worse things.
Many sellers which are in haste, and urge you to pay fast are not "time is money"-people, they just want your money. Avoid such idiots.

Money doubling — True or Fake?
Definitely fake. People will claim that they will double your money from $50 to $500. Don't be an idiot, hungry rippers even rip you 100rs ($1,50) if they can. Nobody will pay you more money as they receive... If you know a bit marketing strategy then you know that those values makes you a big minus.

BTC Fake Transactions / Fake Sender — True or Fake?
Could be true, but i am not sure. All i know is, that these EXE-files have viruses like miners, botnet trojans, stealers etc. Next question is, why should you do fake transactions? Is this useless shit really necessary or do you just want to rip someone ? Truly questions gains truly answers.
First of all, you're very suspicious if you use fake senders / fake transactions. People will claim that you are rippers and just try to rip someone, so just leave this fake btc transfers topic.

Identifying Rippers?
Usually you can't know rippers immediately, but you can trust your tummy feelings. For example people with the names:

Are very suspicious and maybe potential rippers.

Escrow - Safe or Not?
The usual escrow is safe, the escrow admins mustn't. If you don't know what escrow.
Be careful while choosing your escrowers, admin could receive you BTC and then kick you from the group, and keep your BTC.

Extra Tips
▪️If you buy cards, ask for live-check like in netflix, amazon etc.
▪️Emojis in offers aren't helpful and just should help for clickbait (everyone does that)
▪️Always ask if you buy an item, what it does deliver(cards: fullz or cvv2, loags: which details?)...
▪️Deal with secret chat, it's encrypted and you can see if anyone took screens
▪️Never deal with people, which hadn't a username, if someone wants to hide something, then you shouldn't trust
▪️If someone DM you, check the @ username, or the ID in ripper report groups first, ask in groups for known deal with him.
▪️Feedback Channels mustn't be real, could also be fake.
▪️Even BTC is traceable, secure payment methods without traces could be ETH, XMR but not local bank transfer or paytm etc.
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Time to speak to forum, from owner to members, congrats to forum we have reached 1k members... I take all my spare time ⏱ to teach you for free without money (except services), knowledge is free, services and tools costs! Remember to this sentence in Carding ? and Cracking scene ⛓ I will give you real accounts, many people share already taken or expired accounts.

Many crackers invest their time and money in WLAN costs because the cost of cracking and testing SQL databases increases. ⛁ But many sell just because they want to get rid of people, they lure you with cheap prices and say: "Why don't you pay $10 for 10 accounts", and then give you expired or invalid accounts.❌ We all need money, and I want you to share our forum, I've always wanted to have a huge community and we will from day to day.

Please don't trust carder who tries to refer you to laptops and shit. Don't be stupid enough to fall for it... Carder is only using you to cover their tracks, maybe you're paying Carder more than he's paying for his investment. No carder does this for free, and only those at least teach you for free, so called "cracking/carding classes" are unnecessary, Google is your friend and helper, but not the police!

Only start in this shit if you know how to be anonymous and how to act in darknet. Easy to say... Services and tools that are on free websites like or ccleaner, which contribute to anonymity (cclener even free), can't really scam you. The sources are mostly still sold by Carder, where you have to wonder what the hell?!
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Carding is an incredible business
Good evening, good afternoon, in general there is no difference.
Today we'll talk about carding and, in general, what kind of game is this on which craftsmen cut money.
Let's immediately define who they are?

Carders are guys who use data from other people's bank cards or steal them and recruit stuff for themselves, or whatever.
These guys have their own "vocabulary", jargon.
It is advisable to get acquainted with it (so that you know for the future)
  • cc, ss, cardboard - credit card.
  • Cardboard driver is a person who makes purchases with stolen credit cards in electronic stores.
  • Track - magnetic stripe data. In addition to the card number, it contains information without which the electronic use of the card (in terminals) leads to a failure.
  • DP (dump + pin) - track + PIN.
  • Drop (mule) - a dummy to whom the goods ordered in an electronic store on a stolen credit card come. Most often these are homeless people or wandering immigrants.
  • Cardholder is a real card holder. The cardholder is always a bank.
  • Chargeback is a procedure for withdrawing money back in the event that the cardholder noticed something was wrong.
  • Ripper is a carder scammer who does not hesitate to fool his own colleagues in the criminal business.

How is data from cards stolen?
It is divided into online and offline mining.
In general, there are two of the most interesting ways to go offline.

1) Fake ATM.
Carder goes to the money box and glues his piece of iron over the base and pours software on it that reads and transmits data, is no different from the original, only the mammoth inserts the card, there are three scripted phrases:
"Insert card"
"Enter PIN-code"
"Sorry, the ATM is temporarily out of order."
And in the end, the victim simply leaves in search of another.

2) Lebanese loop.
I say right away: in the vastness of the CIS, they did not suffer such a shitty thing - basically, the foreign countries suffered from this.
A funny-shaped loop, cut from a photographic film, was inserted into the card receiver, only the victim inserts it and the whole card is not available, and ATM writes some kind of game.
But then a friendly young man appears and explains that such a game has already been with the bank and you need to enter a PIN, and when this happens, the "young man" just shrugs his shoulders.
Then the following situation occurs:
Mammoth leaves to call support ---> "young man" pulls a specially prepared string -> receives a card (pin already knows)
And the money merges.

What about online mining?
  • Fake sites
  • Hacking an online store. Hacker or bribery of an employee of this store in order to obtain the necessary information
  • Theft of data by an employee.
  • Social engineering techniques
  • By phone:
"Hello! this is Vasiliev, an employee of the bank. I'm calling to clarify your order. Did you really order a horde of whores? Really not? Can you give your credit card number and name? Really converges. Don 't worry, I'll cancel your order".
Loch himself will say everything you need and say thank you.

How to protect your ass from such a disaster?

Never tell anyone the PIN-code of the card
[*]Pay attention to the reader and keyboard, as written on the ATM screensavers.
[*]Do not use unknown ATM machines in the driveways.
[*]When scouring the Internet, look both ways
[*]Jerk off sites with the purchase of "subscription" to bypass the side (Brazzers and other well-known you can)
[*]When making purchases on the Internet, especially on new sites, use virtual cards or cards issued specifically for payments on the Internet.
[*]Subscribe to SMS banking: SMS will instantly report an unauthorized purchase. It is important to promptly inform the bank about such a transaction.
[*]Buy in trusted stores and do not chase the suspicious cheapness of the goods. Use the data protection and purchase insurance capabilities of marketplaces.