Resident, mobile, or server proxies?


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The topic of proxies has always been considered (at least I came across such publications) from the point of view of complex terms, which are often not very clear to the layman, who is not particularly strong in these your Internets. So I decided to look into the issue and here's what I got out of it:

Given - there are several types of proxy servers on the market.

You need to understand how they differ and what they are suitable for.

Types of proxy servers:
  1. Mobile proxies.
  2. Resident proxies.
  3. Server proxies.
We will not consider the ethical side of the problem, since the use of proxies has not yet brought harm to anyone, except for the mental suffering of some employees of some organizations, due to their weak competence, but this does not count.

What is a proxy? Let's ask the neural network.

A proxy is like an intermediary between you and the Internet. You send a request through a proxy, and it already transmits it to the Internet and returns a response. It's like your personal assistant doing all the dirty work for you, while maintaining your anonymity.
© ChatCPT

The fact that Gemini answered me to this is not going to write here, I'll just say briefly - once again something broke there (this is to be very politically correct).

To put it quite simply, a proxy is an additional computer that acts as an intermediary between you and the Internet resource you visited.

There are still all sorts of, God forgive me, VPN services, but let's not talk about poor ones, since even I have already realized that using a proxy server and a simple anti-detect browser is much better than the most sophisticated VPN.

The opinion is subjective and you can argue with it, however, most likely you will not be able to change it, but you can try!
© The Author

Personally, I used all types of proxies, and I have my own opinion about their quality, speed, anonymity, price, and so on. I'll tell you now!

Server proxies​

These are the most common proxy servers that are deployed in regular data centers and have a certain binding to the provider of this service. That is, they theoretically help to circumvent restrictions (even practically help), but they are not suitable for solving some complex tasks, such as parsing well-protected Internet resources.

Such proxies are relatively inexpensive, I use a US proxy at a price of $ 0.7 per month and have no problems. Well, almost.

The bundle when using server proxies in my case is the browser - server proxy anti-detection.

The goal is web surfing, using neural networks - in general, the standard activity of an active user.

There are practically no problems, with the exception of the fall-off on some browsers of the possibility of authorization by Google. That is, for some reason, on the old proxies that I have been using for more than a year, I can't log in to my Google account. Whether this is due to a proxy or not, I can't say for sure, but when I bought a fresh proxy and created a new browser with new fingerprints, authorization passed.

I use Dolphin Anty, if anyone is interested.

So, what did I learn from using server proxies?:
  • they're cheap;
  • they are easy to use;
  • they can be detected by some websites (there were cases when my IP address was detected not in the USA).

Resident proxies​

A more expensive and better proxy server option is resident proxies.

Resident proxies are IP addresses that are provided by providers to ordinary users, which makes them reliable and protected from detection.
© 2captcha proxy service

In fact, this technology disguises the end user as a user from another country.

Once again, when you use a resident proxy, you put on your browser the mask of another person's browser (not just the ip address, of course).

These proxies are more expensive than server proxies, but they also offer more anonymity. That is, if the server proxies get burned over time. Probably, with a normal organization, you can somehow compare the Ip address and the data centers that issue these addresses, then in the case of resident proxies, you will have to compare the pool of ip addresses that are available to Internet service providers.

In this case, it is not a specific IP address that is bought, but traffic (usually from 1 GB and higher), since you can change Ip addresses within this traffic (someone likes the word rotate more). In normal services, you can configure all the parameters yourself.

The speed of the Internet connection in the case of resident proxies may be lower, since it is tied to the speed of the specific Internet provider that the Ip address belongs to.

You can safely use such proxies when parsing websites, social networks, testing applications, and other tasks that require automation.

Another important advantage of resident proxies is that when working with them, captcha drops out less often, since such proxies are less detected by web resources. In other words, you will spend less money in the long run if you use the resident proxy + captcha recognition service bundle than the server proxy + captcha recognition service bundle.

Brief summary of resident proxies:
  • they are more expensive than server ones;
  • they may be slower than server-side ones;
  • they are more secure;
  • they allow you to automate more than 95% of tasks.

Mobile proxies​

Now a difficult question for toxic users of the Habr community. Are mobile proxies a child branch of resident proxies or not? I hope I don't open a portal to hell with this subtitle.

To be honest, I don't care who is there, where it is included, mobile proxies in resident ones or vice versa. I will assume that the mobile proxy exists in parallel with the resident one (although I'm not sure about this anymore).

In my understanding, mobile proxies work in much the same way as resident ones, but they use a pool of IP addresses from mobile operators as the provider of ip addresses. By all canons, this is a high class in the ecosystem of proxy servers.

Mobile proxies are less likely to use Internet resources than resident ones, but they also cost an order of magnitude more. Such proxies are needed to solve complex problems that involve cheating something, or working in social networks that are smarter than others. For example, Facebook.

Personally, I used mobile phones when I was running search suggestions for the Yandex search network. It's not a cheap treat, I can tell you that. But it worked. A bundle in the form of: a program for cheating hints-a foreign server - mobile proxies, gave a tangible result.

Mobile proxies are also used by the same guys who wind up behavioral factors on websites. They launch a bunch of bots on your sites in order to feed them cookies, and it is precisely for the reason that they use mobile proxies for these bots that you (site owners who have encountered an invasion of direct traffic) cannot protect yourself from them by simply restricting login from certain ip addresses. Ban the pool of ip addresses - together with bots, ban ordinary users who also use the same ip addresses.

Brief summary about mobile proxies:
  • they are 2 times more expensive than resident ones;
  • they are comparable in speed to resident ones;
  • they are more protected from detection by Internet resources.
Thus, for normal web surfing, you can safely use server proxies, for solving automation tasks - resident proxies, and for tasks with an asterisk - mobile proxies.