Raspberry Robin Trojan exploits 0day threats even before their public disclosure


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It seems that the malware authors have secret access to insider information...

Cybersecurity experts from Check Point have discovered another modification of the Raspberry Robin malware, first identified back in 2021. This Trojan is characterized by a high degree of adaptability and sophistication of the methods used.

As the analysis showed, Raspberry Robin developers have implemented two new exploits in the program code that allow you to get elevated privileges in the infected system. According to experts, this indicates that malware authors either have access to vulnerabilities before they are publicly disclosed, or have high skills in developing their own exploits.

In addition, cybercriminals have changed the methods of distributing the Trojan — if earlier it was mainly downloaded to the victim's computer via USB drives, now it also uses the popular Discord platform for this purpose.

Raspberry Robin developers are constantly adding new features and masking methods to the program code in order to remain unnoticed by cybersecurity systems. They changed the way the Trojan communicates with command servers, as well as the way it moves internally inside the infected system.

All these innovations demonstrate the high professionalism of attackers and the constant threat that Raspberry Robin poses to corporate networks. To respond adequately to such malware, companies must use state-of-the-art security tools and constantly monitor the changing landscape of cyber threats.